


Terra is raised and trained by Master Eraqus and dreams of becoming a Keyblade Master as well. But because of some darkness in his heart, it cost him his dream. When knowing that the darkness in his heart is too strong, he is easily manipulated by Xehanort.

Real name:
  • Master Terra
  • Xehanort
  • Terranort
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Darkforce Manipulation
  • Darkness Manipulation
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Electricity Control
  • Energy Absorption
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Shield
  • Fire Control
  • Flight
  • Gravity control
  • Healing
  • Ice Control
  • Leadership
  • Light Projection
  • Magic
  • Magnetism
  • Power Item
  • Power Suit
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Swordsmanship
  • Time Manipulation
  • Tracking
  • Water Control
  • Weapon Master
  • Wind Bursts
First issue:
Kingdom Hearts Visual Art Collection (2003) #1


Terra is one of the main characters in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Along with his best friends Ventus and Aqua , is a Keyblade apprentice, and it is his dream to reach the title of Master. His name means "Earth" in Latin, similar to Riku's name in Japanese meaning "land". Terra chooses Riku as his successor, making him destined to wield the Keyblade in the future.


Terra meets Ventus
Terra meets Ventus

Terra as a Keyblade wielder spends his days training under Master Eraqus at the Land of Departure along with his friend, Aqua. Terra's dream was to be a Keyblade master like Eraqus.

A few years ago, Master Xehanort , whom Terra did not recognize, brought a young boy named Ventus to the Land of Departure. Xehanort asked Eraqus to take care of and train him to be a Keyblade warrior. Terra met Ventus and asked him who he was. After Ventus answered, he called Aqua over to them, then he proceeded to ask him a few more questions, including where he came from and why he was there. However, Terra was terrified to see Ventus cry out in agony, then falls to the floor, and felt a great amount of guilt, believing that it was his fault that Ventus became comatose.

Terra, Ventus and Aqua
Terra, Ventus and Aqua

After a few days, Ventus woke up from the coma. Terra wanting to make it up to him, he befriended him and became his sparring partner. After a long day of training, Terra told Ventus and Aqua about his dream of being a Keyblade master, which was also Aqua's dream. Terra smiled, and gave Ventus his sword of wood. Ventus had been Terra's best friend ever since.

The three best friends spend time together whenever possible, realizing each others' dreams and even shared good luck charms that would always keep them connected.

Aqua and Terra in the Mark of Matery Exam
Aqua and Terra in the Mark of Matery Exam

Years later, Terra takes the Mark of Mastery Exam alongside Aqua in order to gain the rank of master, but fails, as he is unable to control his darkness. Without knowing to them, Master Xehanort is responsible for the appearance of such darkness during the Exam.

Terra was even more surprised to find out that he held darkness in his heart, which cost him the chance to be a Keyblade master. Later that day, he was approached by Master Xehanort, who told him that despite the darkness being in his heart, it didn't mean that it would be a problem. Instead Master Xehanort tells him that darkness cannot be destroyed as Master Eraqus said, but it can only be channeled.

Minutes later, Terra is sent on the quest to find Master Xehanort and stop the threat of the mysterious creatures called the Unversed with a promise that Master Eraqus may reconsider him as a Keyblade Master. Aqua is later consulted and told to watch over Terra, as he may be tempted by the darkness.

Maleficent and Terra
Maleficent and Terra

While on his journey, the darkness in Terra's heart gets the attention of evil in the worlds he visits. One is Maleficent , the evil witch who takes control over Terra through his darkness and making him to steal a sleeping Princess Aurora 's heart. This action, as well as the many others the dark evils of the other worlds would request of him, would haunt Terra for the rest of his journey, even if his reward was to have more information on Master Xehanort's whereabouts.

Terra's journey through the worlds eventually brings him to the Radiant Garden , where he witnesses Master Xehanort heading in an unknown direction and follows him. As Terra goes through the world, a battle with a massive Unversed leads him to reunite with Aqua and Ventus. After founding that Ven had encountered the enigmatic Vanitas, Terra tells the boy to go home, as urgent duties he needs to fulfill.

