


Vegeta, formerly the Prince of all Saiyans, was previously a supervillain who later evolved into an anti-hero and eventually a hero through the duration of the DragonBall franchise. An exceptional fighting prodigy, Vegeta has trained himself since a young age; and has always had natural talents in martial arts and chi control. He is among the last surviving pure Saiyans from the planet Vegeta. Vegeta's obsession to surpass Goku is among the key traits to his character.

Real name:
  • Prince Vegeta
  • The Saiyan Prince
  • The Prince of all Saiyans
  • Majin Vegeta
  • Bejiita
  • Bejiita no Ouji
  • Vejita
  • Vegita
  • Captain Vegeta
  • Vegeta-Sama
  • Makita (Hebrew dub)
  • Bezita (Malaysian dub)
  • Super Vegeta
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Darkforce Manipulation
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Electronic interaction
  • Energy Absorption
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Energy Shield
  • Escape Artist
  • Feral
  • Fire Control
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Heat Generation
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Leadership
  • Levitation
  • Light Projection
  • Longevity
  • Magic
  • Matter Absorption
  • Mesmerize
  • Power Mimicry
  • Radar Sense
  • Reality Manpulation
  • Sense Death
  • Shape Shifter
  • Siphon Abilities
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Eating
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Time Manipulation
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:
Weekly Shonen Jump (1968) #1041 No. 1-2, 1989


Vegeta is first seen in his youth in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father Of Goku, effortlessly destroying 6-7 Saibaman. Vegeta's father, King Vegeta, is the King of the Saiyan race. However, King Vegeta and his son are under the rule of the interplanetary warlord Frieza. Frieza kills King Vegeta and destroys the Saiyan planet, Planet Vegeta. As a result, all the Saiyans (with the exceptions of Goku, Raditz, Nappa and Tarble) are killed. Frieza keeps Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz as slaves to do his bidding, while Goku escapes the devastation by being sent to cleanse Earth of its inhabitants moments before it was destroyed. In the manga chapter of the Namek Saga, Vegeta is angry over working under Frieza. Vegeta is especially reluctant to take orders from Frieza's right-hand man, Zarbon, whom Vegeta states is responsible for mocking him for many years and "working him like a slave". Despite being Frieza's underling, Vegeta constantly and proudly calls himself the "Prince of all Saiyans". Vegeta does not refer to himself as the "King of all Saiyans", possibly out of respect for his father, a refusal to admit the extinction of the Saiyan race or because he was never formally declared as the King.

Saiya-jin Saga

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Vegeta travels to planet Earth with his attendant Nappa to collect the Dragon Balls, and make a wish to gain immortality. At First, Vegeta allows Nappa to battle the Z-Warriors. Nappa quickly disposes of them all, except for Gohan and Krillin, and is about to finish them as well when Goku appears. Goku easily defeats Nappa using his Kaio-ken technique and Nappa retreats to Vegeta, hoping that Vegeta will save him. Vegeta responds to Nappa's pleas by tossing him into the air and obliterating him with a single blast. Vegeta then begins his battle with Goku, proving to be much more powerful than Nappa. It is during their first battle that he displays one of his signature moves: the Galick Gun. During their fight, Vegeta transforms into an Oozaru, his giant ape form. He toys with Goku until his tail is cut off by Yajirobe. Goku forms a Genki-Dama and gives it to Krillin, who defeats Vegeta with it. Krillin is about to finish Vegeta off when Goku stops him, asking Krillin to spare his life.

Vegeta returns to a planet under the control of the tyrant Frieza. Here Vegeta is nurtured back to full strength and, as a result of the Saiyans' ability to increase in power after recovering from a near fatal wound, his strength increases exponentially. He is confronted by his rival Cui, who was his equal in strength before Vegeta left for Earth. Cui informs Vegeta of Frieza's plans and current whereabouts. Vegeta then heads off to planet Namek to try and obtain the Dragon Balls. Cui realizes this and heads off in a pod following Vegeta. There on Namek, Vegeta makes quick work of Cui.

The Namek Saga & The Frieza Saga

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On Namek, Vegeta confronts Frieza's elite soldier: Dodoria. Vegeta displays his new found ability to sense other being's power levels, and destroys his scouter. After a brief fight with Dodoria, whom he defeats, Vegeta sets out to find Frieza's right-hand man: Zarbon. Using his ability to sense power levels, Vegeta quickly locates Zarbon. Although at first Vegeta has the upper hand, he makes the mistake of taunting Zarbon into transforming into his true form. Zarbon accepts Vegeta's challenge and transforms into a monster, easily defeating Vegeta in this state. Zarbon then drags him back to Frieza's ship to heal him, and then later question him as to the location of the Dragon Balls. However, Zarbon doesn't anticipate Vegeta's ability to grow in power, as he escapes from Frieza's ship and absconds with the Dragon Balls. Eventually, Zarbon gives chase but he is no match for Vegeta's new power. With his increased strength, Vegeta effortlessly dispatches Zarbon.

