
White Tiger

White Tiger

Created by High Evolutionary from a white tigress, she is tasked with hunting down and killing Man-Beast.

White Tiger
Real name:
  • Tiger
  • She-Cat
Birth date:
  • Claws
  • Feral
  • Shape Shifter
  • Stealth
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Smell
  • Unarmed Combat


Originally a white tigress, High Evolutionary needed someone able to track down and kill Man-Beast, so he created White Tiger and gifted her with immunity to mental attacks of Man-Beast.


White Tiger was created by Roger Stern and Pascual Ferry for use in Marvel Comics. White Tiger's first appearance is in Heroes for Hire #1 which was released in July of 1997.

Major Story Arcs

Heroes For Hire

Tiger who turns into woman
Tiger who turns into woman

Created by High Evolutionary from a white tigress, she is sent to track down and kill Man-Beast. The Master of the World approached her and offered the location of Man-Beast if she obtains an object for him. She procured the thing in question but didn't give the information of how to use it. The Master told her that Man-Beast was in prison known as The Vault. But when she got there, she witnessed a prison break. Unable to pick up her target's scent, she decided to use other heroes to find Man-Beast. She then moved towards an old movie theater, where Luke Cage had been spotted. She wanted to ask for his help, but noticed Iron Fist leaving the theater and though that he might be even more suitable; she started following him. When Iron Fist suddenly jumped out from his moving limo and ran to U.N. Building, she followed. Iron Fist took sewer route to infiltrate the compound; it was there he sensed that he'd been followed. White Tiger was positively surprised by that. She offered her help in ending the hostage situation taking place in that building, and Iron Fist accepted the offer. They decided to observe the situation a bit more, but when Hercules busted through the walls, they joined the fight. Iron Fist released the Hulk from mind control device and the fight with U-Foes was quickly over. After the incident Iron Fist announced that he reopened Heroes for Hire. White Tiger returned to base with Iron Fist and agreed to join the group.

Master Martial Artist
Master Martial Artist

Her first mission along with the team was to take down Nitro. The battle was ended by Hercules, who in spite the plan, confronted the man face-to-face, and finally tossed a fuel truck at him, making him blow himself up. It didn't take long when Nitro reemerged at Wall Street. Heroes for Hire went to battle him again. Iron Fist was injured in the fight, and then Black Knight entered the fray and ended it. Few days later, Iron Fist wanted to train with White Tiger, but its purpose was to gather more information of her. Iron Fist kept asking why she's holding back; she answered that she does not wish to lose control, but she still lost it and transformed into tiger. Iron Fist was surprised but managed to talk her back into human form. Days pass as they did their job; during one mission White Tiger confronted Whiplash. White Tiger lost control a few times but she managed to regain herself. Then one day Iron Fist led them to an airport, but it was a trap; the Controller had managed to get one of his mind control disks on Iron Fist. White Tiger was the one who released him from its influence. The villains tried to escape but the teleport malfunctioned, and they fell into coma. When Iron Fist came to apologize for freaking out by her changing into a tiger, she revealed that she is in fact, tiger who transforms into woman. Then they were contacted by Sersi, who wanted their help in Lemuria; they used Atlanteans' help to get there.

During the fight with Deviants, White Tiger was confronted by Ransak, who saw her as worthy opponent. White Tiger still lost to Ransak and was captured; she was freed shortly after that and the final battle began. It didn't last long though as Dark Angel came and defeated the anti-Mind. When Thena asked a safe place to hide with her children, White Tiger proposed to go to High Evolutionary, and reveals to others that she is his creation. Iron Fist demanded explanation from her, but he was interrupted by Thena who agreed to visit Wundagore with White Tiger and teleported others away. When Thena and White Tiger reached Wundagore, they were shocked to find it in ruins. They were then attacked by Acolytes, who had taken control of the castle, and captured. Exodus extracted some information from White Tiger's mind, but when he threatened Thena's kids, Thena freed herself and White Tiger. Seeing that Thena is too powerful, Exodus told them that they are free to leave.

