


Dr. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a founding member of West Coast Avengers. She's an excellent spy and biochemist.

Real name:
Barbara Morse
  • Barbara Morse
  • Bobbi
  • Roberta Morse
  • The Huntress
  • Agent 19
  • Barbara Barton
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Flight
  • Gadgets
  • Healing
  • Insanely Rich
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Leadership
  • Longevity
  • Marksmanship
  • Omni-lingual
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Strength
  • Swordsmanship
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


Bobbi and Ka-Zar
Bobbi and Ka-Zar

Barbara Morse graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a Ph.D. in biology and passed her Civil Service examination so she could work with her biology professor, Dr. Wilma Calvin, on the government-sponsored project to rediscover the Super-Soldier formula that created Captain America. While in the government's employ, Morse's exemplary record came to the attention of SHIELD and she was invited to undertake training in her spare time. A champion gymnast in high school, Morse excelled at both the physical regimen and arts of espionage taught to all field agents. When Dr. Theodore Sallis, a maverick scientist also working on the Super-Soldier project, disappeared, Morse was given her first field assignment: to accompany SHIELD agent Paul Allen, suspected of being a traitor, to the Antarctic paradise known as the Savage Land in order to enlist the services of the hero Ka-Zar to find Sallis. Allen and Morse succeeded in contacting Ka-Zar and took him to the Florida Everglades. Although Sallis was never found (unbeknownst to them, he had been transformed into the Man-Thing), Ka-Zar and Morse flushed out a splinter group of the subversive organization AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) who were attempting to steal the Super-Soldier formula, and revealed Allen to be a member. SHIELD director Nick Fury assigned Morse as an escort to Ka-Zar during his stay in civilization, and the two managed to thwart yet another attempt by AIM to seize the Super-Soldier formula. Though Barbara Morse became romantically involved with Ka-Zar, she could not convince him to forsake the Savage Land. Preferring field work over biology, Morse was given another assignment: to trail the subversive El Tigre in South America. Coincidentally, this mission also took her to the Savage Land, where she renewed her acquaintance of Ka-Zar. Completing the assignment with the Jungle Lord's aid, she returned to SHIELD.


Mockingbird was created by Len Wein and Neal Adams, however their story (featuring her with Man-Thing) was delayed to where her first appearance was in Astonishing Tales #6 in June 1971 in a story written by Gerry Conway and illustrated by Barry Smith and Bill Everett. She first appeared as Mockingbird in Marvel Team-Up Issue 95 (1980).

Character Evolution

Silver Age

1st Mockingbird costume
1st Mockingbird costume

Barbara Morse's very first appearance actually depicted her as a brunette and suggested she had some kind of psychic ability to 'feel' people in her mind. For whatever reason, this ability has never since been referred to as the current Barbara Morse possesses no superhuman abilities. The Len Wein/Neal Adams story (when it was finally published in Astonishing Tales #12) showed her as a scientist whose work on the super-soldier serum brings her into contact with Man-Thing. This early story arc introduced her connection to SHIELD. During the next few years, Bobbi was featured as a SHIELD agent and sidekick/romantic interest to Ka-Zar, but the introduction of Shanna eventually pushed her out of Ka-Zar's affections.

Bronze Age

During the late 70's to 80's Barbara became a solo character, gained her first proper costume and adopted the name 'Mockingbird' for the first time (in Marvel Team-Up #95). She was almost called 'Huntress' but the creation of the DC character of that name in 1977 forced Mark Gruenwald and Steven Grant to go with the new name. Bobbi's first team up with Hawkeye was during this period and that brought her into the world of the Avengers, as she is revealed to be his wife.

Modern Age

Bobbi in the Avengers West Coast
Bobbi in the Avengers West Coast

"Well, boys, I'm afraid I only split the difference... But unlike my husband, I wasn't shy about getting my legs out of long pants! Mam'selle et messieurs... Meet the '86 Mocking Bird!" -- Mocking Bird (Dra. Barbara Morse).