Upon learning that Frieza has sent for the mighty Ginyu Force, Vegeta seeks out Gohan and Krillin and joins forces with them. The three of them are able to defeat Guldo, and inflict damage to Recoome's armor before they are each resoundingly defeated. All seems lost for the trio, when Goku finally appears on planet Namek. Goku easily dispatches Recoome and Burter while Jeice turns tail and flies away to warn Captain Ginyu, who's busy guarding the Dragon Balls he had returned to Frieza while he was off fighting Nail for the special password to activate the Dragon Balls. Goku does not kill Recoome or Burter, Vegeta corrects this mistake by killing them anyway, showing no mercy to the fallen enemies.

Game Over for Vegeta?
Game Over for Vegeta?

While the others battle Captain Ginyu, Vegeta fights and defeats Jeice. Goku is badly wounded in his fight against Ginyu and is then placed in a healing chamber, leaving Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta to battle Frieza on their own. Vegeta taunts Frieza into transforming, as he did with Zarbon, and Frieza then does so obligingly. With each successive transformation, Frieza's strength increases. This makes his defeat ever more difficult for the group of Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan and the newly-resurrected Piccolo. During the battle, a beaten Gohan is healed by the Namekian youth, Dende. Vegeta witnesses this and begins devising a plan with the reluctant Krillin. After being healed from Krillin's blast by a hesitant Dende, Vegeta is under the impression he has achieved the Super Saiyan state and challenges Frieza to a one-on-one battle. It does not go well for Vegeta as he's almost beaten to death by a gleeful Frieza while the others look on, powerless to do anything. Once a fully-healed Goku arrives, Vegeta taunts Frieza and labels Goku a Super Saiyan--the one thing that Frieza fears. Frieza responds by piercing Vegeta through the chest with a beam from his finger, instantly killing him. Some time after Goku has actually achieved the Super Saiyan state, Vegeta is revived by the Dragon Balls and sees Goku in his altered state. As he is about to blast Frieza, Vegeta is teleported back to Earth with the rest of the survivors. Leaving only Goku and Frieza to battle it out on Namek.

In the anime, after being teleported to Earth, Vegeta proclaims himself the King of Earth now seeing that Goku is most likely dead because of his battle with Frieza. Gohan then goes on to fight him with little effect, being easily defeated by the Saiyan Prince. After some time, he learns, like all the others, that Goku is not dead. In the anime, there is a "filler" arc called the "Garlic Jr. Saga" in which Vegeta spends all of the time searching for Goku in space but then returns to Earth with no success.

Android Saga

All was peaceful on earth until a half-cyborg Frieza and his father King Cold arrived to take revenge on Goku. A mysterious youth also arrived. He turned into a Super Saiyajin and quickly disposed of Frieza and King Cold. Vegeta was then enraged that there was another Super Saiyajin. It was later revealed that the mysterious youth's name was Trunks and he was the future son of Bulma and Vegeta. He came from an apocalyptic future where Goku dies of a viral heart disease and evil androids created by Dr. Gero killed all the other Z-Fighters. He gave Goku the antidote to the disease and said he will return in one year when the androids arrive.

Super Saiyan finally achieved.
Super Saiyan finally achieved.

Vegeta then started to get plagued by bad dreams of Goku and Trunks being Super Saiyajins. Vegeta began intense training in over 400 times gravity. He then set out into space where he played intense target practice with planetary-sized asteroids. A year later the Androids arrived. Android 19 and Dr. Gero (Android 20) faced the Z fighters. Goku fought with Android 19 and seemed to have the upper hand, but his heart condition kicked in and Android 19 began absorbing all of Goku's power. He was then saved by Vegeta, who revealed that he too has become a Super Saiyajin. Vegeta fought the Android and showed his superiority by letting the Android absorb most of his power and then ripping the android's arms off. He then finished him with his Big Bang Attack.

Dr Gero made his escape and activated two deadlier androids: Androids 17 and 18. 17 and 18 killed Gero and activated Android 16. Vegeta then fought Android 18. They seemed equal at first but the androids were revealed to have an infinite supply of energy, Vegeta was no match. Piccolo also met with another being by the name of Cell. His goal was to absorb 17 and 18 to become a perfect being.

Goku and Vegeta realized that they needed to become a lot stronger to defeat the androids and Cell so Vegeta and Trunks began training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber at Kami's look out. One day in the chamber is equal to a whole year. A person could only go in for two days at a time.

Vegeta and Trunks came out much stronger and confronted Cell, after he absorbing Andriod 17. Vegeta transformed to a higher level of Super Saiyajin and was easily toying with Cell. But Cell attacked Vegeta's pride and told Vegeta he could never beat him if he absorbed Android 18. So Vegeta lets him, despite protest from Trunks.

Final Flash
Final Flash

Cell now in his perfect form was too much of a match for Vegeta, but Vegeta had a trump card, his Final Flash. Even Cell didn't anticipate this deadly attack and was almost totally vaporized. But he was able to move slightly to the side at the last moment. With almost half his body missing Cell regenerated and defeated Vegeta.