White Tiger managed to get in contact with Jim Hammond, the leader of Heroes for Hire and he supplied a transport for them to return to America. When they arrived, Jim informed that he needs a rescue team to help Iron Fist out. White Tiger had developed feelings for Iron Fist and was concerned over his safety. But the rescue team wasn't necessary; Iron Fist returned and informed them that Luke Cage was working for the Master of the World. When they flew towards the Master's base, White Tiger revealed that he had prior dealing with the Master of the World. Their plane was shot down and White Tiger followed Iron Fist's lead on how to jump down from high heights. Then they are confronted by clones of themselves. During the fight; Luke Cage double crossed the Master and destroyed his plans.

The place was going up in flames and Heroes for Hire ran to escape pods. When they landed, Iron Fist was in brink of death as he sacrificed his chi to save Luke Cage. White Tiger promised to kill Luke if Iron Fist should die. When Brother Voodoo came to help revive Iron Fist, White Tiger offered to assist any way she could. The plan to take a little life-force from each hero worked. White Tiger's feelings were hurt when Iron Fist called out to Misty Knight after he came to. Later, White Tiger confronted Misty Knight and wanted to do battle with her over Iron Fist. Misty told her that human ways don't work that way and asked her to talk to Iron Fist; White Tiger promised to do that. She heard that high evolutionary was in New York, and went there for a while.

Siege of Wundagore

White Tiger in her tiger form
White Tiger in her tiger form

She promised to her master that Heroes for Hire will help get back Wundagore. Iron Fist agreed to help her and they flew to High Evolutionary's base. Moments after their arrival White Tiger recognized the scent of Man-Beast and attacked Lord Anon. Before she could reveal the reason for her attack, she was cut down with his sword. Battle ensued between the two groups; it was ended by High Evolutionary who turned Heroes for Hire into primates. When Quicksilver returned from his mission, she saw injured White Tiger and took her to Jim Hammond. When Iron Fist and the group reverted back to humans, they returned to base, and Iron Fist used his chi to fasten White Tiger's recovery. Now healed White Tiger revealed that Lord Anon was Man-Beast in disguise and High Evolutionary is in danger. They boarded the jet again and flew to Wundagore. When they arrived, they found that Exodus had joined forces with Man-Beast and Knights of Wundagore were forced to join them as well; Heroes for Hire were overpowered and captured. Quicksilver however managed to free himself from the shackles and freed others as well. White Tiger went solo to track down and kill Man-Beast. She managed to catch up with him just as he manipulated Lady Ursula to kill herself. White Tiger had been breed to be immune to mind control, so she and Man-Beast battled as equals. An explosion separated those two for a brief moment. Man-Beast joined the main fight and white Tiger again stalked him. Man-Beast's assistance was required to defeat grazed High Evolutionary, but White Tiger didn't know that and was about to kill Man-Beast. Iron Fist stepped in her way and promised to stop her. While Iron Fist and White Tiger fought, High Evolutionary was defeated and he came to his senses. Man-Beast used the chance and hit everyone with his mental blast, only White Tiger was left standing due to her immunity and she struck him down. She didn't get the killing blow though, as High Evolutionary turned Man-Beast back to just wolf. White Tiger asked High Evolutionary to turn her back to tiger as well, because she couldn't deal with human emotions. High Evolutionary granted her wish and she was transported back to the jungle she was found. At the same time her sister was selected to be new Knight of Wundagore, she took the name of Snow Queen.



There was an evil clone of her made by Master of The World. She went by the name of She-Cat. She fought against White Tiger on Master's base, but seemingly died in the explosion that destroyed the base.

Alternate Versions

Avengers Forever


When the Time Keepers summoned every Avenger from every timeline that ever went wrong many alternate versions of the second White Tiger were seen on the battlefield.

Powers and Abilities

As a result of her transformation, White Tiger gained many new powers in addition to her cat-like abilities being enhanced. White Tiger is a very skilled martial artist, resistant to telepathy and other mental attacks (mainly to combat Man-Beast), capable of transforming between a tiger or weretiger, increased agility, reflexes, and speed.


July 1997

August 1997

September 1997

October 1997

November 1997

December 1997

January 1998

February 1998

March 1998

May 1998

June 1998

July 1998

August 1998

September 1998

October 1998

November 1999

February 2000

February 2007

April 2010







