


When Peter Parker was bitten by the radioactive spider that gave him his powers, it managed to bite another before dying. This woman, hidden for years by Ezekiel from Morlun, has been found by Spider-Man . . . and is the new spider-hero known as Silk!

Real name:
Cindy Moon
  • Cindy Moon
  • Silkworm
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Claws
  • Danger Sense
  • Healing
  • Intellect
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Wall Clinger
  • Webslinger


"Eh, if you're really gonna try to lead a super hero team, I figure you need someone with some common sense backing you up" -- Silk (Cindy Moon).

Thirteen years ago, during a demonstration on the use of radioactive rays at a science exhibit, a spider was accidentally exposed to the radiation and absorbed large amounts of it. In its dying moments, the arachnid bit the nearest living thing to it, Peter Parker. As a result, the young teenager gained amazing powers and become the amazing Spider-Man!

However, this was not the end; as mere moments after biting Parker, the spider bit another young student by the name of Cindy Moon.

Soon after, Cindy’s abilities manifested but she was unable to control them. Sometime later, Ezekiel would approach the Moon family to offer his help and guide Cindy in controlling her newfound abilities. After six years since getting bit and training to use her powers, Cindy was locked up inside a facility by Ezekiel to protect her, and the other “spiders,” from Morlun.


Silk was created by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos and first appeared in a cameo in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.3 issue 1 and the following issues before appearing fully in Issue 4 of the same series. She proved so popular that she received her very own ongoing series, and more after.

Major Story Arcs


Seven years later, during the events of Original Sin, Spider-Man would be exposed to the energies of the Watcher’s eye alongside his fellow heroes. As secrets began to flow into his head, Spider-Man saw that the radioactive spider that bit him managed to bite another before it died—a girl named Cindy, and learned what happened to her afterward.

Spider-Man immediately goes on to search for Cindy to break her out of the facility Ezekiel had kept her in. After unlocking the door to Cindy’s room, Cindy attacked Spider-Man in a fit of rage saying that he’s doomed them all. After a quick tussle, Spider-Man calmed Cindy down by telling her that Morlun was dead and as such, is no longer a threat to them.

Silk is born
Silk is born

Ecstatic about her freedom, Cindy quickly made her way out of the facility to finally see the city of New York after hiding in her bunker for so long. Spider-Man quickly stopped her as she was about to go outside while wearing her civilian clothes, which prompted her to quickly spin an outfit made out of her webbing and told Spider-Man to refer to her as Silk.

Silk swung around the city and went to her old home, hoping to find her family there. Her heart broke as she found another family living in what once was her home, with her family nowhere to be found. Realizing just how much she’s lost, she asked Spider-Man when exactly Morlun died. Spider-Man let slip the fact that the Ancient had died twice—revealing to Silk the fact that Morlun could come back to life. Furious, Silk attacked Spider-Man once again as she realized that her 7 years in the bunker were wasted knowing that Morlun could still kill them. During their fight, however, both Silk and Spider-Man felt the powerful connection from their Spider-Senses and ended up sharing a passionate kiss.

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Continuing their moment of passion, both Peter and Cindy were unable to let go of each other due to the strong, primal connection they feel for each other. Peter stopped as soon as Cindy began to further remove his mask, after which they moved back to Peter and Anna Maria’s apartment.

Afterward, Peter and Cindy went to the Fact Channel’s news station where they were attacked by Black Cat and Electro. While Silk was easily able to dodge Electro’s lightning bolts thanks to her “hyper-spider-speed and senses,” Spider-Man wasn't as lucky. Black Cat then went after the paralyzed superhero and began to unmask him in front of live TV. Thankfully, JJJ hogged up too much space in front of the camera, preventing the camera (and anyone else) from seeing Peter’s face. Silk quickly spun a temporary mask for Peter and escaped with him back into Peter and Anna Maria’s apartment.

