


Murmur is a member of the Canadian superhero group Alpha Flight,led by the Guardian (James Hudson).

Real name:
Arlette Truffaunt
  • Arlette Truffaut
Birth date:
  • Intellect
  • Possession
  • Psionic
  • Teleport
  • Voice-induced Manipulation


Enter Alpha Flight
Enter Alpha Flight

Murmur is a mutant with the ability to mentally control subjects. As of yet how her powers work has not been fully explained. She claims to be the child of the French film director Francois Truffaut and a cleaner. There has been no official verification of this story, but what is known is that she is a product of the Legacies program (offspring of superhuman parents) run by Department H at Hull House.


Murmur first appeared in the Marvel Comics series titled Alpha Flight #1 - Horoscope, volume 2. The date of her appearance was February 1996. She was created by Scott Lobdell, Todd Dezago, and Tom Grummet.

Major Story Arcs

Can you feel the Murmur?
Can you feel the Murmur?

Murmur was recruited from Hull House along with Radius and Flex, to become a part of a new Alpha Flight being put together by General Clarke. One of the first obstacles Murmur encountered was with Heather Hudson, as her flirtatious nature and arrogance led her to toy with James Hudson , Heather's estranged husband.

Murmur's vain nature has led to problems in battles as she seems more concerned about receiving injury to the face than the outcome. This however did not stop her from fighting alongside Alpha Flight against foes such as the X-Men, The Zodiac and Mesmero. It was during a battle against The Zodiac that she received injuries that prevented her from rejoining the team until the battle against a new Weapon X. This foe had been created by a rogue Department H scientist, Huxley. Following that battle, the two Alpha Flight teams that had participated in it merged, Murmur was re-assigned to a new Beta Flight.

In the aftermath House of M, a being known as The Collective absorbed all of the powers lost by thousands of mutants. Murmur was listed on an Avengers display screen as being one of the de-powered mutants whose powers were now in The Collective.


  • Mind Manipulation

Psionic ability that allowed her to manipulate others upon physical contact. By touching them they were completely under control and could give them commands verbally thereafter. (Such as when she touched Puck and told him to sleep, and he immediately fell asleep. She even had the power to calm the savage Sasquatch II, which was the actual Sasquatch of myth not Walter the original Sasquatch on Alpha Flight. She also had been shown to free people that were under Mesmero's control).

There were two instances that show there was more to Murmur. Such as when Alpha Flight was battling Mesmero, she demonstrated that she could kill a person using her power. This wasn't typical for a mind-controller to do. Another incident when Radius was under the control of Mesmero and to break his control Murmur had to make physical contact with him. However, his force-field prevented that, so it was not known how she broke the hold on him. They later talked about it in the series, but never gave a clear answer to how she did it. Another odd incident was when X-Men's Maggott ordered his own maggots to attack Murmur they ran away without even touching her. When she touched Maggott she had a flashback back in Hull House where she was getting attacked by bugs and monsters, which never was explained.

  • Teleportation

Cant catch what's not there.
Cant catch what's not there.

Apparently Murmur had teleportation abilities. Though not fully understood, all she apparently had to do was touch someone and state where to send them. This came from in Alpha Flight's battle with the Zodiac, Murmur touched the Zodiac member named Virgo and said "Paris". Immediately she vanished saying "Scorpio I'm fading away", which when someone who was under Murmur's control didn't have independent thought, so this was unique and different. Virgo ended up in Paris, France with a type of amnesia. The Zodiac did have personal teleportation devices, but how Murmur would know that she would have this type of a device is a mystery. Also if she did use the teleportation device, why Virgo would activate it and teleport to Paris is another mystery since Taurus later had to go get her since they stated her teleporter was broken. So the range or her actual ability to teleport people were never stated.


August 1997

September 1997

October 1997

November 1997

December 1997

January 1998

February 1998

March 1998

April 1998

May 1998

June 1998

July 1998

August 1998

September 1998

October 1998

November 1998

December 1998

January 1999

February 1999

March 1999

September 1999

March 2003

February 2008

August 2010













Enemy teams