


A Filipina superhero with hydrokinetic powers. She recently joined the New Agents of Atlas, an international superhero team, and is a trainee member of the Filipino team Triumph Division.

Real name:
Pearl Pangan
  • Pearl Pangan
Birth date:
  • Power Suit
  • Sub-Mariner
  • Swordsmanship
  • Water Control
First issue:
Comic Shop News (1987) #1658


Wave gaining her powers
Wave gaining her powers

Pearl Pangan is a young Filipina woman. Raised on Mactan Island by her lolo (grandfather), Pearl was a natural prodigy in the water and on the path to becoming an Olympic athlete before a fight with a rich classmate dashed her career opportunities. She was later approached by a representative for AlonTech, a company reportedly interested in developing technology for swimmers. She participated in their experiments until the lab was raided by Triumph Division, revealing that AlonTech were a sinister company and Pearl had been recruited as part of a clandestine operation. During the raid, a piece of equipment electrocuted Pearl and flooded her lungs with water. Once she recovered, Pearl discovered she could psionically control the water around her and she fought back at the assailants before realizing their identities. After dismantling the AlonTech lab, Triumph Division took Pearl in and mentored her, teaching her how to control her powers while watching her for any villainous tendencies.


Wave was created by Greg Pak and Leinil Francis Yu and first appeared in War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas issue 1 (2019).

Major Story Arcs

New Agents of Atlas

While patrolling the Visayas, Wave detects an abnormality in the Pacific Ocean and travels 5,000 miles out to discover Shanghainese hero Aero, who has sensed an equal disturbance in the air currents. Beneath them a volcano land mass explodes out of the ocean and the two are attacked by Fire Demons of Muspelheim, before being rescued by Tutu Pele. The trio travel to Shanghai to fight back Sindr's forces and, alongside Sword Master, they beat back the invasion before being teleported to Seoul by the Agents of Atlas. There, Pele reveals that Sindr is planning to melt the polar ice caps, which would raise the Earth's temperature to a level that she could reside there as Queen. Wave agrees to go to the Arctic alongside Aero and Luna Snow to reverse the damage done by forming a massive tornado of ice that rapidly cools the climate. In Manila, Triumph Division demands Wave return home but Pearl insists she is needed to restore the ice levels and cool the Earth's temperature, which the three heroes (now dubbed the Elementals) succeed in doing. In Cebu, Pearl's lolo knows his grandaughter is out there protecting the world.

Origins & Destinies

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Following the War of the Realms, Aero notices Wave's absence at a ceremony celebrating the heroes of Asia. She tracks Pearl down to a beach Northeast of Manila and enquires why she was not present for the award of valorous defence. Pearl reveals that she has been kicked out of Triumph Division for abandoning her post during the conflict with Sindr. This is confirmed by Red Feather, who interrupts their talk to reclaim the swords and armor Triumph Division supplied Wave with. Pearl resists Red Feather's orders and Aero joins the fight to block his counter attack, with the two heroines combining their abilities into a powerful water spout that takes Red Feather by surprise. While Wave's dual kampilan swords are taken she manages to escape with her armor, and her and Aero return to Pearl's home on Mactan Island to visit her lolo, where Wave appears to be quite the celebrity in her neighborhood.

In an attempt to clear her name in the eyes of Triumph Division, Wave and Aero infiltrate a high security prison to interrogate Dr. Ramos, who ran the AlonTech experiments Pearl participated in. Ramos explains that Pearl was never meant to receive the treatment, and AlonTech's mandate was to alter human's breathing capacity for underwater exploration. Fleeing the prison by air, the two are caught in a trap by Sea Hunter, a former employee of AlonTech who went rogue after learning the company wanted to colonize the mythical underwater race of Sirenas living in the Sulu Sea. Pearl and Ling are welcomed into the home of Sea Hunter and the Sirenas' leader, Carina, and offer to help them defend their community from AlonTech's assault. The Sirenas are overwhelmed by AlonTech's deformed genetic experiments until Aero and Wave combine their powers to form an underwater whirlwind tunnel that carries them to safety, creating an opening for an ambush by AlonTech's boss: Reyna Sirena, Queen of the mermaids! The Reyna founded AlonTech to enlist humans in a secret war against Atlantis, but upon losing Carina to Sea Hunter and the new Sirena colony, she swore vengeance. Prepping Pearl for surgery to discover why she successfully survived the exposure that gave her powers, the Reyna is interrupted by Sea Hunter and Aero who free Wave and destroy the underwater lab. Back in Manila at Triumph Hall, Red Feather commends the two heroines for uncovering the secrets of Alontech and formally invites Wave to rejoin Triumph Division, which Pearl declines for now. Elsewhere, Namor is made aware of Wave's existence...