Trunks then fought Cell and transformed into the 2nd grade of Super Saiyajin but realized it was in vain because it decreased his speed and that's why his father didn't use that form. Cell was impressed at their power and gave them a week to train for a special tournament, the Cell Games.

Cell Games

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Vegeta and Trunks took another opportunity to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. All of the Z fighters arrived at the Tournament. Goku first challenged Cell and the match seemed to be even, but Goku did something unexpected and gave Cell a Senzu Bean. He put his son Gohan in his place. Cell heard that if Gohan gets angry he will fight at his full capacity. Cell decided to make Cell Jrs to fight the Z fighters to anger Gohan. The Cell Jrs had almost the same fighting power as Cell so only Vegeta and Trunks were able to hold them off since Goku was exhausted from his battle with Cell. Cell then crushed the head of Android 16 and Gohan became so infuriated he turned into a Super Saiyajin 2. The Cell Jrs were instantly defeated and Gohan punched Cell so hard that he spit out Android 18 and lost his perfect form. Cell then prepared to destroy the earth by blowing himself to bring it to a stalemate. Goku stepped in and teleported Cell to King Kai's place so the earth would be saved. Cell blew up King Kai's planet and Goku.

Cell came back and was more powerful than ever. He was able to survive because a single cell in his body survived his blast and he was able to regenerate. He copied Goku's Instant Transmission technique. He had the same aura that Super Saiyajin 2s had and he demonstrated his new power by killing Trunks. Vegeta became enraged and threw multiple energy blast at Cell for a good few minutes but his onslaught proved no match for Cell's new power. Cell then threw a large energy blast to finish Vegeta off. Gohan saved Vegeta by letting the blast hit his arm.

Gohan's arm was now useless and and he was only at half power when he faced Cell. Cell then prepared a large Kamehameha wave, Gohan did the same. Cell seemed to have the upper hand as the energy blast from both Kamehamehas collided. Goku's astral form appeared and helped give Gohan the confidence he needed to hold off Cell. The other Z fighters tried to intervene but Cell just ignored their energy blast. Vegeta then fired a large Ki blast right at Cell disrupting his concentration. Gohan then took the opportunity to completely obliterate Cell.

Buu Saga

Majin Vegeta
Majin Vegeta

Seven years later, Goku returned from the dead for one day with the help of Baba the Witch to compete in the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai. A being considered to be a supreme god named Kaioshin warned Goku about the sorcerer, Babidi and his plans to resurrect the ultimate evil Majin Buu. Vegeta had plans of his own. He wanted to challenge Goku again since this would be his one and only chance.

Babidi had the Z-Fighters fight multiple opponents in order to gather energy for Majin Buu's revival. Dabura, one of Babidi's strongest fighters, discovered that Vegeta's heart wasn't as pure as the others and Babidi attempted to gain control of Vegeta to fight the other Saiyajins. Vegeta then became Majin Vegeta and killed hundreds of people in the martial arts stadium to get Goku to fight him. It was later revealed that Vegeta used this as an excuse just to fight Goku. Vegeta's pride proved too resilient against Babidi's mind control. Both Majin Vegeta and Goku were able to fight as Super Saiyajin 2 and were too evenly matched. Majin Buu was resurrected from all the battle energy. Vegeta and Goku agreed to stop their fight in order to fight Buu. Vegeta asked Goku for a Senzu Bean and knocked Goku out with a blow to the head. Vegeta was determined to fight Majin Buu alone. He was angry at himself because he couldn't feel Gohan's energy and blamed himself for

Vegeta prepares for his eventual Sacrifice.
Vegeta prepares for his eventual Sacrifice.

allowing the energy for Majin Buu's revival.

Vegeta squared off against Buu (Fat Buu). Vegeta seemed to have the upper hand and even blew a hole right through Buu. But Majin Buu was able to regenerate. Vegeta only saw one option. He gathered up all his energy and blew up himself and Majin Buu. But, although completely in pieces, Majin Buu regenerated.

Vegeta was then brought back to life to fight Super Buu. At this point Buu absorbed Piccolo, Gotenks, and Gohan. Buu proved to be too much of a match for Goku and Vegeta. They used the Potara earrings to fuse into Vegito. Majin Buu was no match for Vegito and tried to absorb him. Vegito allowed this so he could get inside of Buu and free all the people he absorbed. Although the fusion of Vegito was supposed to be permanent, Majin Buu's body caused the two to separate. Goku and Vegeta saved all the people inside Buu, and Vegeta ripped Fat Buu out. This caused Super Buu to become his most evil form, Kid Buu. Kid Buu responded by destroying Earth. Goku and Vegeta escaped to Kaioshin's planet. Majin Buu then sought out Goku and Vegeta and destroyed each planet he teleported too. Goku and Vegeta raised their power so Buu could find them. Goku and Vegeta fought Buu, but Buu proved too tough. Vegeta then distracted Buu, giving Goku enough time to form a large Genkidama (Spirit Bomb) that finally obliterated Buu. Vegeta finally admitted at this point that Goku is number one, due to him always pushing himself past his limits.