Terra mistrust Master Eraqus
Terra mistrust Master Eraqus

Aqua, thinking these duties are not as Master Eraqus had assigned them, is quickly told by Terra that his goal is still to destroy the darkness, to which Aqua counters by stating the fact that Terra seems to embrace it. Ventus quickly comes to Terra's defense, Terra angered when he discovers Master Eraqus had asked Aqua to spy on him, thus learning of his master's mistrust. Infuriated and hurt, Terra ignores to Aqua's pleas and departs. Terra soon comes to believe that he can only depend on Master Xehanort.

Terra soon locates Master Xehanort in the underground catacombs below Ansem 's castle due to Braig . Terra batles Braig who attempt to obtain the Keyblade, with Terra unable to retaliate due to Braig's dirty tactics. However, some quick encouragement from Master Xehanort gives Terra the strength to fight back.

After the battle, Terra obtains the upper hand by using his anger as a weapon, thus losing control of his darkness, scarring Braig's cheek as well as freeing the man of his eye. Braig retreating as he reels in pain, a freed Master Xehanort soon approaches Terra, who is shocked to find he has been controlled by the darkness yet again. Master Xehanort attempts to have Terra see things in a different way, that he has controlled the darkness rather than vice versa. Terra refuses and states that now he has no home to return to at the end of his quest.

Master Xehanort and Terra
Master Xehanort and Terra

Master Xehanort then proceeds to offer Terra a position as his student, causing him to doubt Master Eraqus. Master Xehanort then explains how darkness is always born within the light, revealing that fear is why Master Eraqus failed to pass Terra in his Mark of Mastery Exam. Master Xehanort then begs Terra to join him in bringing balance to the worlds, stating their mission is to defeat Vanitas who upsets the balance. Master Xehanort then pulls the final string, knowing Terra's long-time dream and calling him "Master Terra". It is because of this that Terra accepts Master Xehanort's offer. As Terra prepares to leave the Radiant Garden, Ventus catches up with him, asking to come along on Terra's journey, to which he refuses. Terra does say, however, when Terra really needs him, he knows Ventus will be there.

In Olympus Coliseum , Terra meets Hades, upon their meeting, Hades references the meaning of his name in Latin by saying "Kinda earthy." Later convinces Terra to join the games, in which he encounters Zack the darkness-controlled. Terra emerges victorious and leaves the world.

In Deeo Space when Experiment 626 steals the good luck charm that Aqua made for him, Terra's pleas for 626 to return it, which in turn forces him to realize just how much he still cares for Aqua and Ventus.

Terra meets Riku
Terra meets Riku

Some time later, Terra finds himself encountering a warm light which calls him to anothe world . Founding a Paopu Fruit growing on the island, he recalls his friends and the distribution of the good luck charms at the beginning of his quest, Terra wondering why he is there and if he'll ever see Aqua and Ventus again. Soon laying eyes upon a young two boys, Sora and Riku, he discovers Riku's potential and have a conversation with the boy. Terra asks why he wants to go to other worlds and later he chooses Riku to be his successor when he is able to wield the Keyblade. Riku stating countless times he has cherished things to guard, Terra then makes note that he still has things to protect, as well.

Called soon after to the Keyblade Graveyard by Master Xehanort, Terra learns from the man that Ventus has learned the truth about his past and has gone back to see Master Eraqus about it. Terra immediately returns to the Land of Departure, arriving just in time to save Ventus from a would-be fatal attack by Master Eraqus. Refusing to obey Eraqus' orders to stand down, Terra taps into his darkness. After throwing Ventus into a portal to another world, Terra soundly defeats Master Eraqus, but immediately regrets this action afterwards. However, Eraqus insists that he had failed Terra, and he himself must be tainted by darkness to have raised his Keyblade against Terra and Ventus in the first place. At that moment Master Xehanort arrives and murders Master Eraqus in cold blood as Terra looks on. With his true intentions exposed, Xehanort calls Terra to come to the Keyblade Graveyard before shrouding the Land of Departure in darkness, which leaves it in ruins.

