Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Chemical Secretion
  • Elasticity
  • Super Strength


Shift was a clone of Miles Morales created by the Assessor. He was trained and tortured by the Assessor, who ultimately advanced his age by force. He plotted together with his brothers, Selim and Mindspinner, to break out, as soon as they were strong enough.


Shift was created in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 by Saladin Ahmed and Carmen Nunez Carnero during Miles' own Clone Saga.

Major Story Arcs

Clone Saga

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Shift followed his brother, Selim, on various heists and kidnappings looking for science equipment and scientists. They realized they were suffering from cellular degradation and would not last much longer without a cure.

When these crimes gave Miles a bad reputation, he started investigating them. He tracked them to a lab where he thought they were making more clones, so he destroyed it. To get back at him for destroying their cure, Selim and Mindspinner targeted his family, while reluctant Shift guarded Miles.

Miles recognized Shift's reluctance to hurt him and tried to make an emotional connection with him. He was able to break free of his restraints and leave without Shift trying to stop him. Meanwhile, Selim used Billie to bait Miles to the Brooklyn Bridge. Selim engages in combat to prove he is better than Miles. Eventually, Mindspinner and Shift show up, but when Shift proves to be on Miles' side, Selim attacks him. Mindspinner defends Shift leading to Selim and Mindspinner using their venom blasts on each other and causing a large explosion.

With his brothers dead, Shift is invited to join Miles' family. Shift wasn't ready to meet the family, but Miles still got Ganke's help in checking out his disease with stolen school equipment. They determine that when Billie sneezed on Shift, it forced his immune system to create antibodies that also somehow stabilized his clone form.


Assessor's main terminal
Assessor's main terminal

Miles is served papers by the Beyond Corporation, for misuse of the Spider-Man trademark that Beyond owned. He continued using it anyway, and Ben Reilly, Beyond's in-house Spider-Man supported Miles' choice to defy the legal notice. After their team up together, Miles found evidence that Assessor might be working on new experiments with Beyond's help. So, Miles and Shift went to investigate.

They found the main hard drive where Assessor kept his A.I. The Assessor created a number of drones to take them on, so they needed help from Quantum, the Assessor's henchman. Quantum was sick of being torture as a Beyond test subject so he teleported Miles to the top of the large hard drive where Miles used a venom blast to overload it, wiping the Assessor.

Quantum left but told Miles to check the black doors. He found files on alternate universes including a report about Aaron being alive. Using a Beyond portal, he and Shift went looking for their Uncle Aaron. They ended up on a fascist dystopian Earth when Selim had survived and taken over. An older Ganke was part of a resistance that helped Miles and Shift take out Selim and rescue Aaron, who was Selim's prisoner, eventually making it back home through the portal.

Gang War

Shift and the Cape Killers
Shift and the Cape Killers

Ever since returning from the alternate universe with Miles, Shift has taken up residency secretly in the basement of Brooklyn Visions Academy. When a gang war broke out across all of New York City, Shift was recruited by Starling on Miles' orders as reinforcements. After defeating Frost Pharaoh and Bumbler, they turned to the Enforcers and their new leader, The Prowler, who were all upgraded with mysterious new tech.

The Prowler had led the Enforcers into a trap, hoping that Miles and his allies would be able to stop them. He then recruited them all to help him take down Hobgoblin, who was trafficking Beyond Corporation tech to the street gangs of Brooklyn. Hobgoblin also hired a number of goons to secure the perimeter. Starling, Shift, and Scorpion are on goon duty, but Scorpion is able to reach some of them, convincing them that goblins never follow through on their promises. Shocker, Ricadonna, Mister Fish, Man-Bull, and Goldbug all join the Cape Killers to help Miles take down Hobgoblin.

In the ensuing fight, Hobgoblin's cache of explosives are triggered causing a massive explosion. Hobgoblin is assumed dead, and with Brooklyn safe again, Agent Gao reminds Miles that his truce with the Cape Killers is over.


The Morales Family meets Shift
The Morales Family meets Shift

Following a productive conversation with his therapist, Miles decides to keep his gang war team, including Shift, together so they could track down Rabble and try to rehabilitate her. Shift was especially excited because Ms. Marvel was going to help him master his power, which was similar to her own. Unfortunately, Rabble had gotten to the Cape Killers first, outfitting them with new armor. The Cape Killers though they were getting upgrades, but Rabble was actually remote controlling them to keep Miles' friends, including Shift, busy. She even went as far as to strike Shift with a potentially fatal blow to upset Miles.

Shift was knocked out of the fight which started to rage out of control. Cape Killer, Gust proved most formidable when her armor forced her air aerokinesis to pull the breathable air from both the heroes and her teammates. Thankfully, Miles shut down Rabble's control over the Cape Killers in the nick of time. The thought of almost losing Shift inspired Miles to finally introduce him to his family.


Metamophic: Shift's body is very unstable allowing him to morph and stretch.

Immunity: He is immune to Miles' venom blasts.

Chemical Secretion: He is capable of secreting a multi-color knockout gas that also doubles as spray paint.


September 2021

October 2021

February 2022

March 2022

April 2022

May 2022

June 2022

July 2022

August 2022

September 2022

October 2022

November 2022

February 2024

April 2024







Enemy teams