Battle of the Gods

Three years after the events of the Majin Buu saga, the Z-Warriors were living quietly and peacefully. This well earned peace broke when the Seventh Universe God of Destruction, Beerus, arrived on Earth seeking the Super Saiyan God that he foresaw in his dreams.

Vegeta, having met Beerus before and knowing of his amazing level of power, did anything on hand to keep Beerus "happy". His efforts were useless and Beerus started to rampage, and effortlessly defeats all of the Z-Warriors. Despite this, Vegeta wasn't eager to fight Beerus until he slapped Bulma, awakening the Prince of Saiyans' rage to the point where he was capable of fighting Beerus for a short time and even land some decent hits on him. Despite all this, Vegeta proves no match for the God of Destruction and got easily defeated.

It wasn't until Goku's arrival and further ascent into the Super Saiyan God state that Beerus would finally meet his match. After a long battle, Goku loses but Earth was spared...for now. After Vegeta witnessed Goku's new form, he made the promise to keep training hard so he could, one day, reach that new level of power.

Resurrection of F

Sometime later after BoG, both Goku and Vegeta are shown training at Beerus' place with Whis (Beerus' martial arts teacher) despite doing their best and even working together, they still prove that they are no match for Whis who pointed out that their Saiyan pride made them too stubborn to make them a decent fighting duo. Their training got interrupted when Bulma made a distress call from Earth, telling Goku and Vegeta that Frieza has returned and that he was much stronger than the last time.

Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue form.
Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue form.

When they arrived on Earth, they are welcomed with a disgusting surprise. Z-Fighters got decimated by Frieza and Ginyu (who was now possessing Tagoma's body). Goku inmediatly goes after Frieza, while Vegeta instantly gets rid of Ginyu so he could not interfere during the fight. Both Goku and Frieza show to be on par, so they decide to take things to the next level. Frieza transforms into his brand new golden form, while Goku transforms into the upgrade version of Super Saiyan God, the Super Saiyan Blue. Despite having now achieved the power that could rival gods, Goku was having a really rough time against Frieza, who was clearly having the upper hand. Eventually, Goku got defeated and was left on the verge of death after being tricked by Frieza and his sole-surviving henchman Sorbet. Vegeta enters the battle. He kills Sorbet and, to Frieza's surprise, he also goes Super Saiyan Blue. Due to Frieza not having perfected the golden form, his power kept dropping and because of this, Vegeta had no trouble defeating Frieza. When everything seemed lost, the evil emperor, in an unexpected turn of events, destroys the Earth with an energy blast, killing everyone in the process except for Goku, Beerus, Whis, Bulma, Tien, Krillin, Gohan and Roshi. Thanks to Whis' abilty to rewind time, Goku was able to time travel and kill Frieza before he could destroy the Earth, leaving Vegeta biting the dust once again.

Baby Saga (DBGT)

Baby Vegeta and Bulma
Baby Vegeta and Bulma

In the story of Dragon Ball GT, Emperor Pilaf summoned the eternal dragon of the Black Star Dragonballs and accidentally wished Goku to be a little kid again. The Black Star Dragonballs, when used, are scattered across the galaxy. If they aren't returned in one year, the Earth will blow up. On his travels across the galaxy, Goku encountered a parasitic alien known as Baby. Baby, a genetic experiment created by the Tsufurujin, wanted revenge on the Saiyajin race for killing off the Tsufurujin.

In this season, we see Vegeta as a good father. At least with Bra Briefs, his daughter who is treated as a princess. She even went with him for shopping (something the old Vegeta would never do). While he was driving, some guys appeared in another car saying things to Bra. Vegeta got annoyed by their comments and attacked them. After the incident, Gohan attacked him and his daughter. Bra was annoyed with Gohan but Vegeta, knowing something was not normal with him, ordered Bra to leave him alone with Gohan. She did leave, if only to not make him angry for her disobedience.

In later chapters after he and Goku destroyed Super Android 17, Vegeta needed to become a Super Saiyajin 4. So Bulma agreed to help him with that in every way possible. While they were alone, Bulma and Vegeta passed some quality time together and he even blushed after her comments. Their relationship had never been as strong as it was shown in this season before.

Baby has the ability to liquefy himself and then enter a host's body through a cut or a scrape and gain control of the person. Although he wasn't very powerful, he gains control of Goten through a small cut and then is able to use Goten to cut Gohan in the same fashion. A possessed Gohan and Goten square off against Vegeta. Although Vegeta was stronger than the pair, they managed to cut him with a speed attack. Now with the whole planet taken over and Vegeta as his main host, Baby planned on creating a new Tsufurujin planet and leaving Earth. He was confronted by Uub (the fusion of Fat Buu and Uub). Uub used his candy beam on Vegeta, but Vegeta deflected it back at Uub turning Uub into chocolate which Vegeta then devoured.

Goku arrived on Earth and fought Vegeta. Although Goku was in his Super Saiyajin 3 state, he was no match for Vegeta. Vegeta then attempted to kill Goku with his Revenge Death Ball, an evil version of Goku's Spirit Bomb made of dark energy. Goku was however teleported away from the blast in a split second by Kibitoshin.