Mockingbird's most prominent role then came as a member of the new team the West Coast Avengers starting in 1984. Her relationship with Hawkeye breaks down during this time. In Avengers West Coast #100 she apparently dies - this was later retconned by the Secret Invasion storyline which showed that she had been abducted and replaced by a Skrull posing as her who died in her stead. Since that time, the real Bobbi has returned as a member of the New Avengers team, and has featured again as Hawkeye's on-again off-again love interest.

Major Story Arcs


As the Huntress
As the Huntress

Bobbi's next assignment was guarding a SHIELD lawyer who was to testify before a Congressional committee investigating some of SHIELD's overseas activities. When the lawyer was killed in a suspicious explosion, the head of the committee, believing the assassination to have been an inside job, asked Morse to work directly for the U. S. government to root out subversives within SHIELD. Dropping out of SHIELD, Morse assumed the costumed identity of the Huntress and, traveling to SHIELD's Mexico City headquarters, managed to expose the corruption of local division chief Rico Santana. From there she began her own investigations into some of SHIELD's other divisional operations, looting data banks and compiling evidence of corruption. Taking the new codename Mockingbird (from an operation for the C.I.A. involving Nick Fury before his own recruitment by SHIELD), Morse planned to take the evidence to Nick Fury himself.



While in SHIELD's Manhattan branch, local director Carl Delandan, himself guilty of numerous infractions, attempted to stop Mockingbird with the unwitting aid of the hero Spider-Man. Although Delandan managed to destroy the microfilm she carried, Mockingbird revealed his treachery to Nick Fury before she was shot by agents acting under Delandan's orders. While she recovered in a private hospital, Nick Fury conducted a vast "housekeeping" sweep through SHIELD's many divisions, exposing dozens of subversives within the ranks. When Mockingbird was released from the hospital, she was decorated for her meritorious service but resigned to become a free agent and adventurer. Her investigation of Cross Technological Enterprises for an unnamed client brought her into conflict with the hero Hawkeye, who was then employed as CTE's security director. She and Hawkeye soon learned that CTE was knowingly manufacturing the components for a machine designed to brainwash superhuman beings with ultrasonics. Antagonistic at first, the two joined forces to thwart the machine's contractor, Crossfire, and his hirelings, Oddball and Bombshell.

The Avengers

Mockingbird and Hawkeye
Mockingbird and Hawkeye

Mockingbird proposed to Hawkeye at the successful conclusion of the case and the two eloped. Soon after, Hawkeye was appointed by the hero team Avengers to head the team's new West Coast-based team. Mockingbird agreed to join her husband. and became a member in good standing of the West Coast Avengers for a long tenure. However, in one of the Avenger's exploits, Mockingbird was left behind in the Old West, and at the mercy of that period's Phantom Rider, who used potions and drugs to bend Mockingbird to his will. Coming to her senses, she fought the Rider, but allowed him to fall to his death after he tried unsuccessfully to kill her. Although she was soon rescued by her teammates and brought back to the present, she kept her activities in the past a secret. The Phantom Rider's ghost then began tormenting her, and later convinced Hawkeye that Mockingbird had "murdered" him. The secret exposed, it caused an ethical dispute which ultimately estranged Mockingbird from both Hawkeye and the Avengers.

Mockingbird left with teammates Tigra and Moon Knight, and together they tried to form a team on their own, fighting the forces of the villainous High Evolutionary. Eventually, the three exorcised the ghost of the Phantom Rider with the help of the former Defenders Hellstrom and Hellcat. The three heroes went their separate ways shortly after. At this point, a coalition of world governments duped Mockingbird into organizing the capture of the Avenger Vision, who had just then returned to active duty and previously attempted to take over the world. Realizing her error, Mockingbird helped the Avengers recover the Vision, but her part in the kidnapping fostered feelings of ill-will, and Mockingbird left once again.

