
Miles Morales

Miles Morales

Originally created in the Ultimate Universe, this version of Spider-Man is a 16 year old kid named Miles Morales from Brooklyn who takes on the Spider-Man identity after Peter Parker's death. Miles discovers spider powers of his own after he was bitten by a spider 11 months before Peter's death, and uses these powers to be the best superhero he can be. Currently, Miles lives in the main Marvel Universe and is a member of the Champions.

Miles Morales
Real name:
Miles Gonzalo Morales
  • Spider-Man
  • Ultimate Spider-Man
  • Shadow-Spider
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Chameleon
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Danger Sense
  • Electricity Control
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Feral
  • Gadgets
  • Genetic Manipulation
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Invisibility
  • Invulnerability
  • Matter Absorption
  • Power Mimicry
  • Reality Manpulation
  • Stealth
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Time Manipulation
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Wall Clinger
  • Weather Control
  • Webslinger


Miles was born to an African-American father and a Puerto Rican mother. Miles was born and raised in Brooklyn and has a aptitude for science much like his predecessor, Peter Parker. Miles, after being awarded the final spot in a Charter School Lottery, visited his Uncle Aaron, against his parents' wishes. While they discussed the opportunities that the school could open to him, the Oz-enhanced spider emerged from Aaron's bag and bit Miles on his hand, causing him to pass out and foam at the mouth. Later, when Miles awoke, Aaron was confronted by Miles' father. During a brief confrontation, Miles fled from Aaron's apartment. While hiding from his father on the street, Miles realized that he was starting to become invisible.

After telling his best friend Ganke that he has powers, Miles soon has no choice in using his powers to save people trapped inside a burning building. Afterward, he tells Ganke that he is not cut out to be a superhero and does not want to do anything like that again. While Miles and Ganke are adjusting to life at Brooklyn Visions Academy, Miles and his classmates are called to the school gym in the middle of the night. The students are informed that Queensboro Bridge has been turned in to a super hero war zone and that Spider-Man has been shot. Miles then sneaks out of the Academy, and goes where Spider-Man is fighting Green Goblin. He arrives right when Peter dies in the arms of his loved ones. Miles and Ganke later attends the funeral and Miles talks to Gwen Stacy, asking why Peter became a superhero. She explained to him that he did it because, "With great power comes great responsibility". With his new found inspiration, Miles decides to become the next Spider-Man in honor of Peter Parker.


Miles Morales was created by Brian Michael Bendis, and drawn by artist Sara Pichelli. He first appeared in Ultimate Comics: Fallout issue 4. Micheal Bendis stated: "He's like 13. He's a kid. His mother's Puerto Rican. And for some reason the borough seems to be an issue for everybody, too: the borough is Brooklyn. Where he's going to school, and his own cast of characters, and his parents, and his family — you're going to meet them all in the first issue, and it's all pretty interesting stuff. They live in a world that's been pummeled by Magneto. It's a different world for them than it was for Peter. These elements are just important, too. A kid on a discovery, trying to figure out why to be Spider-Man. It's a big journey for him. It's a character going almost against his entire personality to do this, so a lot has to be discovered." Additionally, both Brian Michael Bendis and Axel Alonso, who is Marvel's editor-in-chief, were inspired by real life people and events when it came to creating Miles. Both cited Barack Obama being elected President of the United States as a positive motivation and sign that the country was ready for a hero like Miles, who could be a role-model to people of every race, specifically minorities.

Major Story Arcs

Becoming the New Spider-Man

Miles first heroic as the new Spider-Man was taking on the villain known as the Kangaroo. After taking him down with his venom strike and fleeing the scene, Miles thought that the suit was in bad taste after being commented on by civilians during the fight. While patrolling on the rooftops, Miles was attacked by Spider-Woman asking who he was. He was knocked unconscious after Spider-Woman webbed him up, and he accidentally knocked himself out by hitting the side of a satellite dish. Miles woke up to be confronted by Hawkeye, Nick Fury, Tony Stark and Spider-Woman at the Triskelion. Fury had a feeling that Miles was bitten by a genetically modified spider, and told him that Miles' Uncle Aaron was a criminal called the Prowler. Before he and Miles could ask even more questions, Electro had escaped from the medical ward inside the Triskelion and tried to escape. During his escape, Electro was attacked by the Ultimates, and with the help of Miles using his ability to turn invisible and using the venom strike behind Electro, they was able to subdue him. The next day, Jessica appeared at Miles' school with a case containing a new Spider-man costume, telling him that Fury will give him one chance to prove himself.

With The Prowler

While walking to class, Miles saw his Uncle Aaron near the gate. Aaron revealed that he knew Miles was the new Spider-Man, while Miles revealed that he knew that his Uncle was the Prowler. Aaron then asked Miles to work together with him to take on the Scorpion, but Miles initially refused. Aaron then threaten to tell Miles parents his secret. With little choice, Miles texted his Uncle later at night and told him that he was in.

At night, both Miles and Aaron took on the Scorpion at a night club, and defeated him. Unfortunately for Miles, his Uncle was just using him to become the new Kingpin of New York, and was going to keep using him to take down the competition. Wanting no part of his plans, Miles decided to fight back, despite that his Uncle could reveal his secret to his family. During the battle, Miles managed to use his venom strike on his Uncle, damaging some of his equipment. When Aaron tried to use his gauntlets on his nephew, they malfunctioned and exploded, catching Miles in the blast. Miles was mildly injured, but his uncle was severely injured. Before dying, his uncle told him that he was just like him.