At the waterfront where Parker Industries would be holding the demonstration for their new device meant to cure Electro, Cindy spun Peter some Electro-insulated webbing to prevent what happened during their last fight with Electro from happening again. When the fight began, Black Cat sabotaged the machine which caused Electro to go out of control and hit a helicopter. Silk hurried and began spinning porous webs to catch the crashing helicopter. She then created an insulated web-pod to contain the inevitable explosion of energy coming from Electro. The entire incident ended with a depowered Electro and a missing Black Cat.

Afterward, Cindy got accepted for a job at the Fact Channel where she intended to use the information center in order to find her family.


Silk as she appears in Spider-verse and currently
Silk as she appears in Spider-verse and currently

Cindy was set to play a large role in the upcoming Spider-Verse event. Right when Spider-Man released her from her bunker, Morlun is seen at an unknown location suddenly catching her scent. He referred to her as "the Spider-Bride" and "the spinner at the center of the web," and then declared that the great hunt begins.

Silk and Spider-Man met up with Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Spider-Man 2099 and the rest of the spider people to stop the Inheritors' threat. They fought off the Inheritors' first assault, but they were overwhelmed and had to retreat. Silk tagged along with Spider-Woman and Spider-Man Noir in accompany to be safe from the Inheritors until Inheritor twin siblings, Brix and Bora attacked them. Silk and Spider-Woman then dropped Noir back to Earth-90214 so that he could recover from the brutal attack. Silk continued to survive from her attackers, going from dimension to dimension to another until she ended up in a toxic Earth-3145, a dimension poisoned by radiations and waste. The Inheritor twins couldn't handle the poison air and Silk made a webbed-up hazmat suit to escape the toxic zone. She later saved Spider-Woman, but got captured by the Inheritors and ended up in a sacrificial ritual. Spider-Man and his spider allies saved her from the sacrifice and finally defeated the Inheriors, sending them to Earth-3145 to die there. After victory, Silk, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman headed back to their Earth-616 to continue their lives, but as for Cindy, she continued her job at the Fact Channel to find clues about her family's disappearance.

Silk's Solo Run - First Volume

Silk in her first solo run
Silk in her first solo run

Cindy began her solo crime-fighting career as Silk and returned to her old bunker to be used as a base of operations to learn more and search her family. Noticing that her family had no official records of being around, save some old files, Cindy went to her old neighborhood for memories. Here she ran into Hector, an old boyfriend from her years of high school who is now engaged.

During her fights with a new villain Dragonclaw, a Hydra robot and Black Cat, Silk met up with Spider-Man, who noticed she wasn't doing well and asked the Fantastic Four to check her up. She consented to the check up but became annoyed when she found out that Peter revealed the history about her bunker and Ezekiel to them. The results showed Silk was physically fine, but was dealing with anxiety issues, and was referred to go see a therapist. She and Human Torch also went on a date of crime fighting despite Peter's protests.

Silk came across an angry Dragonclaw and found out he was in debt of Black Cat and his daughter was held hostage. This was the reason for his misdeeds and Silk tried to help him out by enlisting the help of Spider-Man to find Black Cat's gang, causing a show down between Silk and Black Cat which led to Silk cutting her hair to escape. Still very confused as to what has happened to her family, she took a job under JJJ at the Fact Channel who took an immediate liking to her as she suggested that they start taking photos of Silk. One day, JJJ looked at Cindy's computer screen to find out that she was trying to find where her family was which also led her to tell him everything about herself. During the events of Secret Wars while Earth-616 and Earth-1610 were colliding into each other, JJJ gave Cindy a case file of a young boy who seemed to be her brother, Albert Jr. as he told her this. As Silk, she swung to the location where she met her brother, now with a 'X' shape scar on the right side of his forehead, embraced him. When getting close to the end the world, she told her brother "I'm sorry. For everything. And I love you, Albert. I love you."

Second and Third Volumes

Silk and Black Cat working together
Silk and Black Cat working together

Now that Earth-616 has been refreshed as the part of the "All New, All Different Marvel Universe", Cindy Moon had been checking up on her brother, still searching for clues of her parents and has been fighting with the Goblin Nation as Silk. She also went undercover for Mockingbird as a villain to work with Black Cat and discovered her schemes. She even came across a mysterious figure known as Spectro. During the events of the Spider-Women arc, Silk teamed up with Spider-Woman and Spider-Gwen and had conflicts with Earth-65's villains, including the evil counterpart of Cindy and a Doc Ock who has a gross pet octopus.