Mockingbird´s Death
Mockingbird´s Death

When investigating a Midwestern team of novice adventurers calling themselves the Great Lakes Avengers, Mockingbird was reunited with Hawkeye, who was also investigating the team. The two began to resolve their differences while agreeing to mentor the Great Lakes Avengers. Mockingbird remained with the new team when Hawkeye returned to the Avengers West Coast branch soon after. Eventually this prompted Mockingbird to rejoin as well, this time as reserve member, and, later, as a full active member. Then, Ultron abducts her and uses her thought patterns and personality to create his second robotic 'wife' Alkhema. By that time, Hawkeye and Mockingbird had realized how much they still loved each other and finally fully reconciled, calling off their divorce before it became final. The couple's renewed bliss proved short-lived, though, when Mockingbird was slain in action by the demon Mephisto when the team were escaping from his realm. Mockingbird had thrown herself in front of Hawkeye to save him from Mephisto's mystic blast of energy. Her soul was trapped to fight eternally in the Arena of Tainted Souls.


Mockingbird in the realm of the dead
Mockingbird in the realm of the dead

Mockingbird was one of several deceased Avengers temporarily resurrected by the villainous Grim Reaper to serve him against the Avengers. She shook off the Reaper's control with her teammates and helped the Avengers defeat him before returning to the realm of the dead once more. Before returning, Mockingbird left a hint to the Avengers based what she had somehow learned regarding a plot of the now-underworld leader Hellstrom. This led to the resurrection of then-deceased Hellcat by Hawkeye and his new team, the Thunderbolts, who were actually attempting to rescue Mockingbird. Later, when Hellcat returned to the underworld embroiled in a plot between Mephisto, Hellstrom, and the alien Dormammu, she tried to convince Mockingbird to escape with her. Mockingbird refused, opting to stay in the Arena of Tainted Souls, implying there was a higher purpose for her to do so. She is later seen attending a book club in the realm of the dead along with Gwen Stacy and Dead Girl. However it seems all these postmortem appearances were in fact the skrull that replaced Bobbi years before, just prior to her abduction by Ultron.



During the Skrull's " Secret Invasion," it was revealed that Bobbi had been replaced by a Skrull, H'rpra, who had subsequently died while impersonating her. At the end of the Skrull war, Iron Man brought a Skrull ship down to Earth that contained the prisoners the Skrulls had replaced. Among the prisoners was Mockingbird. Upon seeing Clint, she asked him what he was wearing (since he had the Ronin suit on). They kissed and all seemed well. She later attends a group meeting to help Skrull abductees deal with their experiences.

Bobbi then starts using a new costume and starts up the 'World Counter-terrorism Agency' (the W.C.A, in homage to West Coast Avengers), which is a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were kidnapped by Skrulls. Together, she and Ronin take down A.I.M's Supreme scientist Monica Rappacini, who was trying to recruit Bobbi. Bobbi and Clint decide to re-start their romance but decide to remain un-married and they become a part of the New Avengers together. As a part of the team Bobbi helps fight Hood's super criminal gang and Dormammu. She also learns of Spider-Man's true identity. Whilst fighting the Wrecking Crew in Times Square, the other members of the team are taken out by Jonas Harrow's power inhibitor device. The only one left standing, Bobbi has to fight the deadly team alone, and puts up a good fight for a while but is then ultimately beaten, but is saved by Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers. Later she arrives with a Quinjet to rescue her colleagues.

After the Utopia storyline, which resulted in Mutants having to call an artificial island home, Clint becomes angered and vows to kill Norman Osborn but the other Avengers object, so Clint goes alone, resulting in his capture. Mockingbird then leads a rescue mission with the New Avengers women Spider-Woman, Jewel and Ms.Marvel who rescue him. She then takes part in the rescue mission during Norman Osborn's Siege on Asgard.

Heroic Age

Heroic Age
Heroic Age

After the Siege, Steve Rogers gathers many Avengers, past and present, in order to create new Avengers teams. Bobbi secretly hoped that he wasn't creating a new West Coast Avengers team. Bobbi remained on Luke Cage's ' New Avengers' team and starts living at the newly re-built Avengers Mansion with Clint, who has returned to his Hawkeye identity. The team then go on their first mission involving magic.

