
Soldier Supreme

Soldier Supreme

A sorcerer supreme that fought in WWII against Hitler's Thule Society

Soldier Supreme
Real name:
Sebastian Szardos
  • Sebastian Szardos
Birth date:
  • Magic
  • Weapon Master


Ancient One appears before Szardos
Ancient One appears before Szardos

Sebastian Szardos was a descendant of Wundagore Mountain witches. He was a member of the United States army during WWII. While assigned to a secret task force to take on the Thule Society, his entire squad was killed by "astral assassins." Szardos, however, was able to hold his own, destroying all the ghosts and getting the attention of The Ancient One. His new mentor would coach him in the use of the mystic arts, eventually gifting him the Eye of Agamotto and a mystic rifle.


Sgt. Szardos was first featured in a group shot of historical heroes in Avengers (2018) #50 by Jason Aaron and Javier Garrón. He was created as part of Aaron's long term plans for the secret history of legacy heroes and how they relate to Mephisto.

Major Story Arc

Soul Sniper


Szardos was investigating a new Thule Society weapon in the Irish Sea, called U-666. It was a submarine possessed by Mephisto, who was sinking any Allied ships that crossed his path. This included the hospital ship full of nuns that Szardos hitched a ride on.

When it was sunk, Szardos was shipwrecked on an island full of survivors of all the other ships attacked by U-666. Mephisto was waiting for Szardos though. He was attempting to strand the Eye of Agamotto, in Szardos' possession, on the island so that future Sorcerer Supremes could not use it. Using sniper aim, Mephisto was able to "shoot" himself into the various survivors to attack Szardos, forcing him to kill all the men he was shipwrecked with.

Feeling defeated, he contacted the astral form of The Ancient One for advice. The Ancient One gave him the correct exorcism to take care of Mephisto, but a team of Nazi fighter planes have caught up with him. With a little help from secret time-travelling Avengers, Szardos was able to exorcize Mephisto and get himself off the island in a mysterious plane, so he could reunite with the Secret Invaders.

Powers and Abilities

Military Veteran: Szardos has training as a United States Army soldier during WWII.

Sorcerer Supreme: Szardos is capable of strong spellcasting.

  • Artifacts: Szardos is in possession of the Eye of Agamotto and a special organic rifle.


August 2022

March 2023





