


Patrika is a Lilitu that showed up in America around the 1800s along with her sisters Atraria, aka Nighevil, and Akasha, all said to be centuries old, possibly being around since or even before Biblical times. Patrika loves to feast on humans, especially their young. She is a magic adept and is proficient in most forms of magic.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Claws
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Danger Sense
  • Darkforce Manipulation
  • Electronic Disruption
  • Feral
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Insanely Rich
  • Magic
  • Mesmerize
  • Pheromone Control
  • Shape Shifter
  • Super Strength
  • Telepathy
First issue:
Epitaph Bread and Salt (2017) #1


Little is known about the Lilitu known as Patrika. She and her sisters Atraria, aka Nighevil and Akasha are all said to be centuries old, possibly being around since or even before Biblical times. While her sisters are either indifferent or hate humanity, Patrika loves to feast on humans, especially their young.

Patrika first showed up in America around the 1800s along with her sisters. Having the appearance of a white woman made it easy for her to move about, but hard for her to travel with her sisters. If found she was believed be traveling with what were thought to be runaway slaves. Bounty hunters would usually be killed trying to bring them back to their assumed masters as they were no match for her sisters, particularly Nightevil. If they did live through a battle with Nightevil and Akasha, they would run into her, who having the appearance of a white woman, they assumed would be their ally. She would tear into and devour them.

Sometimes Akasha and Nightevil would allow themselves be captured and taken to a plantation. Patrika would usually kill and eat the owners while Nightevil and Akasha took over the plantation. When needed Patrika would act as the plantation owner. The sisters would use the slave masters and slaves for food, feeding both their flesh and souls.

Patrika and her sisters are all very rich from wealthy from stealing plantations, claim jumping during the gold rush, locating buried treasure and simply taking the money from those that crossed them. As time went on and the speed of information and image processing became faster, it became harder to stay hidden. While her sisters do hunt in the day, as many don't even know when Nightevil and Akasha are feeding on them, Patrika chooses to do so at night as she did way back when.

Patrika, like many Lilitu, has a preference for hunting children, but she did spare one, a teen boy called Montague, as he amused her with his fascination with her believing her to be a vampire. She kept the teen as somewhat of a pet, allowing him to live under the condition he would serve her and never go back to his old life or she'd devour his family. He agreed and over time became her day worker and he's worked for her until adulthood. While Patrika can go out in the day, she does have an allergy to sunlight, also she prefers to hunt under cover of darkness. Their relationship was strained when after a minor flirtation with a waitress at a restaurant Patrika went back to the restaurant, in the for a giant bat, snatched the waitress up as she walked home and dropped her from over seventy stories. While angry, Montague had little recourse. She's also began to harshly punish him for his mistakes, clawing and at times biting him then healing him.

Powers and Abilities

As with all Lilitu Patrika is a magic adept. She can cast basic spells, perform ritual magic and is proficient in most forms of magic. She also has a high level of cosmic awareness and a precognitive danger sense, unlike her sisters see can't see timelines. Like others her danger sense usually kicks in seconds before the danger, but if she’s focused before going into a situation it can be triggered minutes ahead a bad situation. If things get too bad she can simply fly off into the night (or day). Patrika also has dark force manipulation meaning she can tap into the power of darkness and use it for various purposes including hexes and curses and she can shapeshift into a giant bat, a panther or a wolf. Patrika can also communicate via telepathy, read minds, especially when the thoughts are about her and can also mesmerize people to varying degrees.

Patrika, like Nightevil, is a savage fighter tearing, ripping and shredding with her claws and fangs. Patrika uses violence to not only, eat and defend herself, but to send messages so others will know she's not to be messed with, not to mention her supernatural healing factor makes her much harder to kill. She loves to frighten and play with her victims and she also enjoys eating them slowly if they have transgressed. And if you're planning on calling someone to help you on that smart phone of yours or speeding away in your Lambo, she can disrupt electronics.





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