The three in the Keyblade Graveyard
The three in the Keyblade Graveyard

Upon arriving at the Keyblade Graveyard, Terra meets up with Aqua and Ventus. Terra explains what happened to their master and admits that he did have to be watched, promising never to go astray again. However, Aqua warns him that darkness is based on hatred and rage, and that if Terra had come for revenge, then Xehanort has already won. In the fight with Master Xehanort and Vanitas, Terra succumbs to his darkness once more and battles the elderly man, who makes note of the x-blade 's creation before unlocking his heart and possessing Terra's body, thus forming the new Xehanort , while Terra's mind goes on to find place within his discarded armor as the Lingering Will . Despite the possession, Terra's heart fights back against Master Xehanort's several times, which leads to the new Xehanort unlocking his heart once again to retaliate, leading to Xehanort's amnesia.



Terra seems calm and cool but has a heart that would fight for his friends, yet he is constantly tempted by the darkness. Oblivious to the fact that Master Xehanort is attempting to take him into darkness, he is forced to doubt those most special to him, and only realizes his mistakes after they occur. While not gullible, Terra can be overly trusting, which most villains use to their advantage, leading to his misadventures. Because of his experiences with darkness, it brings a negative vibe to him, but Terra holds his bond with Ventus and Aqua in high esteem, willing to fight for them despite his ties to the darkness, wishing to help them long after his possession. He also holds Master Eraqus in high regard, viewing him as a surrogate father, which he proclaims to Xehanort, and also cries at his destruction with regret.

Weapons (Keyblades)


Terra's exclusive Keyblades are based on the earth element and the darkness element. The Earthshaker and the Darkgnaw can be seen as his weaker Keyblades, while the Ends of the Earth and the Chaos Ripper can be seen as an upgraded version of each Keyblade, respectively. His exclusive Keyblades are also focused in strength. He also used to train using his Wooden Keyblade, which he passed down to Ventus later. His versions of common Keyblades are longer compared to Ventus's and Aqua's.


The Keyblade is summoned
The Keyblade is summoned

Terra can summon his Keyblade in a very unique way. The weapon is summoned like data, the numbers then replaced by small cubes.

Terra is the most powerful than Ventus and Aqua, in terms of the damage aspect. He has slow attacks, but with very heavy and hard-hitting combos to decimate his enemies and has access to a variety of magical spells as well as heavy physical strikes. His affinity for Earth lets him use the powerful Quake and Meteor spells. In addition, he also makes use of dark powers such as the Dark Firaga spell, the Dark Volley Shotlock and the Chaos Blade attack.

Physical appearance


Terra is a tall young man with 18 years old, has brown hair that reaches to the back of his neck and is styled into rather messy, vertical spikes and bangs that frame his face. He has blue eyes and slightly tanned skin.


Terra's clothes
Terra's clothes

Terra wears two intersecting straps over his chest, though his red ones are rather different, dropping much lower down and almost resembling criss-crossed suspenders. He wears a badge on his belt. Also, he wears a skintight, black, high-collared shirt, showing that he is rather muscular. Terra's pants bear a distinct feudal Japanese style; his belt is tied like an obi-sash and he wears samurai pants. His pants are dark grey near the top, with several loops for his belt and two buttons, both of which are undone. The rest of the pants are tan with a small, lighter stripe of tan on the bottom hem. Terra wears a plain black wristband on his right arm, while his left arm is significantly more armored.

Terra wears an armor on the left arm, with his bearing similarities to both of his companions. Terra's armor shares the large, ornate crest with Ven and the long, segmented section with Aqua, but is much longer, reaching all the way to the bottom of his hand. He also wears a black, fingerless glove on the left hand and what appears to be a black gauntlet on his forearm, over the segmented armor, which also has small pieces of dark red armor on it. Finally, his armored boots are dark brown and gold.

Terra's armor
Terra's armor

By pressing the armor piece on his left arm, Terra becomes fully clad in armor. When in his suit, he is clad from head to toe in armor, mostly in shades of dark brown, gold, and red with dull orange lines that decorates the armor. In additions to his armor, include upturned, sharp red hooks on the backs of his boots, a navy blue cape, and a dark-visored helmet. His helmet sports two tall, red prongs on either side. Finally, he wears a dark brown cape that is now shown to be black, as is the visor of his helmet, but in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep the cape is omitted.




Friendly teams

Enemy teams