


Nicolette Giroux was an environmentalist transformed into Tempest by the Waterfall of Watoomb.

Real name:
Nicolette Giroux
  • Nicolette Giroux
  • Nature Exemplar
Birth date:
  • Divine Powers
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Weather Control
  • Wind Bursts
First issue:
X-Men: Crossroads (1998) #1 TPB

Tempest was a member of the Exemplars. She was transformed into Tempest by the Waterfall of Watoomb. Tempest and the other Exemplars were defeated when Bedlam to stop them.



Originally from France, Nicolette Giroux was a game warden who traveled all across the Earth to pinpoint and take out ringleaders of the illegal exotic bird trade. She was a strict Idealist, passionate about her choice of work and extremely efficient at her career leading to a resume most impressive. That idealism is, ironically, the double edged sword that kept her from reaching her talented peak, often questioning relaxed restrictions that game hunters abused and various other policy. Nicolette always loved nature, particularly those that flew in the air, making her a perfect candidate for the Avatar of Watoomb.

Tempest, Avatar of Watoomb
Tempest, Avatar of Watoomb

Joining the Octessence

One day while searching an Australian jungle, Nicolette hears a whisper that stops her in her tracks and intrigues the woman's very being. Being led to a cave, she asks for an answer but pauses at a beautiful waterfall that is actually an temple/alter for Watoomb (one of 8 beings that rival Cyttorak) which whispers for her to pass through it. Answering the call, her last words as a human were "Yes.... I am here.. WE are one...", then being transformed into the avatar 'Tempest'.

Her first act as a transformed being was to meet up with fellow avatar Decay and find the others, on the way confronting Thor and Ironman. A brief scuffle, Tempest made the Earth beneath Thor & Iron-man, trapping the heroic duo long enough for the Exemplar members to escape. After escaping the 8 avatars met to contemplate their plans of subjugating the city's human population, only to be overheard by Spiderman who sprung into action. Tempest thwarted his efforts and monologued the plan, but in typical big fashion Spiderman managed slip out of the webbing and tell the Avengers. Tempest and Thor met on the battlefield again, this time evenly matched, however the avatar's goal to mind control Manhattan city was thwarted so instead they decided the entire world was next.

Sensing Juggernaut's weakness
Sensing Juggernaut's weakness

As they set up the machine that would mentally subjugate mankind in Antarctica, the Exemplars all sized each other up for the battle that would determine who would rule the human sheep. Juggernaut fought to retain this true self, and in doing so fought Cyttorak in his own body... a battle that was killing him. Tempest twice saw this weakness and wanted to kill Juggs, but given that the rules needed the God machine to be activated she quelled her fury.... but when Juggernaut won the battle over his master and broke the Machine, all bets were off and it was Juggernaut and the avengers vs The remaining avatars! Tempest found herself matched against Thor again, a match they tied again on until Juggernaut completely broke the machine, shooting the demi-godlings and their mystical energy hurtling into the far reaches of the world.

Avengers vs Exemplars
Avengers vs Exemplars

As the Avengers figured, these were 8 of the most powerful beings on the planet and it was only a matter of time before they reunited. Doing so, the Exemplars were aboard an ancient stone platform floating above Manhattan looking for Juggernaut when Tempest & Decay got into a brief scuffle. Initially trying to break it up, Inferno & Bedlam were going to join but the avengers came in and provided the perfect distraction, being held off by Tempest via whirlwind while the other Exemplars took out Juggernaut. They issued a warning to the Avengers not to interfere in their vengeance lest humanity be their next target, and took off with Juggernauts body inhand.

Thor recalls his fight with Tempest to Hercules, asking the fellow Demi-God for aid
Thor recalls his fight with Tempest to Hercules, asking the fellow Demi-God for aid

Knowing the fight they have on their hands, the current Avengers request as many members as possible to aid in the fight and storm the floating temple of the Exemplars. After Tempest trolls Hercules by turning intangible, Thor (who is currently fighting decay) and Hercules switch dance partners and Thor strikes lightning through Tempest's air, a blow she definitely feels. As more and more Avengers fall (even Tempest slips away to KO some members) Thor and Hercules are the last ones left standing until they are overwhelmed by the 6 to 2 odds and subdued. The only thing that saves the group is an appeal to the latent humanity in them, their previous personas, by Captain America... it works on Bedlam and with her mind powers she disturbs the psyche of the others long enough for them to gain control and take off after realizing the horrible things they had done. Juggernaut is saved from death and the humans free from subjugation, however it is unknown if they will revert back or even where their whereabouts are sp the danger they represent always looms.

Powerful ladies: Tempest & Inferno
Powerful ladies: Tempest & Inferno

Powers & Abilities:

As the avatar for Watoomb (a peer to Cyttorak), Tempest was a literal force of nature with powers enough to routinely rival Thor. Her feats are below:

Offensive usage:

  • Geokinetic abilities, can open up the ground and temporarily restrain Thor & Ironman
  • Aerokinetic abilities strong enough to make Thor utilize 100% of his Storm manipulation
  • Aerokinetically generates 'Hurricane & beyond' force instantly
  • Whips up a quick storm that briefly overwhelms Thor
  • Aerokinetically ragdolls Iron-man and Hercules
  • Tempest's winds Instantly KO Wasp and Firestar

Defensive usage:

  • Fast enough to detect and react to Spider-man's webs at the last second:
  • Can go intangible instantly
  • Stalemates Thor's storm and then takes a punch from him. Tempest mocks him for holding back.

(Summary of powers)

Tempest can summon forces of nature at her command. She is able to cause giant earthquakes, manipulate winds, fly , & go intangible . Her storm manipulating powers may be even greater than Thor's . It took every fiber of his being once just to keep Iron Man and Doctor Vernon safe from Tempest's power.






November 1999

January 2000

February 2000

December 2001

April 2006

August 2008

February 2016