Goku needed to be stronger, so the Elder Kai and Kibitoshin stretched Goku's tail out with a set of large pliers. When Goku came back, he turned into the Golden Ozaru form but wasn't able to control his reasoning. But with the help of Pan, he was able to control this state and turned into a Super Saiyajin 4. With Goku's new found power he overpowered Vegeta. Vegeta realizing this new power, had Bulma create a Brutz-wave machine. When this machine is used, it was able to turn Vegeta into the Golden Oozaru. Vegeta, unlike Goku, was able to control his judgement in this state and overpowered Goku.

Uub, now inside Vegeta, was able to distract him long enough for Goku to regain his composure. After a long battle, Goku defeated Baby Vegeta. With Vegeta freed from Baby's control, Goku destroys the parasite as it tried to get away.

Ultimate 17 Saga

Dr. Miyu teams up with Dr. Gero to create the Ultimate Android 17. They combine the regular Android 17 with the Hell Fighter 17. Vegeta confronts Ultimate 17 and is, at first, seemingly as fast as the Android. But he absorbs his Final-Shine Attack and overpowers the fighters. He is eventually defeated by Super Saiyajin 4 Goku.

Evil Shenron Saga

Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta and Goku
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta and Goku

The Dragon Balls start to mysteriously crack and 7 evil Shenrons appear out of them. They were created because if the Dragonballs are overused then they gather up negative energy. Goku defeats the evil dragons. Goku defeats the other dragons and fights Xi Xing Long (Omega shenron). Goku proves his superiority and Xi Xing Long absorbs the other Dragon Balls. Xi Xing Long then overpowers Goku. Bulma uses the Blutz-wave gun on Vegeta again. He then is also able to turn into a Super Saiyajin 4. Vegeta then uses the fusion technique with Goku to create Super Saiyajin 4 Gogeta. Super Saiyajin 4 Gogeta proved to be too powerful for Xi Xing Long and even toyed with him. But since Super Saiyajin 4 was so powerful, the fusion technique lasted 20 minutes instead of its normal half hour. In a last ditch effort, Goku powered up a universal Spirit bomb while Vegeta distracted Xi Xing Long even though he was pierced in the shoulder by one of Xi Xing Long's spikes. Goku defeated the evil dragon and the Dragonballs returned to normal. Goku then became one with Shenron leaving the protection of the Earth to Vegeta.

Known Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Strength - Vegeta's Saiyan physiology grants him a great level of physical superhuman strength which has shown to be sufficient to easily punch through a moving truck, shatter boulders and large rocky objects with a single blow, lift heavy objects and moving extremely fast and acrobatically and performing fighting movements while training in 100x, 300x and even 400x Earth's gravity. During his first appearance, his strength overwhelmed that of Goku during several moments in their battle and nearly killed him. However, as time passed, Goku surpassed his strength. However, Vegeta has equaled and passed Goku's strength several times. Without using his chi-boosting ability, Vegeta's strength baseline is very close to Goku's allowing him to lift/press 100 to 150 tons with minimal effort. In his Super Saiyan 1 form, Vegeta is at least capable of lifting/pressing at least 7500 tons. At the end of Dragon Ball GT, Vegeta, much like Goku, achieves the final Super Saiyan form: the Super Saiyan 4 and is well matched to Goku in terms of power. Vegeta can lift over 145,000 tons and the upper limits of his strength capacity are unknown.

Superhuman Speed - Vegeta's Saiyan body grants him superhuman speed greater than that of any human in the universe. He moves and reacts at superhuman speed and has been shown to move excessively faster than cars and is capable of moving well over many times the speed of sound, and arguably surpassing light speed as he is shown to routinely dodge ki beams which have previously been clocked at or beyond the speed of light.

Superhuman Durability - Like all Saiyans, Vegeta's body is superhumanly durable. However, he has been shown to not be as durable as Goku from time to time. However, at the end of Dragon Ball GT, it is highly likely that he had become physically as durable as Goku. Vegeta can withstand high-caliber bullets, powerful explosions and destructive energy blasts without sustaining damage and has several feats of durability such as withstanding energy blasts capable of destroying entire cities and easily surpassing the durability of Frieza, who survived the planet Namek's explosion while already half-dead. In the anime and manga, Vegeta is shown to be capable of taking quite a beating; referencing his fights with Frieza and Kid Buu. In the anime, Vegeta is seen withstanding the destruction of several planets at once by his father when he was still a small child. Vegeta is also capable of withstanding heavy blows from very powerful enemies such as Super Buu, Omega Shenron, Super 17 and more. Vegeta was also shown as the most durable of the posse that was present with him when facing Super 17 and the most difficult to deal with, with the exception of Goku.

Going on the Offensive.
Going on the Offensive.