Hawkeye joins Bobbi and the W.C.A. organization, and becomes an operative. During their time with the organization it's revealed that eight years ago, Bobbi's mother was told that she was dead in order to protect her while Bobbi was working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and that she is still unaware that she is alive. Hawkeye is dispatched to bring Bobbi's mother to New York and reveals to her the truth about her daughter. Shocked at how she lied to her and Clint, she slaps Bobbi expressing how she grieved for her. Bobbi storms out and shouts at Clint for bringing her mother, telling him that she never un-masked for a reason. Bobbi storms away from Clint, furious at him. Later, the mercenary known as Crossfire and the new Phantom Rider, Jaime Slade, target the pair and put their plan in action. Bobbi catches Slade watching her while Crossfire tries to assassinate Bobbi's mother who is with Clint. He shoots her but misses the kill shot. Bobbi rushes to the hospital, blaming Clint for not keeping her mother in safety. She then decides to go straight after the two. Bobbi and Hawkeye find Crossfire's base but a bomb placed by Slade goes off. Bobbi and Hawkeye pretend they are dead so they can trap Crossfire and Slade in return. With the help of Hamilton Slade, the two defeat Jaime, the Phantom Rider (who had possessed Jaime) and Crossfire in the Nevada desert, but when Hawkeye almost kills Crossfire he is wracked by guilt and breaks up with Bobbi.


Mockingbird VS Black Widow
Mockingbird VS Black Widow

Following the defeat of Crossfire and Jaime Slade, Mockingbird and Hawkeye discover that Japanese and Russian spies around the world are being targeted and killed, and that they are also on the hit list. They team up with Dominic Fortune and Black Widow (she is also being targeted) and find out that the Dark Ocean Society and a new Ronin are behind the killings. After being attacked by the Supreme Soviets, Mockingbird goes with Fortune to Kamchatka while Black Widow and Hawkeye go to Japan to look into the Society. They all regroup on the Kuril Islands near Japan and together defeat the Ronin who is revealed as Alexi Shostakov.



While on a mission with the New Avengers investigating Superia and some ex- HAMMER agents, Mockingbird is shot in the chest and seriously injured. Spider-Man, the Thing and Dr.Strange rush her to hospital, where the doctors take her into surgery, where they say they've never heard of an Avenger called Mockingbird and wondering why someone that doesn't have any super powers is in that line of work. Whilst on the table she starts to flatline and enters a code blue, from there, the doctors start to resuscitate her. Unable to fully heal her, the doctors give up. Luckily when the Avengers defeat Superia as she tries to flee, Nick Fury arrives on the scene, revealing that she had been in possession of a secret consignment of the Infinity Formula that gave him his long life. The team bring the formula to Mockingbird and use it to revive her, leaving Nick concerned about the effect that long life will have on her when everyone around her dies and she remains alive. The formula is a success and Bobbi wakes up.

Fear Itself

Bobbi gains super powers
Bobbi gains super powers

After waking, Bobbi makes a startlingly fast recovery thanks to the serum. Bobbi discharged herself from hospital and rejoined her team-mates back at the Mansion. Bobbi was overwhelmed by the reception she received from her teammates, but what she really wanted was an opportunity to test her newfound powers.Unfortunately this opportunity presented itself through the events of Fear Itself. During the Blitzkrieg U.S.A. Bobbi and her team-mates join the battle against Sin's forces. She manages to withstand being thrown of a building after it explodes and collapses and immediately starts attacking the Nazi operated robots, jumping to super-human lengths and ripping through the robots, taking control of one and attacking the other robots with it. Taking down a large number of robots, Bobbi jumps out of one onto a near by building, while the robot she was operating causes a massive explosion. Just as Bobbi remarks that she likes the new her, she witnesses in horror, the destruction of the Avengers tower. She was instantly pulled out of herself, ashamed she was enjoying being alive. Realizing she was given a second chance for a reason, so that she could kill the Red Skull.

Secret Avengers

Mockingbird joins the Secret Avengers
Mockingbird joins the Secret Avengers

After sticking around with the Avengers for quite some time Bobbi has been recruited back to S.H.I.E.L.D where she is accompanying both, the Black Widow and her former husband Hawkeye throughout missions.

