


Elaine Coll, AKA Scorpia is a psychotic woman with a similar suit to that of the Scorpion and an enemy of Spider-Man.

Real name:
Elaine Coll
  • Scorpion
  • Kitten
  • Elaine Coll
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Claws
  • Force Field
  • Gadgets
  • Healing
  • Marksmanship
  • Power Suit
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Wall Clinger


Elaine Coll was a former mental patient in Hell's Kitchen who was given an enhanced version of Scorpion's suit and and recruited by Silvermane to retrieve the cyborg Deathlok. In the initial assault, in which she was assisted by Beetle and Hydro-Man, she was taken out by Spider-Man, but ultimately succeeded in bringing in a surrendered Deathlok after Silvermane revealed he had taken control of the city's computer systems. She was then ordered to ambush the infiltrated Spider-Man and Daredevil, who were trying to rescue Deathlok. She was holding her own aginst both heroes until she was betrayed and shot in the back by her own employer, now in control of Deathlok's body to gain his enemies' trust. Enraged at his betrayal, she swore revenge and followed them in hopes of finding Silvermane and exacting her vengeance against him. Once there, she attacked him, but her armor was taken over by Mainframe, another of Silvermane's henchmen. However, after Daredevil defeated Mainframe, she regained control over her body and resumed her attack on her former employer. Her revenge, though remained unfinished because of an explosion set off by the Punisher, and she was forced to flee the area.


Scorpia was created by Gregory Wright and Darick Robertson in 1995 and first appeared in Spider-Man: The Power of Terror # 2.

Major Story Arcs

The Mark of Kaine

Scorpia forms an alliance with Hobgoblin, Vulture, Shocker, Beetle, Electro and Mysterio as the Sinister Six when they learn that Kaine has been killing off some of Spider-Man's enemies including Doctor Octopus and Grim Hunter. They get information from police computer records showing areas around Manhattan that Kaine has been sighted. The team splits up and given communicators in case they discover Kaine during their hunt. Hobgoblin is attacked by Kaine disguised as Spider-Man on a building rooftop until the rest of the Sinister Six arrive. Their attempt at teamwork is floundering and they fight poorly as a team. Scorpia accidentally stabs Shocker with her tail during the fight but eventually the table begins to turn in their favor until Scarlet Spider comes to assist Kaine. Scarlet Spider would punch out Scorpia and Kaine manages to escape from the Sinister Six.

Grave Matters

Scorpia would team up with several criminals including Boomerang, Jack O Lantern, Beetle and the Shocker after Jonah Jameson offered a $100,000 reward to anyone that could recover the skeleton of a Peter Parker clone that was dumped in a stack a few years ago. The criminals come into conflict with Ben Reilly as Spider-Man and a mercenary called the Pro when the skull of the clone is discovered inside a cemetery. Scorpia is immediately webbed up and rendered a spectator during the fight. Reilly punches Jack O' Lantern off his hover disc and is thrown right into Scorpia where both villains are out for the count.

The Evil That Men Do

Scorpia reappears sometime later when she goes after a man named Garrison Klum in Carnegie Hall. Scorpia takes out a few guards when Spider Man and the Black Cat arrive. The Black Cat manages to rip out Scorpia's tail with her grappling hook and Spider Man takes her out with a stomp to the head. Scorpia was being held in a cell at the Midtown North Precinct when Spider Man and the Black Cat dropped by. Spider Man told Scorpia that she would keep pegging her with web balls and have Felicia sing Memories from the Broadway show Cats until she tells the heroes who hired her to go after Klum. Scorpia tells them the information they needed and is left alone in her holding cell.

Brand New Day

Scorpia is hanging out at the Bar With No Name with other villains when a low-life baddie named the Basher calls out Spider-Man on a website. A man called the Bookie begins to take bets on the fight and a number of shady patrons become angry when they realize the Spider-Man that fights the Basher is an imposter. However, the real Spider-Man shows up and discovers that the imposter is the woman known as Screwball. She tells Spider-Man that the Bookie could be found at the villain bar hangout. Spider-Man shows up and a brief scuffle occurs. The bartender stops the fight and Spider-Man leaves when he gets the information he needs on the Bookie.

Sinister Syndicate

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Scorpia was offered membership on the new Sinister Syndicate. It was assembled by the new Beetle, Janice Lincoln. As Beetle explained, organized crime had the worst gender disparity of every profession. She wanted the new Syndicate to respect the contributions of women to evil and foster support among a community of female supervillains. They were going to smash the glass ceiling with the bodies of their enemies.

The team was often getting into trouble thanks to Beetle’s relationship with Randy Robertson. Randy wanted her to stop being a villain, so she had made a deal with Kingpin to give up Boomerang to become deputized as his security detail. Her team passed on the idea though. They laid low after that, until the Beetle and Randy were kidnapped by Madame Masque and Crime-Master, who were working with a network of crime bosses brought together by Kingpin. The team showed up to rescue Beetle, who was already in the midst of being rescued by Beetle and Randy’s fathers, Tombstone and Robbie Robertson.

Sinister War

While discussing the membership of a possible seventh member, Ana Kravinoff, the Syndicate is approached by Kindred and sent to a graveyard, where Spider-Man is already fighting off two other supervillain groups. There, Kindred announces they were all hellbound villains who could earn a spot as Kindred's assistant, avoiding torture in the afterlife, if they killed Spider-Man. Spider-Man tries to get away while they all fight each other for the chance, but he fails. Eventually, Doc Ock uses a piece of Black Ant's helmet to knock everyone, including the Syndicate, out through the ear centipedes Kindred was using to control them.

Gang War

As a member of the Syndicate, she backed up Beetle when Tombstone was gravely injured. A gang war had been incited, and Beetle was forced to defend her dad's territory. With Scorpia and the rest of the Syndicate, Beetle planned on taking all of Harlem for her father's crime organization. This put them in the sights of Madame Masque, who has been secretly orchestrating the entire gang war so she would be the last gang leader standing. Scorpia accompanied Beetle and all her backup to Central Park where they would fight Masque's full army over the rest of the city.

Unfortunately, Madame Masque also had weapon master, Rabble, on her team. The upgrades were enough to push the Syndicate back until Spider-Man, Tombstone, and the other heroes arrived and took on Masque's forces. Scorpia and The Syndicate stepped back and waited until the heroes took out enough of Masque's crew for them to have an easy fight, except Tombstone caught them hiding and took out Beetle before she could be the last gang leader standing.

Tombstone usurped his own daughter as the head of the Syndicate and the Harlem gangs. He ordered a full retreat leaving the Masque's new Maggia and the heroes to deal with each other. With Spider-Man's crew proving victorious and the vigilante law repealed, Tombstone now ran the only criminal enterprise in the city.

Video Games

Scorpia is confirmed to confirm in the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man game.


February 1995

March 1995

April 1995

May 1995

May 1996

September 2002

October 2002

November 2003

August 2008

September 2009

December 2013

February 2014

April 2014

May 2016

December 2016

January 2017

August 2017

September 2017

June 2018

September 2018

October 2018

June 2019

July 2019

September 2019

October 2019

February 2020



















Enemy teams