
Natas Talbane

Natas Talbane

Billionaire real estate and tech mogul Natas Talbane is the leader of the demonic cult "The Rise of Magic", and father of heiress Loren Talbane. He got into mysticism because of his grandfather who taught him the "old ways". Natas began to delve deeply into magic, mysticism and demonology using it to become incredibly rich... but at what cost?

Natas Talbane
Real name:
Natas Gnivil Talbane
  • Natas Gnivil Talbane
Birth date:
  • Astral Projection
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Darkforce Manipulation
  • Magic
  • Probability Manipulation
First issue:
Epitaph Bread and Salt (2017) #1


Born and raised in Los Angles California Natas Gnivil Talbane grew up with wealth. His father was a millionaire as was his grandfather. A Harvard grad, Natas took over his father’s, Nathaniel Talbane, real estate business built around a bunch of luxury rental properties, a chain of hotels, a casino and a production studio. Talbane began investing in tech startups and turned his millions into billions. Natas is known as Mr. Midas Hands, with almost everything he touched turning to proverbial gold. Every start up he invested in, every stock he picked and even deciding to invest in Bitcoin early on made him what he is today. Natas is married to Alana Talbane and has three children Landon, Lana and Loren.

Natas grew up rich, never needing for anything. HIs dad taught him the ways of money including investing and money management. It was almost second nature to him. He raise Natas to be tough and ready to make hard decisions, doing what needed to be done. He also taught him to box, non of that “China fighting”. Natas mom had moved out and he was mainly cared by his maid and tutors. One day Natas came home from school and police were talking to his mother Alice. His dad had fallen from a beam on a skyscraper he was building, but no one knew why he was there. The last person to see him alive was his secretary whom he was having an all, but open affair with. The assumption was that someone had him killed, but no one was seen with him. The death was ruled a suicide.

Natas' grandfather Nick Talbane stepped in as the father figure in his life. He was different than his dad. Not as tough and he didn’t push education as much as his dad did. Instead he was into something he called, “The old ways” as taught by his father. These were various mystical teaching and rituals having to do with creating wealth and tipping the scales in your favor. And being able to feel certain energies.

It was with these teaching that lead Natas to delve deeper into magic, mysticism and demonology. He used this arcane knowledge became a billionaire. He moved his family to Chicago as cost of operations were cheaper for tech start ups, but before the move he created “The Rise of Magic,” with a group of other like minded individuals with various connections who want to move the world in various directions using magic, money and the media.

Story Arcs

Natas is the leader of the Rise of Magic and is plagued by sins of his past.

Epitaph: Beginning of the End

Natas’ daughter Loren boarded a private jet to an unknown location and the jet exploded on take off. He’s currently trying to figure out what happened, although others don’t believe his daughter is dead.

Epitaph/Hexcraft Mechanics: Ultimate Control

It is revealed that Natas made a deal with a succubi jinn name Serpina and then trapped her in a jar to stop her from taking his soul when his time was up. There was no clear mention to how much time he was given.

Victor Locke Demon Hunter: Demon Noir

Natas has a plethora of old ancient tomes in his basement encased in glass. Someone stole some of them, pages from a grimoire called the Sefer Hhoshekh or “The Demon Noir”. The odd thing was there was no sign of forced entry and the glass seemed like it was blown open.


Natas Talbane is proficient with many different forms of ritual and ceremonial magic, astral projection and has developed a decent cosmic awareness. He can manipulate certain dark energies if need be, but his preference is to not, considering the problems that come alone with doing so. His biggest thing is probability manipulation, which was instrumental in his choices when picking stocks, cryptocurrencies or guessing which start ups to invest in. This was enhanced when he made his deal with Serpina.





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