


Tenpin is the brother of Oddball and an original member of the Death Throws.

Real name:
Alvin Healey
  • Alvin Healey
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1986) #2 Volume Two: Clea To Gaea

Tenpin's true identity is Alvin Healey and he would join a team of criminal jugglers called the Death Throws and help free Crossfire from police custody as he was being escorted to trial where Hawkeye and Mockingbird had been subpoenaed to testify against him. The other members of the Death Throws included his brother Oddball, Bombshell, Knicknack and Ringleader. This eccentric group of criminals threw gas bombs, hardballs, razor rings and other objects to knock out police officers and cause confusion during their attack. Crossfire was pleased that Oddball received his message and was very impressed with his new associates. Tenpin and the Death Throws decide to ransom off Crossfire because he lied about the payment he promised for the rescue operation. Hawkeye receives a message from the Death Throws stating they have Crossfire and are willing to sell or trade him. Captain America comes with Hawkeye to the abandoned railroad terminal and gives Barton his shield. Hawkeye enters the station and sees Crossfire tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Ringleader spots Captain America as he enters the room and the super soldier uses a flare arrow to reveal the Death Throws' trap. Tenpin activates a switch that drops a large net made out of steel cables but it fails to snare any of the Avengers. Tenpin and the Death Throws engage their enemies and attack with their deadly projectiles. Tenpin is taken out when Captain America bowls over him with a shield thrust. The Death Throws were defeated and his brother Oddball was literally stuck to the ground thanks to Hawkeye's adhesive arrow. Oddball revealed to Barton their plans to use Crossfire as bait to nab an Avenger where they could get at least a million dollars for his release.     


Tenpin was created by Mark Gruenwald, Paul Neary and Dennis Janke in 1986 and first appeared in Captain America # 317.  

Story Arcs

Tenpin and the Death Throws would reappear years later and join a terrorist organization called RAID with other super criminals where they strategically strike numerous locations in London. Crossfire and the Death Throws terrorize civilians from the Tower Bridge and come into conflict with Union Jack and Sabra. Tenpin is lifted off his feet by Sabra and taken out during the fight. Crossfire and the rest of the Death Throws are defeated and surrender.  

Skills & Abilities

Tenpin is an expert juggler that uses weighted bowling pins as weapons. Tenpin will also set his bowling pins on fire for incendiary attacks.


May 1986

October 1989

November 1989

December 2006

January 2015

January 2024








