


This version of Laura was resurrected when the original was presumed dead. For a time, she was one of two versions of Laura that existed, however, with the Fall of X, Laura is now the one and only version.

Real name:
Laura Kinney
Birth date:
  • Berserker Strength
  • Claws
  • Feral
  • Healing
  • Tracking

This is a duplicate of X-23 created by the Krakoan resurrection protocols in error. They both existed for a short while, but this version of Laura is now the lone version yet again.


After Professor X and Magneto tamed the sentient island, Krakoa, into a sovereign nation for mutantkind, the new nation had a national security interest in investigating the Children of the Vault. A three member team was recruited to sneak into the Vault for reconnaissance. As time flows quicker in the Vault, the original Laura was recruited because her healing factor would slow her aging. Unfortunately, when the mission went bad, her teammate and lover, Synch, made was the only one to make it out of The Vault. Presumed dead, Laura was resurrected by The Five, who mistakenly laced her entire skeleton with adamantium, not realizing it was only her claws that were laced previously.


This duplicate of Laura appeared in X-Men (2019) #19 by Jonathan Hickman and Mahmud A. Asrar

Major Story Arcs


Krakoa's first X-Men roster
Krakoa's first X-Men roster

During the first Hellfire Gala, all mutants on Krakoa were able to vote for their premiere ambassadors, The X-Men. Both Laura and Synch were selected thanks to their sacrifice in investigating the Vault. Unfortunately, Laura's memories only exist up to her accepting the mission in the Vault. She retained none of the memories from inside the Vault, including the feelings her other self had developed for Synch, much to his chagrin. Synch tried to romance her, even considered asking Jean Grey to telepathically share his memories of their time together. Ultimately, he made peace with this Laura being a different person than the woman he fell for.

As an X-Men, she would move into the techno-organic headquarters, The Treehouse, in Central Park. Many of their public successes were repelling various alien invasions. These invasions were masterminded by Cordyceps Jones, an intergalactic kingpin who was taking bets on who could successfully invade Earth. They were forced to travel to his Gameworld and confront him. Unfortunately, Laura was mind controlled by his special spores and turned against her team. Nevertheless, Laura's team proved victorious.

Unfortunately, the older Laura would be revealed to be alive and returned to Krakoa. Younger and older Lauras met in Detroit to agree to ground rules now that they both exist. Younger Laura gave up her resurrection rights to her older self. If this version of Laura was to die, it would be permanent. Older Laura allowed her younger self to retain the moniker "Wolverine" but took her spot on the X-Men team in order to reunite with Synch.

Fall of X

The Greenhouse
The Greenhouse

In the wake of Beast's transgressions against Krakoa's intelligence agency, X-Force, Colossus was chosen as new director, and this version of Laura was recruited to replace Logan. Unfortunately, Colossus was secretly working with his anti-Krakoa brother, Mikhail, who was using The Chronicler, a psychic manipulator Mikhail had hostage, to control him. They had set up a plan to attack Krakoa, but Orchis beat them to it. Pivoting his plans during the Orchis siege of the Hellfire Gala, Colossus led a few of his teammates through a Krakoa gate and into Mikhail's clutches. Omega Red, Laura, and the recently resurrected Quentin Quire were taken prisoner. Sage and Domino did their best off the grid to save them.

With the help of Doctor Strange, Dom and Sage were able to breach the interdimensional prison Mikhail had been keeping their teammates. It was recently made unstable by Colossus, who was fighting his brother after learning the truth of his manipulation. Once contact had been made with the captives, including The Chronicler, Strange was able to drag them out of the pocket dimension. With X-Force almost entirely united, they rescued Logan, who has been a lone fugitive since Orchis' attack, and set up a new headquarters in the North Pole, called The Greenhouse.

Sabretooth War

After Sabretooth escaped from The Pit on Krakoa, he used an Orchis spaceship to travel the multiverse, creating a team of variants of himself. When he returned to his Earth, the mutant nation was gone, but he tracked Logan to The Greenhouse. With his new army, he killed Quentin Quire and Fang to lure Wolverine out of The Greenhouse. After Wolverine was overwhelmed, they tied him up alive to watch as they slaughter the other members of X-Force and the mutants they are protecting inside. When the telefloronic security system started to attack the Sabretooth army, Sabretooth Prime ordered them to retreat, with Laura as their prisoner.