Back in Cindy's earth, Silk continued her undercover mission to earn more of Black Cat's trust to gain deeper intelligence of her criminal operation, still intending to complete her mission and get whatever SHIELD has on her family's whereabouts. Eventually, Black Cat discovered her alliance with Mockingbird, prompting her to a fight. Silk took some heavy beatings from Black Cat, but Cat's gang were finally taken down by SHIELD agents and Silk was saved by Spectro, who was revealed to be Cindy's ex-boyfriend Hector. It is revealed that Hector actually died when a neighbor attempted to summon a demon in his apartment block, resulting in him wandering a strange world and was only able to manage tangibility when in combat. Cindy's friends and colleagues Rafferty and Lola at Fact Channel discovered her secret identity and Cindy embraced this opportunity to open up to them, which helped relieve some of her feelings of loneliness in the world. Cindy's friends revealed that they had discovered Dr. Kapoor's lab, which has been abandoned for months but had a secret benefactor continually paying the rent.

Silk and her friends, Lola and Rafferty in the Negative Zone
Silk and her friends, Lola and Rafferty in the Negative Zone

Shortly after they arrived at the lab, they discovered a dimensional doorway which led them to The Negative Zone. Upon journeying to the Negative Zone, the girls relished the adventurous experience and encountered a talking dragon called David Wilcox. David explained to them about the continuing war of a Red Knight fighting against the evil forces of the Ash King and his army and he caught the scent of their arrival, which mimicked the arrival of a previously three (from the outer world) years ago. The girls aided the Red Knight and the Red Knight was revealed to be Cindy's mother, Nari. She explained to Cindy that she and her father, who has become a prisoner of the Ash King some time previously, had originally traveled to the Negative Zone in search of a blue elixir they believed could be synthesized into an antidote for the spider bite that Cindy received and would cure her powers, thus removing the threat of the Inheritors. Cindy's father Albert Sr. is soon liberated from his prison and soon after Silk, friends and parents said their goodbyes to their allies in the Negative Zone and returned home. Mockingbird gave financial help to Cindy's family in the form of an abode in which to live, and the family began to start a new life.

Fourth Volume

Cindy as Silkworm
Cindy as Silkworm

Around the events of the Clone Conspiracy, Cindy was glad to have her family back, but still felt distant from them and doesn't make as much of an effort to spend as much time with them. When JJJ wanted one of his workers to investigate the New U Technologies scenario in San Francisco, Cindy volunteered to go and get away from the city as Spectro accompanied her. JJJ was enthusiastic for her that her family was back together and left for dinner, but Cindy found something strange about his behavior. She and Spectro decided to investigate his room in New U and she used her powers to create a different costume from her Silk outfit to avoid suspicion, which Spectro dubbed Cindy's new look, "Silkworm". Cindy's suspicions were now correct when she found JJJ talking with his formerly deceased wife Marla while Spectro found a room with a number of test subjects in capsules. Spectro triggered the intruder alert, prompting Cindy to escape. Before she can leave, she was attacked by a resurrected Mattie Franklin, who was in her own Spider-Woman costume. She paused the fight and told Cindy that New U was doing things for good purposes and offered her a tour in exchange for removing her mask, but unfortunately Cindy refused and took off. Cindy got some info from Lola and Rafferty about New U and then was approached in her apartment by JJJ. Cindy gave her research to voice skepticism on New U and JJJ invited her to join him on a quick trip to the facility. After the introduction of his wife and niece and taking his wife for treatments, Mattie showed Cindy around the facility, telling her that she was suspicious of the whole experiment, as some of the other resurrected characters have been showing slight behavioral glitches and took her to a place called "Haven" where they find Hector back in his own body. Suddenly, an alarm went off and started affecting all the resurrected clones. Hector started becoming Spectro again and prepared to attack Cindy due to the effects. Mattie helped Cindy deal with Hector who reverted back to his ghostly form after his cloned body disintegrated. All of this trouble was caused by Doc Ock and the Jackal and the Carrion virus had started to spread worldwide. Silk (now back to her costume), Mattie and Spectro headed to the broadcast center to stop the effect with a help of Spider-Man and Anna Maria Marconi. Mattie saved Silk from one of the carriers trying to infect her and passed out in the process. After Spider-Man sent out the Webware Emergency Signal, JJJ and Silk found Marla and Mattie reduced to dust.

