
Shelly Conklin

Shelly Conklin

Shelly conklin is the Capitain of CodeBlue and follows the stratagemes of Lt. Stone

Shelly Conklin
Real name:
Shelly Conklin
  • Shelley Conklin
  • Captain Conklin
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Intellect
  • Leadership

Captain Conklin sent Code: Blue on their first mission, to save a hostage from the Wrecking Crew. Lt. Stone doubted that his team was ready for the field at that time, but the mission proved successful.

Captain Conklin stepped out into the field to oversee Code: Blue's actions as they set out to rescue Kevin Masterson from Loki. Conklin met with Lt. Stone as he planned to invade Asgard with Code: Blue to capture Ulik. She disapproved of Stone's mission, feeling he was on a mission of vengeance for what Ulik had done to Mother Majowski, but Stone disregarded her objections.

After Code: Blue saves Jock Jackson, they were taken captive by S.H.I.E.L.D., Conklin reluctantly allowed Jackson to go on leave so that he could join Thunderstrike and Spider-Man in attempting to get them back. When Code: Blue returned, Shelley was pleased to see Lt. Stone again, but less than enthused at the illegal CD of information they had obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D. to help them track the killer Pandara.

Conklin attended a demonstration of the robot Officer Z.E.R.O., created by Thomas Rizzo to be the ultimate law enforcement machine. Conklin had Lt. Stone take Officer Z.E.R.O. with Code: Blue on a training mission, but the mission proved disastrous when the robot went rogue, and had to be destroyed.

Stone and Conklin met with Thunderstrike after Kevin Masterson was shot. They provided him with information on school shootings, unaware that he was Kevin's father. Conklin met with Lt. Stone, Chief O'Grady and Jim Young of the mayor's office to discuss the cost of sending Code: Blue into the field. Conklin was forced to accept Young's condition that Code: Blue not be sent out without his approval. Shelley also visited her husband Paul, and apologized for not being available to her family so often.

Conklin again butted heads with Young when Wrecker went on a rampage, and she authorized Code: Blue to stop him without Young's permission. Young refused, at first, to authorize sending in Code: Blue, but finally did after his attempt at getting Thor to defeat the Wrecker for them failed. Conklin assisted in the Wrecker's defeat by locating Burt Garthwaite, the Wrecker's father, so that Code: Blue could force the Wrecker to confront him.

When her husband contacted her to inform her that the Thermal Man was running amok at Redfield Electronics, Shelley overrode Young's authority and sent in Code: Blue, joining them in the field. In the course of their battle against the Thermal Man, her husband was killed, but he gave her evidence that Jim Redfield had allowed the accident to happen. As Redfield was sent away, Shelley was informed by Chief O'Grady that she was fired for abusing her authority.

Code: Blue was reactivated when Kronin Krask assaulted the stock market, and Shelley joined the team in the field again, alongside Daredevil. Thanks to Code: Gray, Krask was contained, and Code: Blue was fully reinstated, with Young assigned elsewhere. While Code: Blue and Code: Gray celebrated, Shelley spoke with Lt. Stone, and learned that his divorce had gone through.

Captain Conklin kept watch over Jackie Lucas in custody with Dr. Gary Paretsky and Samantha Joyce, and witnessed her faint after Thunderstrike gave up his life to destroy the Bloodaxe which had possessed her.

Captain Conklin had a head from one of the henchmen of Price destroyed by Thor and various statements made by people who had dreams of Yggdrasil sent to the desk of Curzon, a British inspector assigned to Code: Blue.


November 1990

January 1991

May 1991

June 1992

August 1992

December 1992

June 1993

February 1994

March 1994

May 1994

August 1994

September 1995

April 2008

March 2016

April 2016

June 2016

July 2016

May 2024









