


Tara was an artificially created human in the form of a young, pre-adolescent girl. She could create and control a duplicate form of herself appearing herself to be younger. She helped, but also fought against Morbius the Living Vampire.

Real name:
  • The GirlChild
Birth date:
  • Energy Manipulation


In the last century, the Caretakers From Arcturus were reaching the end of their life spans. They feared that mankind was entering a decline and would destroy itself in nuclear war. In order to prevent this, they undertook a mission named Project: New Genesis, which involved the creation of a race of super-men to join with mankind and carry on the work of the Caretakers after their deaths. This race would be referred to as the Children of the Comet, named after the starship, the Comet, which brought the Caretakers to Earth. The prototype of the Children of the Comet was the woman-child known as Tara. Tara, however, instead of ameliorating the conditions of life on Earth, instead sought to actually hasten the process of Armageddon. She claims to have manipulated the Caretakers and Daemond (a renegade Arcturan who opposed them and sought to bring mankind down the path of sorcery), forcing them into direct conflict with each other. Whether this is true or not, she definitely fed on the power caused by their conflict.


Tara was created by Mike Friedrich and Gil Kane and first appeared in Adventure into Fear issue 20 (174).

Major Story Arcs

Meeting Morbius

Daemond first encountered the living vampire Morbius, and sent him to slay Tara. Initially disarmed by her youthful appearance, Morbius nonetheless overpowered her when she created her woman-warrior form to attack him. Morbius then became further entangled in the plot of the Caretakers and Daemond, and he was sent on a series of trips to other dimensions and planets. On returning, Morbius was recruited by Tara to defend her from her attackers, the Caretakers and Daemond. Daemond seemingly destroyed Tara by crushing her child-like form under a brick wall he caused to collapse.

End of Tara

Tara returned, much more powerful than before, in the midst of the direct conflict between the Caretakers and Daemond. She revived Morbius and explained her true nature to him. The Caretakers and Daemond teamed up in an effort to stop her, but she shattered the embryo tubes of the remaining developing Children of the Comet, and sent them to attack their creators and Daemond. Morbius then attacked Tara, apparently slaying her. Her death-throws caused the destruction of Daemond's base, and the ensuing explosion destroyed everyone in it, including the Caretakers, Children of the Comet, and Daemond.


February 1974

April 1974

June 1974

December 1974

February 1975



Died in issues



