
Sturm Brightblade

Sturm Brightblade

He was one of the famed Companions who fought against the Dark Queen and her Dragonarmies in the War of the Lance. He sacrificed himself during the battle of the High Clerist's Tower to buy Laurana and the Knights of Solamnia the time they needed to win the day.

Sturm Brightblade
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Swordsmanship
  • Unarmed Combat

Sturm was born in Solamnia in the year AC 331. Sturm was the son of one of the great swordsman of the Knights of Solamnia, Lord Angriff Brightblade. When Sturm was 11, he and his mother, Lady Ilys, were sent away to Solace from their castle by Angriff. The peasants in the area had gone mad. Angry because the knights couldn't stop the Dark Queen, the peasants lynched and burnt down the houses/castles of knights and the knight's families. Angriff stayed behind with his men to fight. It is a mystery as to what became of Angriff.

Sturm was raised by his mother to be proper and well educated. He adopted a thick Solamnic accent for which he was teased by the other children in Solace. He befriended Caramon and Raistlin in Solace, who, along with himself, were "adopted" by Flint Fireforge after their parents passed away.

As he grew up, he became more and more determined to become a knight and to restore the former honor and glory of the knighthood. He went on many journeys all over Krynn learning about the knights and what became of this father. When he was a young man, he learned that a rival of his father, Lord Boniface Crownguard, was responsible for his father's disappearance and an attempt on Sturms life. Boniface was put to death for treason. Boniface's squire and nephew, Derek Crownguard, was Sturm's biggest rival in the order. He stopped at nothing to shame Sturm and his family name.

Sturm received his fathers armor and sword as a young man. Though the armor was a bit big for him, he wore it always and assumed the role of a knight. He was a great swordsman, though not so much as his father.

During the War of the Lance, Sturm was an invaluable link to the knighthood and eventually became a knight himself, despite the resistance put up by Derek Crownguard. Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan, former squire to Sturm's father, was one of Sturm's only friends in the order.

Through the years, Sturm and Kitiara had a love affair. Kitiara's ambition was greater than her love, however. During a battle at the High Clerist's Tower, she killed Sturm without a second thought. It was one of the saddest days on Krynn. Caramon honored Sturm's memory by naming one of his son's after him. Kitiara and Sturm had a son: Steel Brightblade.


January 1987

June 1988

November 1988

December 1988

April 1990

February 1991

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

July 2006

September 2006

November 2006

January 2007







