


A variant of Spider-Man of Earth-71490 but not a variant of Peter Parker. Web-Weaver is a gay fashion student when not being a Spider-Hero.

Real name:
Cooper Coen
  • Cooper Coen
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Danger Sense
  • Super Strength
  • Wall Clinger
  • Webslinger


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On Earth-71490, in high school, Cooper Coen had a crush on Peter Parker. His feelings were so strong that he pushed Peter out of the way of a radioactive spider on a field trip. This spider but Cooper instead of Peter, granting Cooper the spider-powers that Peter in other realities got instead. His double life as the hero, Web-Weaver, made it even more difficult to hide his sexuality from his bigoted parents and eventually was kicked out. He moved in with his aunt and her lesbian lover, who pushed Cooper to follow his dreams. This included paying Cooper's tuition to a fashion school and helping him get a job with Janet Van Dyne.


Web-Weaver debuts in Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) #5 in the short story, "Counterfeit Catwalk" by Steve Foxe and Kei Zama

Major Story Arcs

Counterfeit Catwalk

During a Van Dyne Spring/Summer Collection Fashion Show, Cooper was alerted by his "Web-Sense" that something was wrong. Changing into his Web-Weaver costume, he clocked his friend, Millie, with unusually long claws. Millie was actually replaced by shapeshifting assassin, Chameleon, who was hired to take out Silver Sablinova, a celebutante with a front row seat.

Cooper swung down and took Chameleon out before he could even touch Silver.

End of the Spider-Verse

Cooper with the new Web Warriors
Cooper with the new Web Warriors

When the wasp goddess, Shathra, attempted to reshape Web of Life and Destiny into the Great Nest, she targeted the spider-heroes of the multiverse for her new army of drones. Madame Web and Arana knew this was happening and started saving as many spider-heroes as they could, including Cooper, for a new team of Web-Warriors.

These Web Warriors split up to find an array of totem magic items, but they were plagued by failures. One such failure was the chosen one, Peter Parker of Earth-616 being stabbed with a totemic knife that is believed to wipe spider-heroes from existence. Night-Spider, a spider-variant of Felicia Hardy, was able to retrieve the knife after it was used on Peter. They planned on using it on Shathra, who was trying to combine the multiverse into a single universe with the chosen one out of the way.

Silk, now in charge a the main Earth-616 spider, enlisted Cooper's fashion expertise to help them sneak into Shathra's base in drone disguises. With a clear shot, Morlun, rival turned ally against the wasps, tried stabbing Shathra, but the totemic knife was ineffective. It seemed to work on Morlun though due to all the spider-totems he had fed on. When Silk sliced him open, the former spider-totems were released, ruining Shathra's plans. With danger averted and the Great Web rebuilt, the Web Warriors could return home.

Fire Island

Ambushed by Kraven
Ambushed by Kraven

After missing Kyle Jinadu's birthday party on Fire Island the last two years, Cooper was determined not to miss it this year. Unfortunately, when he showed up to Kyle's beach house, Cooper was ambushed by his homeworld's Kraven the Hunter, looking to test Web-Weaver. This female Kraven knocked Cooper unconscious, dressed him in his costume, and hid traps based on his greatest foes around the island, including an Electro-bomb near Kyle's pool party.

After foiling the Octo-Mines, Hydro-Bombs, and Sand Trap, all that was left was a symbiote unleashed on a drag queen. After using DJ equipment to sonic blast the drag queen free, Kraven was ready to take on Web-Weaver one-on-one. The drag queen didn't care for hosting a symbiote, so the queen and her audience joined Web-Weaver in over-powering Kraven, just in time for Web-Weaver to change back into his civilian clothes and rejoin Kyle's party.

Power and Abilities

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Spider-Hero: After being bitten by a radioactive spider, Cooper has the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider. He is also capable of crawling on wall's and other surfaces.

  • Danger Sense: Referred to as his "Web-Sense," Cooper has a near psychic ability to tell when danger is near
  • Spider-Gear: Cooper has fashioned his own web-shooters for to snare bad guys and swing for fast travel, among other things.


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