Bobbi was first seen aiding Black Widow and Hawkeye as they were up against the Taskmaster, now she has been added with the duo and is currently on a special ops mission accompanied by S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Coulson. After infiltrating a base Bobbi and her teammates discovered a temporary disabled Jocasta.


Secret Avengers
Secret Avengers

Set out on a secret mission directed by Daisy Louise Johnson, Mockingbird and Taskmaster were set to illegally assassinate a duly recognized sovereign leader of a U.N member state. Mockingbird used an image inducer to disguise herself as an A.I.M employee. Seconds before assassinating the U.N member, Maria Hill used the psi-scans placed in Mockingbirds mind to shut her down. Placing new memories in other agents minds, (Black Widow, Taskmaster, Hawkeye and Nick Fury), all of them believed that Mockingbird was back safe at headquarters. Dispatching from the mission, her squad left A.I.M Island, and Maria Hill left Mockingbird on the island alone.

Mockingbird, disguised as the employee, had been living the life of a 40 something year old man with no way of getting out of his body. Bobbi doubted that she'd ever get out of this scenario and was curious to why she was even in the situation she was in. Still acting as a double agent, Taskmaster was left on the Island, still not knowing that employee was actually Mockingbird. Bobbi was then sent to a meeting where she had to present a pitch she knew nothing about. When she arrived in the meeting room, she was the centre of attention with Graviton and many other foes awaiting her presentation.

Later on, Bobbi was discovered and was brainwashed into joining A.I.M, causing her to almost kill Taskmaster. She managed to gain control of herself again and was then saved by the Secret Avengers. She continued working with the team for some time.

Monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. then required Bobbi to attend frequent meetings regarding her health with the serum that was in her. She detested going so often and soon realized that the people in charge of her health hadn't been giving her the full story.

Throughout this time she ended up partnering up with Hawkeye who was on a mission against A.I.M and the two shared a romantic moment underwater.

Afterward, when Hawkeye was accused of killing the Hulk, Bobbi went on a cruise on a mission and ended up confronting the ghost of Phantom Rider. She then completed the mission.

Personal Data



  • Height: 5'11''

  • Weight: 150 lbs

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Blond


  • Identity: Secret

  • Place of Birth: San Diego, California

  • Citizenship: American

  • Marital Status: Divorced

  • Education: Georgia Institute of Technology graduate, Ph.D. in biochemistry

  • Occupation: Adventurer, Adventurer; former biologist, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent

Known Relatives:

Susan Morse (mother), Ben Morse (brother), Clint Barton (ex-husband), unborn child

Powers and Abilities

Bobbi´s New Powers
Bobbi´s New Powers

For almost all of her career, Bobbi has had no superpowers, she is a very accomplished athlete, and her skill in unarmed combat (multiple martial arts and more) is said to rival that of Captain America's. Her trademark weapons are a pair of battle-staves. These staves can be connected at the ends to create a Bo staff. Bobbi is also an excellent spy, pilot, and scientist (specifically biochemist) with a PhD.

Recent exposure to a cross between the super soldier serum and the infinity formula have granted Bobbi powers. She has displayed enhanced healing, super strength, durability, agility, mental powers, and her aging has stopped,

Alternate Realities

House Of M - Earth-53169

House Of M
House Of M

Mockingbird was a part of Luke Cage's Human Resistance Group called the 'Avengers'. She is a former SHIELD agent who was phased out when mutants came to power. She becomes a costumed vigilante and starts a relationship with Hawkeye. After another argument between the two, Bobbi leaves to Wakanda while Hawkeye stays behind.

Marvel Zombies - Earth-2149

In the Marvel Zombies reality Mockingbird was a zombie as most others.