Energy Manipulation - Vegeta has complete mastery over his energy manipulation and can use it for things such as energy blasts, energy waves, energy balls, energy spheres, energy shields and more. Vegeta is able to create colossal energy blasts powerful enough to easily destroy entire planets without using his full power, his favorite blasts throughout the series and his most powerful ones are Galick Gun, Final Flash and Final Shine Attack. It is noted during his battle with Android 18 that he has the ability to destroy the planet if he were to get serious, and is again noted that during Vegeta's battle with Perfect Cell when he launched a very powerful Final Flash that the Earth would have been destroyed on impact if he had not condensed the beam at the final second. Even during his first encounter with Goku, he attempted to destroy the Earth with his Galick Gun attack but his attack was countered with Goku's Kamehameha blast and that could hint that Vegeta has destroyed planets before with single energy blasts. In the anime, Vegeta easily destroys the planet Arlia with a casual blast from his fingertips.

Energy Manipulation.
Energy Manipulation.

Aside from energy blasts, Vegeta can create large energy balls--his most powerful being the Big Bang Attack which he used to destroy Android 19 during his battle with him when he was a Super Saiyan. Vegeta can manipulate different types of energy--the most common being ki, for it is highly likely that before Vegeta arrived on Earth, he did not know how to sense and change ki at will. Vegeta can use the energy around him to enhance or increase his power (including physical attributes), he does this by gathering the energy in his environment and a sign that the energy is being gathered is when a flame-like aura is formed around his body and when he increases his energy by gathering more energy when the aura is around him it begins to flicker as the energy begins to shift further increasing his power. He can also channel the energy through his body to increase his physical strength and can concentrate ki or any energy into single areas of his body such as his fists to use energy enhanced strikes as spheres of dense energy formed around his fists. Vegeta can also sense the energy of other beings and can use this ability to follow their energy signatures and locate them.

Telepathy - Naturally, like all Saiyans, Vegeta has the natural mental ability of telepathy. Vegeta can use his telepathy to communicate with other beings. However, he is unable to launch mental attacks or protect his mind using mental abilities.

Teleportation - Vegeta can seemingly teleport several distances, as he is seen suddenly appearing behind enemies by reappearance. However, this is probably an after-image technique coupled with extreme super speed rather than truly teleportation, as it is never hinted that Vegeta knows the Instant Transmission (Shunkan Ido) Technique.

Superhuman Stamina - Vegeta's Saiyan physiology produces less fatigue poisons than any human and he can engage in intense physical activity for weeks before the production of fatigue toxins begin to impair his blood and body. His stamina is further increased by his intense training.

Superhuman Agility - His body grants him superhuman agility, greater bodily coordination and balance than any human in the universe and he is able to engage in complicated and humanly impossible physical acrobatic movements and his agility allows him to dodge and evade light speed fast attacks.

Flight - Like all Saiyans, Vegeta is able to engage in flight and has complete mastery over it as he is able to perfectly levitate, hover, spin swiftly while maintaining the same altitude and balance and can easily dodge fast projectiles while airborne. Vegeta flies incredibly fast and can fly at high atmospheric pressures and intense and harsh temperatures and environments. Only in the anime known as the Garlic Jr. Saga, he is even seen flying between nearby planets.

Super Eating - Vegeta, like all Saiyans, has the natural ability of super eating. Vegeta consumes enormous amounts of food, however this is rather out of sustenance and the need to replenish his energy rather than sheer lust for food. However, there has been on one occasion where he gets into a fight with Goku because each one claims the other stole the other's food and this could be out of pure love of food.

Unarmed Combat - Vegeta is a master of hand-to-hand combat and is an extremely smart and intelligent fighter, finding out his enemies weaknesses and using them to his advantage. Vegeta normally observes his opponent's fighting style and rapidly creates counters for virtually every maneuver he witnesses. He is a master of many hand-to-hand fight styles as he was an elite Saiyan warrior and is a master martial artist on Earth and has even overwhelmed Goku in all of their battles with his skill and dexterity proving that his skills are more than enough for Goku to handle. He is arguably the smartest fighter in all of DBZ (Piccolo being the wisest and most careful) and he is functionally a better fighter than Goku in terms of pure skill.

Ki Awareness- Can sense others who have significant power and their locations. He can also raise and lower his ki to hide his location from others.

Zanzoken- When the person moves at great speeds to create after images of themselves.

Ki Blast- Just an energy blast, can fire it in the form of a ball or a wave.


Renzoku energy dan- Multiple Ki-blast shot like a machine-gun.

Kienzan- A disc of energy that can cut through almost anything. If someone is significantly stronger, they can catch it if they prepare themselves.

Fusion Dance- If another person knows the fusion dance and has relatively the same level of power, Vegeta can fuse with them to create one person for 20 - 30 minutes at a time.

Fireball- Used against Goku in their first battle.

Barrier- Creates a barrier of energy.

Mouth Blast- Shoots an energy blast from mouth (used in Oozaru form).

Energy Rings- Rings of energy that restrains a person to a structure.

Zenkai Power- A Saiyajin ability that allows him to become stronger after every battle and near-death experiences.

Bakuhatsuha- Creates a ball of energy surrounding himself destroying everything in the nearby area.

Garic Hou (Galick Gun)- One of Vegeta's signature attacks, an energy wave similar to Goku's Kamehameha. It is powerful enough to destroy entire planets if needed.