Silk defeating Fang
Silk defeating Fang

Following the events, Cindy quit her job at the Fact Channel and thought about what she wanted to do with her life. After a heart-warming discussion with her brother, her therapist, and helping a child free his kite in the graveyard, she decided to join SHIELD academy. After some work with SHIELD, Cindy researched her father's secret meetings and eventually confronted him about his secret with a mysterious doctor, who turned out to be Fang. She worked for Ezekiel and was the leader of a splinter group of a spider society, and while she claimed to Cindy's father that she would be curing Cindy of her powers, her actual plan was to transfer Cindy's powers to herself and use her abilities to take over the spider society. After inheriting Ezekiel's fortune and manipulating Cindy's father, she kept her eyes on Cindy during her time in the bunker and after the bunker. Cindy became Silk and defeated Fang with the help of Spectro and her father accepted her for who she was. With her family closer, her job at SHIELD, and with Rafferty and Lola married, Cindy Moon finally felt happy again.

Fifth Volume

Adjusting to normal life, Cindy lived with her brother and began a job as a journalist for J.J Jameson. She went on some adventures as Silk during this time, involving fighting a cat demon and being betrayed by her "frenemy".

Sixth Volume

Back to journaling, Cindy still managed to find time to be a superhero and save a social media-obsessed teenager named Lucas Young. Afterwards, she had an appointment with her therapist, Dr. Sinclair, where they discussed Cindy leading more of her own life rather than a superhero one.

The next day, at work, her boss got angry that Lucas Young had more footage on Silk than they did. The next morning, Cindy had to wake up early to investigate breaking news that something had happened at the Met. A police officer let her inside and when her Spidey Sense went off, she changed into her Silk suit. As she investigated, she came across a being that she wasn't sure was human. Cindy then heard someone pleading for help and found someone who appeared to be an old man, but who as actually Lucas. He told her that "she" did something to him the previous night. Cindy didn't know who "she" was but agreed to help.

Personal Information


  • Height: 5 ft, 7 inch
  • Weight: 130 lbs
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Unusual Features: Her features changed when she was possessed by Kindred.


  • Known Relatives: Albert Moon (father), Nari Moon (mother), Albert Moon II (brother)
  • Birthplace: Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York
  • Occupations: Reporter/journalist, vigilante, adventurer, intern
  • Marital Status: Single

Powers and Abilities

Cindy gained similar abilities to Peter Parker when she was bitten by the same radioactive spider that gave him his amazing abilities.


Cindy is described as being faster than Peter by his own admission.


Just like her speed, Silk's Spider-Sense is on a higher level than Spider-Man's. She describes their Spider-Sense as "psychic strands of webbing reaching out into the world," with hers able to go "farther" than Peter's. This is evident when she was able to detect Black Cat and Electro at the news station before Peter was, and later when she managed to detect the duo again while they were hidden at a distance within a crowd.

During her short tussle with Spider-Man when he broke her out of her bunker, she also manages to easily dodge all of his web-shots thanks to her Spider-Sense, which Peter describes as "Matrix/Bullet-Time good!"

Organic Webbing

Silk's clear advantage over Spider-Man in terms of their powers would be in her webbing. Unlike Peter, who uses artificial web-fluid that he creates, Cindy is able to spin her own webs from her fingertips. Not only is she able to do this, but her webs' tips are barbed like a fishhook, which allows her to have a better hold on whatever she attaches her web-line onto.

Silk is also able to spin various kinds of webs, two of which have been revealed so far. The first is her insulated web which is insulated from electrical current such as Electro's attacks. The second is her porous web, which seems to be an air-cushioned web that's strong enough to safely catch a crashing helicopter.