Wolverine would chase after them solo but fall victim to Sabreooth as well. Sage did her best to track them, but it wasn't until Laura escaped her cell and sent an S.OS. that she was able to locate their missing members. She got a team together to rescue them, using a telefloronic jet of Black Tom's devising. They arrive to the abandoned landmass of Krakoa just in time to witness Logan, armed with Muramasa blade and an admantium armor, fighting Graydon Creed, who was recruited by the Sabreteeth to take out 616-Creed.

Laura reunited with the team and takes on Sentinels being controlled by Graydon to clear the way for Creed and Logan's final face off. Using the Muramasa blade, Logan finally dices Sabertooth to pieces, killing him for good.

Elsewhere, the older Laura is killed in an attack from Orchis, and with Krakoa gone and the resurrection protocols ended, this version of Laura has become the lone version yet again.

Heir to Apocalypse

With Krakoa ended and Arakko flourishing, Apocalypse has turned his full attention to the red planet. However, he must leave behind an heir to steward the rise of mutantkind on Earth. So, he chooses twelve mutants, including Laura, to compete in trials to prove their worth. Before the trials could even begin, they are challenged by son of Apocalypse, Genocide. The twelve agree to put the trials on hold while they band together to defeat Genocide. When a building is destabilized, Laura starts to evacuate it.

Powers and Abilities

Laura Fighting with her Claws
Laura Fighting with her Claws

As a clone and the daughter of Wolverine, Laura possesses most of his mutant abilities. Most Notably, she possesses an accelerated healing factor that repairs damage almost instantaneously. Her healing factor has enabled her to survive point blank explosions strong enough to blow up large buildings, being dropped in vats of acid, attacks from superhumanly strong foes such as beatings from the Blob, or the Sentinels. She's shrugged off being shot, even through the head at times and has shown to regenerate entire limbs and organs.

Laura, like her father, possesses 6 retractable bone claws, though hers differ with two in her hands and one in each foot. These claws are coated in adamantium, allowing her to cut through almost any substance.

Despite her appearance, she possesses low level superhuman physicals such as strength, speed, and agility. She's been able to rip steel security doors off of their hinges, and throw grown men through walls. She can move faster than the eye can follow, has deflected bullets with her claws and even Logan has said she is quicker and more agile than she is.

She also possesses superhuman senses, which are sensitive to ranges much greater than those of baseline humans. Notable are her senses of vision, audition and olfaction.

Laura has received extensive training in armed and unarmed combat, and is an expert in a number of martial arts, as well as in the performance of black ops missions. She's skilled and crafty enough to have defeated Lady Deathstrike, stalemate her brother in Daken, hold her own against her father, Raze, and even outmaneuver Hydra Steve Rogers. She is an expert assassin, and has had espionage training. She possesses a facility for languages, and has displayed the ability to speak English, French, Japanese and Arabic with some degree of fluency. It is possible that she speaks other languages that have not yet been displayed. Laura is also very intelligent, and presumably has a detailed knowledge base in anatomy and torture.

Despite being incredibly hard to kill, Laura does have her weaknesses. The Facility created a specific chemical called the Trigger Scent in order to make her kill targets she was unwilling to kill. The Trigger Scent sends Laura into berserker rage, in which she can't distinguish friend of foe and kills everyone she sees. In All New Wolverine, she was however, able to break the hold the scent has over her and is no longer affected by it. She is also weak to powerful energy blasts. She shares some common weaknesses with Wolverine due to her nature as a clone. Due to the lack of an adamantium skeleton, Laura is more susceptible to decapitation than Wolverine. Her healing factor can also be bypassed a few ways; it can be overtaxed, making it harder for her to heal; Carbonadium introduced into the system is poisonous and can stop healing factors if not hinder them to a near useless level; also, the Muramasa blade is a weapon forged from a portion of Wolverine's soul, and it slows down healing factors.

Character Profile

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Citizenship: American
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Occupation: Adventurer; former student waitress, assassin, prostitute
  • Origin: Mutant


  • Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett): genetic template/father
  • Sarah Kinney: creator/mother
  • Amiko Kobayashi: foster sister
  • Megan Kinney: cousin
  • Debbie Kinney: aunt
  • Daken: half-brother
  • Gabby Kinney: Clone-sister
  • Laura Kinney: original source for Krakoan resurrection


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