
Vic Slaughter

Vic Slaughter

Vic Slaughter was an ex-marine turned assassin, hired to kill Morbius. He later became a Vampire himself.

Vic Slaughter
Real name:
Victor Slaughter
  • Victor Slaughter
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Hypnosis
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Longevity
  • Stamina
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Vampirism
  • Weapon Master

Vic Slaughter was an ex-marine turned assassin who was hired by Simon Stroud to kill Morbius. He encountered Morbius with his men in a cemetery. At first Vic thought he killed Morbius with a rain of bullets. But Morbius killed his men and attacked Vic. He was bitten by Morbius in the fight and he broke his arms and legs and then buried Vic alive.

Vic was later transferred to the hospital that Morbius was working at undercover. In special care in the hospital room, due to the bite he received from Morbius he was infected with strain of pseudo-vampirism. Vic would later turn into a demented vampire and kill a nurse.

Slaughter first fought Morbius as a vampire in a subway. He was thrown on to the tracks and crushed by a subway train. He was defeated but not dead.

He would later team-up with a demon called Stone Cold. Together they fought both the Nightstalkers and Morbius. However both were defeated.

He would later attack Morbius again in a massive fight that took place all over a city block and allmost killed Morbius. But this time he was defeated by both Morbius and the Nightstalkers. He was blasted with Drake's exorcist gun, dismembered by Morbius, and then thrown into a burning kennel. He would later crawl out of the kennel alive. Still on his mission to kill Morbius.

He would later appear in the Dance of the Hunters story where he was hired by the Maggia to go after an old CIA assassin who were killing other agents and members of the Maggia. He was also later paid by the CIA to take in both Morbius, Simon Stroud, and Randolph the assassin alive. He was once again defeated this time with the help of Spider-Man. Though a stake went right through Vic, he survived. He hasn't been seen since.


As a result of the pseudo-vampirism, Vic Slaughter possesses several super human attributes, including superhuman strength and regenerative healing. However, unlike a real vampire, Victor is not vulnerable to the traditional weaknesses of vampires, like exposure to sunlight or a wooden stake through the heart.

Like a vampire, Victor Slaughter must feed on humans or he will weaken.


February 1993

March 1993

April 1993

May 1993

June 1993

July 1993

April 1994

May 1994

June 1994

July 1994

April 2009

August 2010

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

May 2011

June 2011

August 2011

January 2012

February 2012

November 2013








