


Robert Frank Jr is the mutant son of the WW2 superheroes the Whizzer and Miss America. After his mother was exposed to radiation during an accident, Nuklo was sealed away in a time capsule for 25 years, in an attempt to decrease his radiation levels. Being unleashed from his prison, he battled the Avengers. Despite his lack of intelligence, Nuklo became a powerful threat and even joined the V-Battalion alongside other WW2 Superheroes. Whether on his own or in a team, Nuklo is extremely dangerous.

Real name:
Robert Frank Jr
  • Robert Frank Jr
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Invulnerability
  • Longevity
  • Radiation
  • Stamina
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat


Nuklo was the son of the Whizzer and Miss. America (Robert and Madelyn Frank) who are now deceased. Madelyn had been exposed to massive amounts of radiation when she was pregnant but her powers protected her from the radiation. When she gave birth it was discovered that the baby was a mutant and emitted uncontrollable radiation. The government persuaded the Robert and Madelyn to put their son into a special capsule that would slowly take away the excessive amount of radiation and his aging was also slowed.

Nuklo battling the Avengers (Giant Size Avengers #1)
Nuklo battling the Avengers (Giant Size Avengers #1)

Twenty-five years later, Nuklo emerged from his time capsule and battled the Avengers. The Avengers found themselves greatly outmatched by Nuklo. Robert's body caused an implosion, which resulted in him splitting into 3 clones which had further gained more power. The three clones then rejoined into each other, becoming more powerful than once before. Scarlet Witch contained the beast in a Hex field which caused him to lose power and fall unconscious.

Character Creation

Nuklo was created by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler, and Dan Adkins

Major Story Arcs

Return and Allying With Living Laser

After being defeated, Nuklo was returned to his capsule where he was placed in Government custody, here he was freed when the Living Laser entered the Government facility. Once freed, Nuklo quickly defeated Laser and fellow Avengers, Wonder man, Yellowjacket and Wasp. Nuklo had began to grow in size and strength, the Avengers best attacks did nothing and all hope seemed lost when the radiation of Nuklo was estimated to be powerful enough to take out all of Los Angeles. Until Nuklo's father, Whizzer ran at Nuklo at superspeeds, causing Nuklo to implode.

Nuklo destroying army forces
Nuklo destroying army forces

Nuklo was then taken away and imprisoned once again.

Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S

Following his defeat at the hands of the Avengers, Nuklo was imprisoned in the energy government facility Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S, there his radiation levels diminished significantly and his education levels increased. Nuklo was released and went into a battle with Black Goliath and Thing, eventually being defeated by being punched into a anti gravity device, where he was sealed.

Fighting Black Goliath
Fighting Black Goliath

Reunion With His Father

Nuklo was placed in a facility where he was being treated by a radiologist named Dr Ira S Bishoff who was actually a long term enemy of the Whizzer called Isbisa. Isbisa had been secretly been draining Nuklo of his power and added it to himself, in order to act revenge on the Whizzer. Robert visited the facility saying he won a court order to say he could take custody of his child. When Whizzer arrived, Isbisa attacked. Vision and Scarlet Witch were also present, ultimately Isbisa was defeated and Nuklo was finally cured. However Robert Frank died of a heart attack because of rescuing his son.


Robert brawling in a bar
Robert brawling in a bar

Nuklo eventually was placed in the custody of Dr. Linda Hyam's. Nuklo was taken to a small community where he participated in a school as well as getting a job at a local gas station. Robert would get into a brawl with a group of people in a bar that Wolverine had attended. Nuklo was later attacked by the superhuman hunting robot T.E.S.S-One which beat him into unconsciousness.

V-Battalion and Battle With the Thunderbolts

Nuklo would later become a member of the V-Battlion, Nuklo batted the Thunderbolts among them and even did battle with Atlas.

Pleasant Hill

For some unknown reason, Nuklo was one of the many imprisoned in Pleasant Hill.

Imprisoned during Pleasant Hill
Imprisoned during Pleasant Hill

Character Evolution

The Avengers discovered the capsule decades later. The Whizzer aided the Avengers to try to find a way to contain his son. Eventually Nuklo was permanently cured of his excess radiation problem. He was recently given a place on the Council out of respect to his parents. Nuklo is slow of mind but has passed high school equivalency tests. He is boldly courageous and fiercely loyal to Aubrey and very thankful for having been given a sense of place and belonging. He now is a secret member of the V-Battalion, like his father was. Like Darren Mitchell ( Topspin), Nulko was greatly affected by Ameiko Sabuki's (Goldfire) death.


August 1974

December 1976

June 1977

May 1979

August 1979

September 1979

October 1979

November 1979

November 1981

December 1982

January 1983

January 1984

April 1986

September 1986

February 1989

December 1989

July 1996

May 2000

June 2000

July 2000

August 2000

September 2000

April 2001

June 2001

July 2001

August 2001

March 2002

May 2002

June 2002

July 2002



















