
Evey Hammond

Evey Hammond

The apprentice of the anarchist terrorist V

Evey Hammond
Real name:
Evey Hammond
  • Evey Hammond
  • Eve
  • V
Birth date:
First issue:
Warrior (1982) #1


Born and raised in southeast London, Evey was 7-years-old when the nuclear war that plunged the world into chaos began. Her mother died during the time of upheaval and food shortages, while her father was arrested and executed as a political dissident by the fascist Norsefire government that rose to fill the power vacuum in England. Placed in a youth hostel at the age of 12, she was eventually forced to work in a match factory. Stricken by poverty despite her work, Evey is driven to try prostitution when she is 16.


Evey was created by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. She made her first appearance in Warrior #1.

Major Story Arcs

V for Vendetta

Attempting to solicit her first customer, Evey accidentally propositions a Fingerman. He and several of his cronies corner her, intending to rape her, but she is saved by V, who takes her to witness his bombing of the Parliament buildings, and from there to his Shadow Gallery. In an effort to repay his kindness in protecting her and allowing her to stay with him, she offers to assist with his plans. She is sent to distract and trap Bishop Lilliman, by whose murder Evey becomes extremely distressed. V abandons her on an empty street soon after, when she asks if he might be her father. Homeless for a time, she is taken in by Gordon Deitrich, with whom she undertakes a romantic relationship until he is killed. Attempting to get revenge on his killer, she is captured outside of a club and held prisoner for some time. Repeatedly tortured and questioned about V and her association with him, Evey finds solace in a letter written by Valerie Page which was passed to her through a crack in her cell wall. Resisting the torture in part thanks to Valerie's letter, Evey is ultimately set free, and discovers that she was, in fact, being held prisoner and tortured by V, who was putting her through some of what he went through. At first angry, she soon grows to appreciate what she has been through, and condone V's actions. She remains with him for some time, and finds him after he has been shot by Eric Finch. V dies in her arms, with his last breath urging her to take up his mantle and complete his work. Putting on V's mask and costume, she makes an appearance before the crowd, announcing the upcoming destruction of Downing Street and urging them all to embrace anarchy. She rescues Dominic Stone from the ensuing violence, taking him in as her new apprentice. Laying V to rest on his train, she uses it to blow up Downing Street, finally completing his work.

Powers and Abilities

Evey has no superhuman powers or abilities.

Other Media

V for Vendetta

A very different version of Evey appears in the movie adaptation of the comic book. She is already an adult by the time the story commences, and much of her backstory, motivations, and reactions are greatly altered. She is portrayed by Natalie Portman.


September 1988

October 1988

November 1988

December 1988

January 1989

February 1989

March 1989

May 1989






Enemy teams