


Ex-soldier fused with the spirit of the deadly/demon/ninja Ogun (Wolverine's past teacher and once father figure).

Real name:
  • Sharp
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Marksmanship
  • Stealth
  • Swordsmanship
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


Not much is known about Sharp's life before the Weapon X, only that he served as a Delta soldier.

Death of Wolverine


By unknown and unclear reasons, Sharp originally joined the Weapon X Program voluntary. Dr. Cornelius said he made him perfect, as he enhanced every system of his body, enough to get the upper hand in a fight with Wolverine. But this last one tricked him into punching the glass where Cornelius was, so Logan knocked Sharp out, leaving him apparently dead.

After waking up in the destroyed Paradise facility with no memory of who was he or the voice in his head, him and other Paradise subjects escaped after being attacked. Believing the voice in his head was the Wolverine's, Sharp seeked Sabretooth who only confirmed that the other person in his head wasn't Logan.

After the other subjects were hunted down, Lord Ogun revealed himself, and tried to take control, but failed after Sharp realized Ogun was weak, but decided not to get rid of him as he needed his abilities to rescue the others. After successfully taking down many other subjects, Neuro informed him that they are all disposable, and had a genetic time bomb placed to kill them. The key to stop it was the regenerative healing factor of various previous mutant subjects, the "Wolverines" (Mystique, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike and X-23), which they had to find.



After successfully finding and kidnapping the “Wolverines” and threatening them with the “control words” (that manipulate, sedate or even kill each of them), Shogun, Neuro, Endo, Junk and Skel ally them to find the adamantium-petrified body of Wolverine in the burnt-down Paradise facility, when they encountered and fought the Wrecking Crew, hired by Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), who were looking for the same. When X-23 and Daken found the body, Mr. Sinister appeared, took Wolverine's body, plus an eye and arm from Daken, and left. Apparently, Daken lost his healing factor.

On the The Changeling ship, Sharp uses a serum made by Dr. Cornelius that he found in the wreckage to stabilize and save Daken, against Ogun's wishes. When the team starts planning how to retrieve Wolverine's body, Neuro tells Sharp that there is another Paradise subject who is the perfect thief and the only one able to help penetrate Mr. Sinister's nigh-impenetrable base: Fantomelle.

The team arrives at Fantomelle's place at the time she was being attacked by Siphon, the monster who stole Daken's healing factor. After a brutal fight along Skel, Shogun throws a grenade at Siphon, seemingly killing it. At the The Changeling, while Sharp, Neuro, Fantonelle and her fox Culpepper make plans for the invasion, Fantonelle realizes by body language that Sharp was having an internal conversation with Ogun, and warned him that if he trusts him over her inside Mr. Sinister's base, it will get him killed.

The team got a surprise attack, by Sarky Gripes, a servant of Mr. Sinister, who was expecting and wanted to learn more about them, and refused them to leave. When Endo tried to escaped, Sarky activated some sort of hole where she felt. Sharp killed Sarky, but more “Gripes” showed up, all clones.

When the team was inside Sinister's fortress, he told them that many of his experiments needed field testing against unpredictable opponents as them, and if they survived he might let them live. The team was suddenly separated, Shogun ending up with Neuro and Skel. They were attacked by Fin Fang Foom, a giant green monster, who had half a Thor attached to the end of its tounge. Skel punches its guts and Shogun defeats it by cutting off and killing the Thor part. Neuro then analyzes the creature and tells Sharp that Sinister could cure them and there was no need for Wolverine, so he offers Sinister complete control over the "Wolverines" in exchange for curing them.

When the X-Men showed up demanding for Wolverine's body, Sinister told Neuro he accepted his offer, so, against Shogun's wishes, he used a control word on Lady Deathstrike and putted her under Sinister's control, althougth the rest of the "Wolverines" blocked or damaged their ears. While Neuro thought of this action insane, Shogun explained it was simply warfare. Then, Fantomelle, after stealing Wolverine's body and bending herself through the dimensions of Sinister's vacuum trap, tried to escape with the body, but Nightcrawler appeared and teleported away with the Wolverine for the X-Men.

Lady Deathstrike attacks Shogun
Lady Deathstrike attacks Shogun

While Endo, Neuro and Skel. remained with Mr. Sinister, Sharp and Junk stayed with the Wolverines. Mystique then declares herself as the leader of the team, and makes Sharp help her retrieve the zhulong, or sun dragon, on Taipei, and tells him that Lady Deathstrike is interested in him, but Sharp thinks she doesn't because as he holds her secret words, she wants to kill him. Then, before they leave, Mystique creates a complex trap where he makes him reveal her secret words. Then, while Ogun tells him to return to Sinister, Deathstrike appears and attacks him. After a short fight, they kiss. Suddenly, a mysterious figure appears from a meteor crash and demands to know who killed Logan.

Powers and Abilities

  • Specialized in firearms: When he was a Delta soldier, his specialty was with firearms.
  • Master Martial Artist: He became a very skilled fighter, mastering more than 13 different martial arts, including Ogun's own, Ogun Ryu.
  • Gifted Tactician: He has extreme tactical awareness and battle strategy skills. Said to be like "Alexander The Great mixed with Patton mixed with a pack of wolves".
  • Skilled Swordsman: He has amazing skills in the use of swords, knifes, and other blades.


December 2014

January 2015

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