
John Stevens

John Stevens

Travels the world searching for monsters but always winds up uncovering a hoax instead.

John Stevens
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Intellect
  • Marksmanship
First issue:
Monster Hunters (1975) #1 Introduction; The Boar's Head Beast; The Long Sleep; The Sea - It's Givings... and Takings!; Hoax

Major Story Arcs


John Stevens was a man dedicated to proving the existence of beasts that were beyond the realm of the natural. Thus far though, he had traveled all over the world and every report he investigated seemed to be nothing more than a hoax.

In London, England he investigated the so-called Whitechapel Werewolf, which had killed eight people already. When confronted with the werewolf however, he shot it dead on the spot, and it turned out to be no beast, but instead a man in a costume. Stevens then traveled to Tibet to investigate reports of the Yeti attacking a village and killing several people. He headed out with a small team to find and capture the beast, only for it to turn out to be a vicious bear. With neither claim having proven true, Stevens left for Scotland to investigate the well-known Loch Ness.

John Stevens meets Mr. Bell.
John Stevens meets Mr. Bell.

Shortly after arriving in Scotland, Stevens met a sweet, local young girl named Annie Bell. She quickly guessed that Stevens was there to see the Loch Ness Monster, as it seemed to be the major tourist attraction for the area. Annie then introduced Stevens to her father, who gladly gave people a place for the night. Mr. Bell claimed to have a score to settle with "Nessie" after she'd bitten off one of his legs. Stevens was still skeptical of Mr. Bell's claim, but Annie managed to convince Stevens to have some faith. Later at the local pub, Mr. Bell was able to round up a group of men who were willing to join Stevens in his quest for Nessie, and they were going to capture her, dead or alive. That night, Stevens and the men, armed with guns and nets, staked out the loch. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for Nessie to show, but this "Nessie" turned out to merely be a wooden statue floating in the water. Furious at getting swindled by another hoax, Stevens told everyone to go him. Annie and Mr. Bell then showed up, wondering where everyone had gone. Stevens angrily told them how their monster turned out to be just a hoax, but Mr. Bell immediately protested; he was the one who had made the wooden Nessie to act as a decoy - like in duck hunting. No sooner than Mr. Bell had said this did Stevens hear a monstrous roar come from the loch, and so he turned to face his first true monster!

John Stevens meets Nessie.
John Stevens meets Nessie.

It's unknown whether John Stevens survived this encounter.

