


An old man who maintains an antique and curio shop in Manhattan. The Curator is also known as the Survivor, a man who is the genetic codex of another universe that was destroyed when the 13 Artifacts were brought together in one place.

Real name:
  • Survivor
Birth date:
  • Intellect
  • Longevity
  • Magic

This man's name is unknown; he only introduces himself as Curator. His history is hinted to go back to feudal China. Today he maintains an antique and curio shop, where all sorts of mystic or old items can be found. He has The Blood Sword, Anne Bonny's pistol and Gyantse Yerpa - the bringer of death in his collection. He helped to unlock the knowledge of Witchblade to Sara Pezzini. Recently he handed Michael Finnegan the Glacier Stone, telling him that greater destiny awaits him. When battle raged in front of his door, he explained Patrick Gleason about the 13 artifacts. After the battle he again talked to Finnegan, explaining to him that he needs to stop his opposite artifact bearer and seek out balance between their artifacts. He hands him The Blood Sword and the scroll of thirteen, sending him off to his journey.

Tau'ma came to Curator after he had turned Sara Pezzini against Dani, and threatened him to stay out of his affairs. Curator agreed that this time he does not stop his brother.



Curator resurfaced as the Survivor and wants to bring together the Thirteen Artifacts to destroy the world, so it could begin anew.

After providing information to individuals regarding the locations of the Artifacts, the Curator used Aphrodite IV to kidnap Hope Pezzini. He then recruited Ian Nottingham, Sabine, Mali, Glorianna Silver, and Alina Enstrom to his cause.

He then used Aphrodite IV to convince the Cyber Force that Tom Judge, Jackie Estacado, Sara Pezzini, Tilly Grimes, Angelus, Magdalena, Michael Finnegan, and Abigail van Alstine were attempting to gather powerful artifacts to destroy every living being on the planet. Members of Cyber Force did not trust Aphrodite IV, but could not risk not trusting her in case what she told them was true. A fight ensued between Cyber Force and the Curator's gathered enemies. The fight shortly ceased after Cyber Force realized that the faction they were fighting were not the real enemies. In the fight, Aphrodite IV was seemingly destroyed and the Coin of Solomon taken.

The Curator sent Ian Nottingham, Sabine, Mali, and Alina Enstrom to recruit the Thirteenth Wielder, but they failed in their attempt.

Glorianna Silver was appointed the general of a army of Aphrodite cyborgs and sent to attack Cyber Force, Hunter-Killer, and the other Artifact bearers that had gathered against him. During the battle, Aphrodite IV was able to rebuild herself and swing the tides in Silver's way resulting in the capture of the Magdalena, Michael Finnegan, and Abigail.

The Curator then revealed to Abigail Van Alstine that he is the lone survivor from a universe that was technologically advanced to the current world, when the 13 Artifacts were brought together in one place. He survived because he is the genetic codex of his world, and his plan was to use Hope Pezzini, the genetic codex of the current world, to rebuild his universe and restore all that he held true and dear.


November 2004

March 2005

May 2005

July 2005

December 2005

February 2006

March 2006

September 2006

February 2007

April 2007

January 2008

July 2008

September 2008

November 2008

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

July 2009

September 2009

July 2010

September 2010

December 2010

March 2011

May 2011

August 2011

September 2011

November 2011

December 2011

January 2012