Portal City of Pan

Pearl and Lin use their first official Agents paychecks to feed the refugee children of Pan
Pearl and Lin use their first official Agents paychecks to feed the refugee children of Pan

Wave, alongside her fellow Elementals, are called to Madripoor to capture the last Muspelheim dragon and send it back home. Their process is interrupted by the Protector of Pan who tries to kill the dragon, claiming it had been terrorizing his employer. Wave fights Protector, but he incapacitates the fire dragon and teleports away. Pearl, Ling, Seol Hee and Cindy Moon are dancing in Seol's dance studio when CEO Mike Nguyen launches the Pan portal technology that connects major Asian cities across the globe. The women are exploring the portal city alongside hundreds of civilians when dozens of dragons attack, causing the Agents to defend the new city's population. Protector explains that cold keeps them at bay, so the Elementals form a giant ice sculpture out of a canal that forces the creatures to retreat. Mike Nguyen appears as a giant hologram publicly declaring the Agents of Atlas the official defenders of Pan to much audience rejoice, implying the entire thing was an orchestrated publicity stunt and offers the Agents independent contractor salaries to work for him. Amadeus Cho declines, but both Pearl and Sword Master state that they aren't as financially wealthy as the others and could really do with a stable paycheck. Cho officially places Wave on the Agents' payroll as an employee, allowing her to finally be able to financially support her lolo.

With their first paychecks, Pearl and Lin buy sushi for all the refugees in the neighborhood, but are accosted by anti-immigration Pan soldiers. Lin and the soldiers begin fighting in the street which attracts the attention of Protector, but Wave commands they stop and describes the financial discrimination the refugees are facing in Pan. Later, Luna and Wave have a heart-to-heart about money where Pearl confides that, even though Nguyen is suspicious, Pan has given financial opportunities to so many people (including herself) that were previously struggling to make ends meet. They need Pan; she needs Pan and the Agents of Atlas. A storm then beginds to surge from out at sea, and Wave senses something in the water... King Namor has returned for his dragon that Mike Nguyen is using to power the portal power of Pan...

Atlantis Attacks

With Namor's arrival the seas across Pan's portals surge and rage with a great thunderstorm. Wave saves a surfer from a huge sea monster before commanding everyone on the beach to run through a portal inland to escape a tsunami. Namor gives the heroes one day to return his dragon to Atlantis before he declares war on the city. Jimmy Woo reappears with the original Agents of Atlas and orders Wave and Aero to go on a diplomatic mission to Atlantis, alongside Namora and Venus. Namora welcomes them to Atlantis and Wave is personally greeted by King Namor, who commends her for "crushing" the Sirenas' forces in the Sulu Sea. Pearl tries to add nuanced context, but is overwhelmed by cheering crowds celebrating her victory. On land, Cho and the Uranian find a way to mimic the Atlantean dragon's mystic power which powers Pan's portal technology. They subsequently free the dragon to return to Atlantis, but upon arriving she roars with insanity and propels through buildings that fall and crush the rejoicing crowd. Wave helps look for survivors among the rubble as Atlantean scientists pull an implant from the dragon's body, which was activated by someone in Pan as soon as the dragon arrived in the underwater city.

Wave chooses a side in the conflict
Wave chooses a side in the conflict

In a rage Namor flies to Pan and wreaks vengeance, beating Cho to a pulp until Wave intervenes. This causes Namor to hesitate and gives an opening to be blindsided by Sea Hunter and the Sirenas, who have been secretly working with Mike Nguyen and were the ones who implanted the dragon and drove her mad. With Namor imprisoned, Sea Hunter and Nguyen announce plans to invade Atlantis now that they have the upper hand, much to the chagrin of the Agents of Atlas who oppose declaring war on a sovereign state. The long-standing conflict between Atlantis and the Sirenas has reached a fever pitch and Agents old and new must decide where they stand, with Wave surprisingly siding with the Sirenas. Aero attempts to dissuade Pearl by reminding her that heroes are meant to be protectors, not soldiers. Wave insists her actions will protect people, and disappears beneath the waves with Sea Hunter and Carina.

