


Ayla Ranefer is the mummified woman known as Rotwrap, is a member of hydra's D.O.A. and an enemy of the Midnight Sons

Real name:
Ayla Ranefer
  • Ayla Ranefer
  • Rot Wrap
Birth date:
  • Animal Control
  • Magic
  • Poisonous
  • Power Suit
  • Unarmed Combat

Rotwrap is a member of HYDRA's D.O.A.- Department of Occult Armaments alongside Belial, Malpractice, Pyre and Innards. D.O.A. would come into conflict with the Nightstalkers when they targeted Hannibal King to be a specimen when HYDRA planned to develop vampiric troopers.


Rotwrap was created by D.G. Chichester and Ron Garney in 1992 and first appeared in Nightstalkers # 2.


Rotwrap is more of a Saturday morning cartoon style tertiary villain. Quippy and arrogant, but weak and easily overcome.


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Ayla Ranefer would join Hydras experiments and the DOA proper, after taking part in a burial ritual designed to give her a variation of super soldier powers. She was wrapped in bandages, with other chemical concoctions and then buried in the sands of Egypt, under the Pyramids. There a Malevolent, and unnatural species of insect infested her wrapping as her flesh putrefied.

She later took part in Belial's plan to dispose of a traitorous team in Louisiana. A team that used their abilities for petty crimes. Her part in their demise is unknown.

She was later a part of the team that joined Belial in going after Major Walter Patton, when he and his convoy left Newbury College. They intercepted the vehicles and attacked. Rotwrap took on Major Patton who easily took her down.

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But in the process her insects had attached themselves to him, as she lay on the ground coaxing more from her wrapping. With the Major knocked out, the DOA captured the rest of the team. and set a trap. When the Nightstalkers arrived. Blade and Rotwrap clashed, and she was easily taken down for the second time. As she rolled towards a tree, her insects had gotten onto Blades weapon, and attacked. While he squashed and sliced them, she coaxed more to defend her. But this proved ineffective, as Blade proved too tough, even though he was weakened by the many stings and bites. He still was able to grab her and nearly finish her off, as she was paralyzed with fear. But Pyre was able to defeat the weakened Blade, and rescue her teammate.

Successful in Kidnapping Hannibal King, the DOA fled the defeated Nightstalkers. They made their way to a balloon field where Rotwrap used her bandages to choke two ballooners unconscious and steal their balloon. She stood by as Belial and the others discussed their plans for King.

Soon a reinvigorated Blade pounced on their balloon, and made his way through the DOA, as Frank Drake took out Pyre, setting the balloon on fire. With Rotwrap being the last one in his way. Blade attacked, calling out her lack of insects. But she was able to coax out two large ones, which spit poison and burn his skin, stunning him. But only momentarily as King revives and quickly knocks her out. As the balloon crashes into the river. She is later punished alongside the other DOA, by Strucker.

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Later she is seen standing with Belial in a new Uniform as they plot their next move and Belial goes over the histories of his team using various divination techniques, like Ceromancy and Icthyomancy.

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Belial and his team had found a way to jumpstart their vampire program, so took his main team to a Graveyard south of the Mason-Dixon Line. They searched for the victim of a vampire attack, who turned out to be Suzie Harlow. Her father was on site mourning her loss and drinking heavily. He saw them despoiling her grave. He attacks and kills Belials Raven, Edgar. Rotwrap retaliates by flinging some insects at him, but he is able to ignore the bites and stings. With his weapon loaded he turns to shoot her, but she is saved when Innards shoves her aside and fires stomach acid in his face.

She isn't present at the completion of the Vampire program which creates a soldier that goes on to kill Belial, and slaughtered the research team. Her next appearance would be in Fear Itself: The Fearless.

Major Story Arcs

Fear Itself - The Fearless

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Rotwrap and the rest of DOA reappear to do a simple recon mission for Sin, in Transylvania, as she attempts to retrieve the mystical hammers when they are scattered throughout the world after the Worthy and the Serpent are defeated. The DOA manage to place a spider shaped tracking device on Valkyrie as she attempts to retrieve the mystic hammers before they fall into the wrong hands.

On her next mission, Rotwrap joined an assault team on the The Raft, consisting of Wraithwitch, Innards, Crossbones, and herself. Upon exiting the portal, Songbird and Mach-IV immediately engaged them. Rotwrap attempted to take on Songbird. Who in turn easily defeats the Mummy-woman, knocking her out. Their mission a success, Crossbones calls for a retreat. Innards picks up the unconscious Rotwrap, and makes for the portal. As they enter Mach-IV fires a missile striking the escaping team, setting them ablaze. Rotwrap's flames are put out by base DOA agents.

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After some healing and regeneration, she goes to Valkyries pocket dimension and is assisted by Innards, and DOA agents in restraining and capturing Aragorn, Valkyries Pegasus. She then watches Crossbones, destroy Tolor's house.

She hasn't been seen active since. She may have gotten killed, or stuck on Valkyries pocket plane.

Powers and Abilities

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Rotwrap appears to be an undead female wrapped in bandages like a mummy and possesses various abilities due to her involvement with the occult and dark magic. Rotwrap can also fling her bandages towards an enemy to restrain or strangle them.

She harbors numerous deadly insects underneath her bandages that possesses deadly poison and a stinging bite. When Rotwrap uses her Insects, she has to coax them from beneath her wrappings, which she then tosses onto her enemies, hoping they can quickly find skin to attack. She has to be fairly close to perform this action, even with flying insects. Which often leads to swift retaliation by her foes usually to her detriment.

Her insect control seems to be limited to the insects that are attracted to her wrapping and nest within. Giving her control of them. Her insects will automatically defend her if she is struck and has enough of them left to do so. But she seems to be able to only summon handfuls at a time, and running out often.

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As a Half-Mummy, she appears to have some means of defense and regeneration, while being vulnerable to fire. Her Bandages give her some defense as Blade pointed out. It could be due to their mystical nature or thickness. They do seem to regenerate after a while. She may also possess a limited form of immortality, as the DOA have been nearly killed several times, and always returning.

She also appears to become more mummy like as time goes on, due to the corrupting nature of the ritual. As when she first appeared, she seemed to be a normal woman sheathed in bandages, but becoming more and more monstrous as time goes on.

Fighting skills and weaknesses

Rotwrap doesn't appear to be a very strong or capable combatant, or possess fighting skills. In every shown appearance, she requires some form of help or assistance to complete a task, or fight off a foe, once they set their sights on her. But she usually winds up defeated and knocked out.

She also seems to prefer to fling her insects in the hopes they complete their task quickly, while hanging back, which often leads to her being taken down. She often runs low on insects during battle and has to replenish them somehow. But it's never shown how, or when she does. In her fight with Blade the second time, she only was able to summon two larger, spitting insects, instead of her normal handfuls.

She doesn't seem to posses much in the way of Strength, Toughness, Durability, or Speed. She doesn't last long going toe to toe with most foes.

She has been shown to become paralyzed once a foe proves resistant, or wipes out her insects, unable to defend herself.

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She is also vulnerable to flames, due to her bandages.

Another detriment to her is that two members of the DOA can do what she does, and are much better at it. Host is a much more powerful insect controller and summoner, as he has more creatures he can summon, along with various powers like far larger swarms, and the ability to enchant his creatures.

Innards can use his abilities like her wrapping, but with more strength and range. Innards is also routinely having to save Rotwrap from danger.

All in all, Rotwrap is a very weak, and minor villain who is very easy to overcome, with or without a team.


December 1992

January 1993

February 1993

June 1993

July 1993

September 1993

January 2012

February 2012

April 2012