Superhuman Strength

Paradoxically to her speed her strength is not on par with Peter and is admittedly weaker in this regard.

Alternate Versions


In this reality, Cindy was almost bitten by a radioactive spider while at OSCORP labs. Her parents sued OSCORP and won but Cindy was focussed on the powers she could've gotten. Cindy ended up making a deal with SHIELD to cure Agent Jesse Drew's radiation poisoning. When she uncovered how to treat him, she stopped her experiments and blackmailed Jesse into stealing her research for her. Cindy ended up founding S.I.L.K., a spy agency, and she and Jesse fought Captain America.

Afterwards, Cindy began tracking Spider-Gwen in hopes of replicating how Gwen got her spider powers via the radioactive spider that bit her. She ended up stealing Gwen's interdimensional teleporter. When confronted by Gwen, Cindy removed her powers and beat her in combat. However, when finding out that Cindy had lied to him, Jesse betrayed her and gave his 616 counterpart, Spider-Woman, her location. Jessica defeated Cindy and put her in SHIELD custody.

Later on, while still in SHIELD custody, Daredevil, who she had a romance with, visited her. Cindy gave him Radioactive Spider Isotopes to test on Gwen. Gwen later came and confronted Cindy. They then met again when Cindy was in SHIELD custody for her "crimes".


In this reality, Cindy was a high school student. She was thought to be deceased but was later revealed alive when she was accepted into Stark Camp.


In this reality, Cindy got her powers via an Active-Radio Spider.


After dying and being reborn on Doom's battlefield in the Kingdom of Manhattan dimension, Cindy participated in a battle between this new dimension and Earth-616. After learning the truth from Miles Morales, Cindy was among the group who confronted Doom and were erased from reality.


Cindy was shown in this reality.

Other Media


Silk series

Sony is developing a live-action series following Cindy.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Cindy was shown to be a contact in Spider-Man's (Miles) phone.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Tiffany Espensen as Cindy Moon in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Tiffany Espensen as Cindy Moon in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Cindy appears in as a classmate of Peter and a member of the decathlon team of the school. She is portrayed by Tiffany Espensen


Marvel Avengers Alliance


Silk is a playable character in the game and can be recruited by completing Special Operation 29: Aranea Ex Machina.

Her bio says: Cindy Moon was a gifted child with an eidetic memory. Bitten by the same radioactive spider that created her world's Spider-Man, Cindy was locked away in a bunker to hide her from the Inheritors. Eventually, Spider-Man learned of her existence and sought her out only to draw the attention of the Inheritors and set of a chain of events that would affect the Spider-Verse.

Marvel Future Fight

Silk in Marvel Future Fight
Silk in Marvel Future Fight

Silk is a playable character in the game. She is a speed type, and her description in the game says: As a teenager, Cindy Moon was bitten by the same spider that bit Peter Parker, giving her powers similar to those of the Amazing Spider-Man: powers of adhesion, a unique precognitive awareness of danger, and the ability to weave spider webs from her fingertips, she now swings through the skies of New York City as Silk!

She is available with variant uniforms

  • Silk - All-New, All-Different
  • Silk - Web Suit

Marvel: War of Heroes

Marvel: War of Heroes
Marvel: War of Heroes

Silk appears in several cards in the mobile card game Marvel: War of Heroes. Her cards are:

  • [Another Bite] Silk


Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends
  • A Silk figure was released by Hasbro for the Marvel Legends Venom Spaceknight Build-a-Figure wave. A redeco was later released exclusively on the Hasbro Pulse website. An updated Silk with an improved facial likeness would later be produced in a box set with Doctor Octopus as an Amazon exclusive.
  • Silk was featured in the HeroClix figure game.
  • Sideshow Collectibles produced a Silk statue.
  • Diamond Select produced a Silk statue.
  • Silk was featured in Funko's Pop! line of bobbleheads.
  • Silk was featured in the Marvel Chess Collection from Eaglemoss Publications.


June 2014

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May 2015

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Enemy teams