Dirty Fireworks- Vegeta uses his two fingers to point at the direction of his enemy and fires a blast made of fireworks at his enemy which destroys them upon impact. He used this to kill Cui after he got fed up with Cui's attitude.

Amazing Impact- Vegeta kicks his opponent into the air and dashes behind his flying opponent and knocks them down with a powerful hammer attack to the back. He used this on Android 19.

Double Garlic Cannon- Vegeta dashes towards his opponent and demolishes them with two powerful blasts. He used this on Pui Pui.

Final Garlic Cannon- Vegeta attacks his opponent and smashes them in the stomach with a powerful punch and then blasts them with energy from that punch.

Genocide Breaker- Vegeta kicks his opponent into the air then chops them with a chop to the ribs which turns the opponent upside to Vegeta who aims his hand at their face and blast them which does massive damage. He used this to kill Jeice.

Final Galick Cannon- This is a powerful technique used by Vegeta against Final Form Frieza in the Namek Saga. He used this as his last resort, but Frieza was able to deflect it.

Dark Impact- Vegeta dodges an attack and teleports behind the opponent and blasts them. This is one of Majin Vegeta's techniques.

Big Bang Attack- A devastating ball of energy that is fired from one hand. The resulting blast causes a massive explosion and usually leaves a mushroom cloud afterwards. This attack is often regarded as Vegeta's most powerful move and, most of the time, is used as his strongest attack in video games.

Atomic Blast- A one-handed energy blast that was used to blow a hole right through Majin Buu.

Final Shine- A one-handed energy blast usually green in color.

Final Flash- Vegeta's second most powerful attack that fires a powerful beam using both palms together.

Final Explosion- An extremely powerful suicide attack. Creates an immense ball of energy surrounding Vegeta and obliterates anything nearby. He used this on Majin Buu, but the monster survived the attack through regeneration.

Revenge Deathball - A spirit bomb created of evil, dark energy and is charged up much faster than Goku's. However, Vegeta only uses this technique when he is possessed by Baby.

Power Ball- Vegeta can create an energy sphere that serves as a replacement for the moon, which in turn triggers the Oozaru transformation.


Super Saiyan-jin- Hair and aura turns yellowish gold and all attributes are greatly increased. In this form, Vegeta's base power is multiplied by 50 giving him a colossal power increase.

Ultra Super Saiyan-jin 1st stage- Muscles, strength and power increase greatly. In his Ascended Super Saiyan form, Vegeta was capable of overpowering the newly formed Semi-Perfect Cell.

Ultra Super Saiyan-jin 2nd stage- Mass and strength increase greatly, but speed is decreased. Vegeta is never shown to have this form, but he is well aware of its strength and is assumed to be fully capable of becoming it. He doesn't choose this form, because of its extreme speed decrease hampering his battle prowess.

Super Saiyajin full power- Rage and concentration is no longer required to maintain the Super Saiyan state. It looks the same as regular Super Saiyan, but is a tad bit stronger and can conserve energy more effectively.

Super Saiyan-jin 2- Vegeta's already immense power is multiplied by 2 for a 100x power increase. However, he has trained endlessly to enhance the power increase in this form. He is immensely strong and is shown to be STRONGER than Goku's Super Saiyan 3 in this form after the "Battle of the Gods" movie. Bills was able to stop Super Saiyan 3 Goku with a finger but when Bills slaps Bulma, Vegeta is able to give Bills a good beating until he gets serious.

Ozaru- When Vegeta has his tail and the full moon is in his line of sight, he can turn into the great ape. This form multiplies Vegeta's powers 10x. This form was also attained when Bulma used the Blutz-wave on Vegeta.

Golden Ozaru- Basically, Ozaru in Super Saiyan-jin form.

Super Saiyan-jin 3(?)- Vegeta never reaches this form in the series. Although he is strong enough, he is either unable or unwilling to transform into this state. Perhaps it is because he saw Goku use his Super Saiyajin 3 power up technique to kill Kid Buu, but lost his power when charging up. Vegeta called the technique stupid.

Super Saiyan-Jin Blue- Vegeta's godly enhanced form. This transformation gives Vegeta a divine ki, and his hair and aura turn into a pale blue color. The power of this form is so great that Whis himself stated that if Goku and Vegeta worked together and fought Beerus while in this state, they would have a very decent chance of beating him.

Super Saiyan God SS Shinka- Vegeta's most powerful form. The hair, eyes, and aura display a more intense blue color compared to the standard SSB. The eyes also have visible pupils with a shine comparable to Ultra Instinct Omen. Vegeta achieved this form by breaking his limits as a SSB. In this form, Vegeta was able to compete with and eventually overpower God of Destruction Toppo.

Super Saiyan-jin 4- Reddish brown fur covers the body, hair grows a little bit longer and the eyes are encircled by reddish markings. This form is first reached by controlling the Golden Ozaru form.


