
Simone DeSantos

Simone DeSantos

A fellow student of May (Spider-Girl) Parker. She has a bit of an...attitude. She is also the daughter of Rene DeSantos, who is a member of the Goblin Cult.

Simone DeSantos
Real name:
Simone DeSantos
Birth date:

Brief History

The popular girl at Midtown High from booster blue and school student council. Simone and May became instant rivals when they competed for the spot as student body president for their class. While they rang neck to neck. eventually May gave her seat over to Davida Kirby, which angered Simone greatly. Unable to beat out Davida, she withdrew from the election and became focused on making May pay. Simone has had her eyes set on Gene Thompson for a while now and is trying to make May jealous of her affections towards him. She is also trying to show Gene that May can't be counted on and is pressuring May to try out for cheerleading and other after school events that she can't handle. Simone later learned that Gene Thompson was behind May's smear campaigned and intended to use it against May until Wes Westin over heard it. Wes faced him before Gene punched him, telling him not to tell anyone. Eventually May came after Gene after he had beaten up Wes and ended up revealing by accident what the fight was really about. May break up with Gene and left him alone. It was recently revealed that Simone is the daughter of Rene DeSantos the current leader of the Order of the Goblin. Fury attacked Midtown High and while she was unable to take Rene prisoner she settled and took Simone instead revealing to Simone her father's true career in the criminal underworld. She has since left Midtown following her father's arrest and the take down of the Order of the Goblin.


December 2006

April 2007

August 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

December 2008

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010






