


Large and powerful Ronso Guardian.

Real name:
Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Claws
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Feral
  • Longevity
  • Magic
  • Super Hearing
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (2013) #1 HC


Kimahri is a Ronso warrior who heralds from Mount Gagazet. The Ronso themselves are a species of Spira, renown for their size, strength, ferocity and warrior spirits. In his youth, like other young Ronso, Kimahri valued and desired strength, as strength to the Ronso was one of the greatest attributes, and a trait to be proud of. Kimahri would train and endure the tough environment every day in his youth, however his relatively small stature would mean he would also have to endure insults and bullying. Although Kimahri is a giant compared to most humans and other Spira species, among the Ronso he is the smallest of stature, even when compared to Ronso females. Even after Kimahri had grown a horn a sign of maturity among his people, a physical conflict with the Ronso Biran would leave Kimahri with a broken horn.

Kimahri would leave Gagazet distraught and broken, and come across a very heavily injured Auron, a Guardian who was trying to make his way to Beville, to uphold a promise. Kimahri would honor the wish Auron made of him, and travel to Beville and take a young girl Yuna into his care and protection, for a journey to Besaid island. Having fulfilled his promise to Auron, Kimahri would be set to leave, however the young girl Yuna would ask him to stay with her, and he would oblige.

Eventually Yuna would grow up, and in early adulthood, embark on a Pilgrimage to rid the world of Sin. Kimahri her protector ever since they met, would be her first Guardian, joined by several of Yuna's friends, the Black Mage Lulu, Bliztball player Wakka, Auron who tasked him with protecting Yuna originally, new comer Tidus and the Al Bhed Rikku.


Kimahri is a fictional character who was first used in the Final Fantasy franchise, specifically debuting in the 10th installment of the long running series, 2001's Final Fantasy X. Kimahri along with many of the other main characters of Final Fantasy X, created by Tetsuya Nomura.

As a main character, Kimahri would also feature in additional media, along with other main characters.

Character Evolution

Kimahri plays the role of a stoic and silent character during a lot of his very first story moments, but eventually opens up more and more, demonstrating a general distrust of those he does not know well, but a fierce loyalty to those who he considers friend.

Major Story Arcs

Powers and Abilities

Other Media