Down in the ruins Wave resists Sea Hunter's orders to kill the Atlanteans guarding the sacred dragon. During their disagreement the dragon breaks from her chains and attacks the Atlantean soldiers, but Wave intervenes and saves the people from the sea serpent. The Atlanteans rejoice, chanting Wave's name and declare her the saviour of their people as Wave floats before the royal throne. Astonished by her popularity by their sworn enemies, Sea Hunter & Carina are too distracted to sense Namor descend upon them. Namor confronts Wave, demanding an explanation, but Pearl follows Aero's advice and justifies her stance in the war as a firm protector of not just the Sirenas or Atlantis, but all. By her example, both Namor and Carina soften to the idea of brokering peace.

Championed as an honorary hero of Atlantis
Championed as an honorary hero of Atlantis

Possible negotiations are delayed when Nguyen attaches the same device used to drive the sea dragon mad onto Amadeus Cho's chest, transforming him in his raging Hulk form and directing him towards Atlantis. The Sirenas, Atlanteans and Agents call a truce to deal with Hulk-Cho, but in their blind rage Cho and Namor crash into the Pacific Ocean which results in a huge tidal wave heading directly for Pan. Wave, Aero and Luna Snow manage to slow it down, but the wave is too strong and crashes into the city, albeit with far less ferocity than it would have. As redevelopment of Pan begins, Altantis and the Sirenas sign a non-aggression pact, and Wave is seen celebrating with her fellow Agents of Atlas.

The Marvels

Wave can be seen fighting a huge monster alongside Amadeus Cho and Silk, one of the many creatures Lady Lotus summoned across the globe. Wave is one of many heroes Reed Richards summons onboard a Wakandan sky-carrier to help the people of Siancong after disastrous seismic activity that eventually consumes most of the country.

Powers & Abilities

As a result of her body's exposure to Alontech's genetic sirena/human experiment, Wave possess strong hydrokinesis and the ability to breathe underwater. She is able to propel herself through bodies of water at great speeds, summon waves, channel water into concussive blasts and even shields. Pearl has not yet shown finesse in her hydrokinetic powers, but her brute strength in tandem with her temper proves a mighty combination.

Wave also wields dual kampilan blades, traditional swords of the Philippines inspired by the hero Lapu-Lapu.


Wave's unwavering loyalty to her people.
Wave's unwavering loyalty to her people.

Pearl has a bold and brazen personality, often times clashing with those in positions of power for not helping the people who need it. She is extremely protective of her local community on Mactan Island, and takes her position as protector of the Philippines very seriously. Pearl lives with her lolo (grandfather), and is conscientious about providing for him financially and emotionally.

One of Pearl's defining characteristics is her working class status, which manifests as deep empathy for refugees, the homeless and any who are taken advantage of by the upper echelons of society. Her fiery temper is always aimed towards those who do not take the civilians who need help into consideration.

Other Media

Marvel Future Fight

Wave in Marvel Future Fight
Wave in Marvel Future Fight

Wave was added to NetEase's Marvel Future Fight in 2019 as part of the Atlantis update. She is a Speed type character with huge passive boosts to Namor as a support character. Her bio reads: Born in the Philippines, Pearl Pangan always showed an affinity for water and swimming from a very young age, becoming a championship swimmer with Olympic aspirations by high school. However, when AlonTech recruited her for swimming ability test, she was accidentally exposed to an illegal biotech chemical. Now with telekinetic powers over water molecules, Pearl stands against all threats as the Super Hero Wave, one of the newest members of the Agents of Atlas!

Marvel Super War

Wave in Marvel Super War
Wave in Marvel Super War

Wave is one of the playable characters in the MOBA fighting game Marvel Super War as a Fighter class. She was added in 2021 and voiced by Filipina actress Ratana who stated her pride in voicing the character, "We are both incredibly proud of our Visayan heritage."

Marvel Snap

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Wave has multiple cards designed after her in the mobile game Marvel Snap.


July 2019

August 2019

September 2019

October 2019

November 2019

December 2019

January 2020

February 2020

March 2020

April 2020

May 2020

January 2021

February 2021

October 2021

November 2021

February 2022

May 2022

September 2022








