Real name:
Carlos deSilva
  • Carlos deSilva
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Leadership
  • Stamina
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:
Gene Dogs (1993) #1 Storm Warning!

Carlos DeSilva was a member of an elite counter terrorist squad called Team Omega that was formed by a man named Lars Dinkelbach aka Eagle. This group was created for a very secret war against terrorism and worldwide crime. Team Omega would raid a secret research base in the African Congo when they were attacked by some ferocious creature. Carlos and his teammates suffered near fatal wounds because the creature carried an artificial virus that prevented their wounds from healing. Team Omega was taken to a covert STORM base which was an acronym for Special Taskforce Omega Response Mandate and underwent a special procedure performed by Doctor Samuel Merrick. Carlos and his teammates went inside a secret experiment called the Gene Match Device that was capable of re-writing and re-combing their DNA with genetic abilities of animals that enhanced their abilities to superhuman levels. Carlos was given the code name Pacer and he possessed gene matter from a creature that granted him enhanced stamina, strength and tracking ability. The gene-chips implanted in his cortex also improved his natural fighting skills. Carlos and his teammates would become a special unit called the Gene Dogs and the entire team consisted of Pacer, Kestrel, Howitzer, Panther and Tyr. The Gene Dogs would be the premiere fighting force of STORM and continue their war with the terrorist organization known as MyS-TECH.


Pacer was created by John Freeman and David Taylor in 1993 and first appeared in Gene Dogs # 1.

Powers & Abilities

Pacer has enhanced stamina, strength and tracking abilities. The gene-chips implanted in his cortex also improves his natural fighting skills. Pacer is a highly skilled soldier and usually carries a laser rifle.


