


Chandra Ku was a 13-year-old girl of the Zulu people of 18th century Africa.

Real name:
Chandra Ku
  • Chandra Ku
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Divine Powers
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Longevity
  • Willpower-Based Constructs


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Chadra Ku was a African born 13 year old Zulu girl who was born during the 18th century. She lived in a small village and tended to her way of life when her fate took a turn as she was visited by an African Goddess. The Goddesses of the Earth were recruiting fine specimen of humanity to present to the Celestials at the time of their next judgement. If the specimen were deemed worthy, humanity would be allowed to survive and further achieve their potential. If not they would be eliminated. These 9 "Young Gods," were kept them in suspended animation and kept watch over by the goddesses the until the Fourth Host's arrival. Splice alongside many others such as Bright Sword, Caduceus, Calculus, Daydreamer, Genii, Harvest, Highnote, Mindsinger, Sea Witch, Moonstalker, and Varua. The twelve share many meta-human physiological similarities.

All twelve were ordinary humans chosen by the Goddesses of Earths pantheons under the direction of the Elder Goddess Gaea. All twelve were chosen as for representing a certain particular ideal of humanity. Splice as an example would be super-humanly adept at manipulating organic and non-organic matter in a variety of ways.


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Splice is a Marvel comic book character who was created by the team of Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio, Keith Pollard and Gene Day. The title in which she first appeared in "Thor" vol. 1 #300 (October, 1980). Many of the details of the character are first introduced in Spectacular Spider-Man #8 released in 1998. The character would also receive substantial development in the Marvel Comics Presents series. Splice along with the other Young Gods were created to serve in a story that came into fruition starting with Thor #300, which dealt with various Earth pantheons confrontations with Jack Kirby's creations the Celestials.

Major Story Arcs

Return to Earth

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Upon the Celestial Starship, Splice had joined the other of the group such as Bright Sword, Daydreamer, Highnote, Mindsinger, Sea Witch, Splice, and were to become the students of Juniper. The other six Young Gods, became students of Katos. Both Katos and Juniper were servants of the Celestials and would as a duty be the mentors of the Young Gods. Katos would favor teaching the philosophy and practice of defense and defensive measures, where as Juniper would teach and impart wisdom and teachings for more offensive combat skills. Daydreamer the Canadian Young God with the abilities of precognition and telepathy would learn of the High Evolutionary's plans for humanity after her powers alerted her to the High Evolutionary's attempts to observe the Young Gods.

Daydreamer as well as the rest of the Young Gods taught by Juniper decided to take aggressive actions against the High Evolutionary. Katos students including Moonstalker would disagree with this course of action, and following their peers to Earth the two groups of Young Gods would clash in physical confrontation. However when Daydreamer would attempt to subdue Calculus by projecting psychically into his brain, she would injure him more than she had meant to, seriously incapacitating him. She and the rest of Juniper's Young Gods students would stand down after that incident bringing the conflict to an end. Caduceus would use his restorative healing powers to heal Calculus. The Celestials did arrive in the 1980s and the specimen were deemed worthy.

War with the Eternals

After years of waiting on the silent and unmoving Celestials for a sign, the Young Gods go mad and descend into deviant behavior for the hopes of even the slightest acknowledgement. They then decide that the Celestials must wish for them to use their powers and act on their own. Upon deciding this, the group left the Celestials' spacecraft and returned to Earth, where they intended to use the consciousness of all humans on the planet to create a new Celestial. They decide to start with the island nation of Madripoor and extend outwards.

Upon learning that a Uni-Mind is being created on Earth and expanding on Madripoor, consuming many of the of this, the Eternals, who were unaffected by the Young Gods' power to drain consciousness, encountered and attempted to stop them. Harvest captures the Eternal Makkari on the beachfront which Moonstalker had lured him to. They take him to the lair in which Splice and Calculus are busy working on armor for the new Celestial. When Harvest attempts to kill Makkari she is stopped by Ajax who arrives in time to rescue him. Eventually, the Eternals convince Varua that the Celestials may have been testing them with their silence and coming to Earth may be the wrong choice. While Varua hesitates to ponder the possibility of being wrong, she is killed and Splice and the other Young Gods who had not been killed during battle with the Eternals immediately fall to the ground, seemingly dead.

Characteristics and Appearance

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 118 lbs

Identity: Secret Identity

Occupation: Former farmer

Citizenship: Africa (18th Century)

Marital Status: Single

Base Of Operations: Earth-616, The Celestials' mother-ship, formerly Africa (18th Century)

Relatives: None known

Powers and Abilities

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Chandra Ku manipulates matter, reshaping natural and artificial material into any form she can conceive of.

Through the genetic engineered gifts granted her Splice has a mutated human physiology. She is imbued with a high degree of strength, speed, endurance, physical resistance, agility, and reflexes possessed are considered superhuman. She can exert herself at maximum effort for far longer than most humans can endure.


October 1980

November 1980

November 1988

October 1989

May 1992

July 1992

August 1992

September 1992

January 2009

April 2010

June 2014