Last Avengers - Earth 9511

Earth 9511
Earth 9511

Mockingbird is a bitter retiree who looks after a blind Hawkeye. They both return to the avengers in the end to help fight Ultron, Kang and the Grim Reaper

Big Town

Mockingbird and Hawkeye are newlyweds and part of a Manhattan based Avengers. During a fight, Bobbi kills an assailant whilst defending Clint which leads to a fight between the two, with Hawkeye questioning how necessary they were. However, ironically, later Bobbi prevents herself from killing Quicksilver, who then goes on to kill Hawkeye.

Other Media


The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Mockingbird in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Mockingbird in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Mockingbird initially appears in "Hulk vs the World" as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Bobbi Morse, who works under Hawkeye and Black Widow's command, piloting the jet they were using to capture the Hulk. She next appears in "Widow's Sting," taking the code name Mockingbird, donning a costume, and becoming a real superhero. She helps the Avengers fight against Hydra capture Black Widow whilst flirting with Avenger Hawkeye. Since her last appearance she has worked her way up in S.H.I.E.L.D. as she was sent to keep an eye on the team by S.H.I.E.L.D. higher ups, Madame Hydra and Baron Von Struker. She frees herself and helps defeat and capture Grim Reaper and Madame Hydra.

Mockingbird is highly featured in the first half of the second season in the Secret Invasion arc. After he disappeared, Nick Fury reemerges with a secret group of Heroes consisting of Mockingbird, Black Widow and Quake. In the episode "Who Do You Trust?", Nick Fury and Bobbi inform Maria Hill—the new head of S.H.I.E.L.D.—about the possible invasion of the Skrulls. They also inform Iron Man, and after falling into paranoia, the Avengers disassemble. At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Mockingbird was actually the Skrull Queen Veranke, who started posing as Bobbi after the events of "Widow's Sting", and she was orchestrating the events that led to the Avengers dissolution. (She even had a mole within the group—a Skrull posing as Captain America.)

In the episode "Prisoner of War," the real Captain America, captive in space on a Skrull ship, manages to escape, freeing some other prisoners (Madame Hydra, Invisible Woman, Clay Quartermain, Scientist Supreme,Cobra and Bobbi). All of them fight against the Skrulls and traveled back to earth. During the episode "Secret Invasion," the ship arrived just in time for the final confrontation, in which Mockingbird fights alongside the Avengers against the Skrulls. This is the last appearence of Bobbi in the series. She is voiced by Elizabeth Daily.

Mockingbird live-action series

Jeph Loeb announced at Comic-Con that a television series about Mockingbird is currently being developed for ABC Family. In it, Bobbi Morse will be a freshman in college who is later recruited into a spy organization. The proposal for the series was later axed.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Adrienne Palicki as Mockingbird
Adrienne Palicki as Mockingbird

Mockingbird appears in Season two of the show as a major character, portrayed by former Wonder Woman star Adrianne Palicki.

She is introduced as HYDRA's head of security, but is later revealed to be a double agent placed in the organization by Phil Coulson to protect Jemma Simmons, a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative posing as a new HYDRA recruit. After Jemma's cover is blown, the two women escape the HYDRA facility and return to Coulson's base, where Bobbi is given a spot on his team. It is then revealed that she is the ex-wife of Lance Hunter, another of Coulson's new recruits.

By the end of Season two she takes a shot to save her again boyfriend Lance. It was a trap that Grant Ward had set up in order to get back at Coulson's team. This left Bobbi temporarily out of field assignments where she put her scientist abilities to use along with Simmons and Leo Fitz.

In season three, Melinda May shows Bobbi her way back to field assignments by fighting her. Proving that she was ready and recovered and all she needed was a confidence boost.

Aside from Hunter, her most common partner was Mack.


Linda Cardellini as Laura Barton
Linda Cardellini as Laura Barton

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Clint Barton is married to a woman named Laura Barton (played by Linda Cardellini), with whom he has three children. Despite seemingly being a civilian in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Endgame, there are scattered hints that she knows about Hawkeye's time at S.H.I.E.L.D. in greater detail than initially thought. The season finale of the 2021 Hawkeye mini-series confirms that Laura is in fact a former S.H.I.E.L.D. operative known by the codename Agent 19, suggesting she is the MCU's version of Mockingbird.


Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow

Mockingbird and Hawkeye's child, Francis Barton, appears in Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.

Video Games

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Mockingbird in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
Mockingbird in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3

Mockingbird appears in Hawkeye's ending in as a member of the new West Coast Avengers.

Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Marvel Avengers Alliance
Marvel Avengers Alliance

Mockingbird was the first unlockable character to be recruited via Special Operation mode (Spc Op 1: Don't Say A Word...).

Her bio says: Barbara Morse was researching a way to recreate the Super Soldier Serum when she was recruited by SHIELD. There, she trained to match her athleticism to her intelligence, Despite a lack of powers, her natural combat prowess has earned her a place on the Avenger's team.

In the Special Op to recruit her, she first appears as a boss under mind control.

During the "Fear Itself" story, Mockingbird is one of the Worthy, and is given an alternate costume as Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans.

Marvel: War of Heroes.

Marvel: War of Heroes
Marvel: War of Heroes

Mockingbird is featured in several cards in the mobile game Marvel: War of Heroes. She appears in these cards:

  • Mockingbird
  • [Super Soldier] Mockingbird
  • [Agent 19] Mockingbird
  • [New Life] Mockingbird
  • [Stranded] Mockingbird
  • [What If?] Mockingbird

Marvel Future Fight

Mockingbird in Marvel Future Fight
Mockingbird in Marvel Future Fight

Mockingbird is a playable character in the game. She is a speed type, and her description in the game says: Mockingbird is an excellent gymnast, martial artist, and hand-to-hand combatant. She has a doctoral degree in biology and was well trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. in espionage and counter-espionage techniques. She is also a proficient marks-woman and well versed in the use of battle staves.

She was released with alternate uniforms:

  • Mockingbird - Heroic Age
  • Bobbi Morse - Marvel's Agents of Shield
  • Mockingbird - All-New, All-Different

Lego Marvel´s Avengers

Mockingbird in Lego Marvel´s Avengers
Mockingbird in Lego Marvel´s Avengers

Mockingbird is a playable character in the game.

Marvel Avengers Alliance

Mockingbird in Avengers Academy
Mockingbird in Avengers Academy

Mockingbird is a playable character in the game. She was released between Arctic Armor Pepper Event and A-Force Event. Her Introductory Quest is Birds of a Feather, Pt. 1. She is voiced by Katelyn Nacon.

Marvel Puzzle Quest

Mockingbird in Marvel Puzzle Quest
Mockingbird in Marvel Puzzle Quest

Mockingbird is a playable character in the game.

Her bio in the game says: As an agent of SHIELD, Bobbi Morse a.k.a. Mockingbird travells the world on all kind of missions, from discovering corruptions to saving the day when over agents' missions go south. Armed with a pait of battle staves and expert knowledge in martial arts, espionage, marksmanship and biology, Bobbi has shown herself to be one of SHIELD's most versatile and invaluable agents.


Action Figures

Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends
  • Mockingbird was released as part of the West Coast Avengers pack of the Marvel Universe 3¾ toyline, with War Machine and Hawkeye.
  • Hasbro released a modern Mockingbird figure as part of the Red Onslaught Build-a-Figure wave for the Marvel Legends line.


Mockingbird - The Marvel Figurine Collection
Mockingbird - The Marvel Figurine Collection
  • Mockingbird was the 175th character released as part of Marvel Classic Figurine Collection.
  • Heroclix: Bobbi has two versions, one in her classic attire and one in her heroic age costume. She has a third one with sharing a base with Hawkeye as part of "Chaos War" collection.
  • She is part of Bowen Design Mini Busts.


June 1971

August 1971

October 1971

February 1972

April 1972

June 1972

August 1972

December 1972

February 1973

April 1973

June 1973

August 1973

October 1973

May 1974

July 1974

September 1974

January 1975

June 1975

July 1980

June 1982

July 1982

June 1983

July 1983

September 1983

October 1983

November 1983

December 1983

January 1984

April 1984

















Died in issues





Friendly teams

Enemy teams