Bardock- The Father Of Goku

In this movie, Vegeta is still a child (but has incredible power for his age) and is fighting a few Saibamen. When he is finished with killing them, he orders his guard to open the door of the room he was training in. He tells Nappa that some day he will kill Frieza. When he visits Frieza, he brutally tells him that he wants another assignment but Zarbon and Dodoria refuse until Frieza gives it to him after all. But he gives him the hardest one and tells him to come back alive. At the end of the movie, Vegeta finds out that his home planet is destroyed by a huge meteor (although it was really Frieza who was responsible for this deed) and he is, for now, the only known survivor of the royal family.

History Of Trunks

In this alternative timeline, Vegeta finds out about Goku's death and, strangely enough, he's sad (since he and Goku didn't become "friends" until much later, this was probably because he will never get another chance to fight him ever again). The last time we see him again in this movie is when he is destroyed by Android 17.

Appearance In Games

Vegeta appeared in mostly all the Dragon Ball games that came out. He has been a playable character as well as a boss character to beat. In some games he is playable in Super Saiyan transformations as well Majin Vegeta during the Buu Saga. He is also played as Oozaru Vegeta. In some GT games he is played as Baby Vegeta. In Dragonball : Raging Blast a new version of Vegeta was included, this was Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta. This version of Vegeta has never appeared in any comics or episodes of the anime. Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue form appears in the Xenoverse series and Fighter Z.

Majin Vegeta

Vegeta's sacrifice.
Vegeta's sacrifice.

When Babidi and Majin Buu came to Earth, they sought power and wanted to control Earth. After Majin Buu defeated Dabura, Babidi looked for someone else who would be able to hold back the Z-Fighters from stopping his plans. Babidi found someone who didn't like Goku and despised him. This person was Vegeta and Babidi used his mind-control on him. Vegeta became more powerful as Majin Vegeta, he is full with rage and mind controlled by Babidi. When Vegeta transforms, he is able to fire blasts faster than usual. Majin Vegeta is also able to use more deadlier versions of attacks like the Atomic Blast and Galick Gun.

After Goku defeated Majin Vegeta (or more accurately, thought Majin Vegeta came to his senses), Goku explained that Majin Buu had been resurrected and that if they don't stop Buu, Buu will destroy everything including Bulma and Trunks. Though it appeared to Goku that Vegeta had agreed to help him when Vegeta asks for a Senzu bean from Goku, Vegeta was only misleading him. While Goku was getting the Senzu bean from his pouch, Vegeta delivered a devastating blow to Goku's back which completely knocks him out. Majin Vegeta takes the Senzu bean and readies himself for his fight with Majin Buu.

As the battle begins, it appeared that Majin Vegeta was winning. But soon after, Buu was starting to turn the tables on Majin Vegeta. Then, Majin Vegeta was immobilized when Buu made pink putty out of his body and used it on Majin Vegeta. Trunks then came flying in along with Goten to kick Buu away after seeing Majin Vegeta being brutalized by Buu, and then they removed the pink putty off of Majin Vegeta. Majin Vegeta then begins to talk to Trunks about the responsibilities he will have to take on, and suddenly hits Trunks in the neck just enough to knock him out and punches Goten in the stomach knocking him out as well. After dismembering Babidi, Piccolo then arrives and approaches a reticent Vegeta. Vegeta tells Piccolo to take the boys with him and go as far as he can. After Piccolo leaves, Vegeta then prepares to blow himself up to make sure that Majin Buu will die with him.

After the explosion (called the Final Explosion), Vegeta's body was like a statue in mid-air and then it falls to Earth, shattering into pieces and disappears into the winds. Since Vegeta died, the spell that made him Majin Vegeta has gone away. Later, Piccolo comes back to survey the explosion site and sees only Babidi in a shallow ditch writhing in pain. Just then, the scattered fragments of Majin Buu begin to reform itself and Piccolo, realizing that Buu is not dead, flies away to alert everyone that Vegeta's plan has failed.

Golden Great Ape

Vegeta achieves this form after absorbing Blutz Wave Energy from Bulma's machine in an effort to aid Goku against Omega Shenron. Vegeta had to be in his Super Saiyan form and used Bulma's machine because he did not have his tail and had not even surpassed Super Saiyan 3. However, it is debatable how this form can be reached as one simply needs to absorb Blutz Wave Energy as a Super Saiyan. This form is just like the Great Ape form only bulkier, slightly more muscular, has sharper and golden fur and has more power. Vegeta retains his rationality in this form.


The Prince of all Saiyans.
The Prince of all Saiyans.
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 163 lbs.
  • Hair: Naturally black (blonde and blue in various Super Saiyan forms)
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Occupation: Prince of Planet Vegeta (formerly); high-class warrior
  • Unusual Features: Vegeta originally had a tail, but it was cut off by Yajirobe in battle against Goku. He is seen again with a tail in the GT series after achieving SSJ 4.

Alternate Timeline

In the alternate timeline where Goku dies of a heart virus and the Z-Fighters never learn of the eventual attack by the Androids, Vegeta was the second fighter to be killed by the Androids in battle after Piccolo, but before Yamcha. Gohan was the only survivor of the battle and would go on to train Vegeta's son, Future Trunks.





Friendly teams

Enemy teams