Miles suddenly encountered an alternative version of Peter Parker, who accidentally was transported into Miles' universe thanks to Mysterio, on the rooftops. Peter, who already confused enough by seeing Miles, attacked him. Miles was able to knock Peter out with his venom strike despite the latter being more experienced. He then brought Peter to Nick Fury at the Triskelion. When Peter came to, he managed to convince Nick Fury that he was from an alternative universe. Fury then ask Miles to fill Peter in about the previous Spider-Man in the helicopter, but before he could, Mysterio appeared and shot down the helicopter with a RPG. Miles and Peter fought with him while Mysterio used his illusions to try to distract them. The two managed to subdue him, but the real Mysterio self-destructed the body he was controlling, knocking Miles unconscious. When Miles woke up, Nick Fury and The Ultimates were standing around him, while Peter was missing. Fury had an idea to where he was headed.

Miles headed to Aunt May and Gwen Stacy house where he found Peter. Miles stayed around while Peter talked with the alternative versions of Gwen and Aunt May, until Nick Fury arrived. Back at the Triskelion, they managed to find the location of Mysterio and made a plan to strike. With the help of Nick Fury, the Ultimates, and Miles, Peter manage to defeat Mysterio. Nick Fury decided to keep Mysterio in the Ultimate Universe, but before going home Peter gave Miles his blessing.

Divided We Fall

Miles was shaken after learning that his Uncle Aaron was killed, making matters worse was when the Daily Bugle called Miles a murder. Later at school, Miles received a phone call telling him to meet him at a specific warehouse after school. While going to the warehouse, Miles saw a supervillain named Batroc and took him down. When he arrived, at the warehouse, he was greeted by Aunt May and Gwen Stacy. They were about to give Miles Peter's web shooters and the formula to create web fluid when Captain America appeared saying that Miles shouldn't be Spider-Man.

Captain America revealed that he was following Miles and saw him in action, stating that he was too young to be Spider-Man, and told him that he would arrest him if he continued. Captain America then leaves after learning that Rhino attacking New York. Despite Captain America's warning, Aunt May gave Miles Peter's web shooters and gave him her blessing to be Spider-Man.

After having some trouble using the web shooters, Miles managed to locate Rhino and help out Captain America. Although reluctant to use the venom strike (due to using it against his Uncle), Miles used it to defeat Rhino. Captain America then agrees to let Miles be Spider-Man, but he still needs training.

United We Stand

During school, Miles learned that the Academy was closing, due to the United States in civil war. Miles decided to use that time to join the Ultimates. He traveled to the Triskelion, and after a brief argument with Captain America, the Triskelion was then attacked by Hydra. Miles then helped Captain America and SHIELD subdue Hydra. Captain America was again impressed by Miles, and told him he could join. Miles was also present when Captain America was shortly inaugurated as the newly elected President of the United States.

Miles was then sent to retake Wisconsin from Hydra with the Ultimates. During the battle, Miles continued to argue with Spider-Woman about being on the Ultimates. Miles managed to save President Rogers from a War Machine drone about to attack him, but in the process, he flew away from the battlefield crashing in the middle of nowhere. When Miles awoke, he found himself miles away from the battlefield. As he continued walking, he managed to find Cassandra Lang (Giant-Woman) however, she was still under the influence of Modi's mind control and attacked him. After a long battle, Miles managed to render her unconscious with his venom strike. Soon after, Spider-Woman located Miles and Cassandra.

Back in New York, Jessica provided Miles with some new clothes and a cover story for his parents to explain his disappearance.

Venom War

When Venom attacked Miles' father, Jefferson Davis, Miles had to don his costume once again and fight against the creature even trying to use the web shooters with a new formula that wasn't complete due to Ganke. Miles was able to fend off the creature until his dad was injured in the fight, thus allowing Venom to escape.

After his mother left with his father in an ambulance, Miles began to feel that the reason for his father even being injured was all his fault and that this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. Mary Jane and Gwen show up and explain to Miles about their own history with Venom.

Maria Hill appears as well, she reveals that she knows all about Miles and tells him that he has to stop Venom before anyone else gets hurt. Miles was about to confront Maria to learn a little bit more about her until a police officer receives information about Venom attacking the hospital that Miles' father was put in.

Miles goes to confront Venom, using his Venom Blast in battle. But Venom gains the upper hand in the battle and grabs a hold of Miles, but he is saved by his mother who shoots the creature with a pistol. Miles tells his mother to leave which she refuses to do.

Miles is once again grabbed by the symbiotic creature and Venom starts to consume him when Rio reveals that Spider-Man is her son. Venom starts to consume Rio as well until Miles uses his Venom Blast once again, separating the Venom symbiote from its host as well as freeing both Miles and his mother, the host turns out to be Conrad Marcus, an ex-employee of Osborn Industries who was now working for Roxxon Corporation. The police arrive on the scene and open fire upon the Venom symbiote as well as Conrad.

Miles manages to move his mother to safety but finds out that he is too late as she has turned out to be injured while she was in the crossfire. Miles calls for help, not wanting his mother to die. She stops him and starts to tell him of how proud she is and to never reveal that he is Spider-Man to his father before passing away.

The next day, Miles goes to his room and angrily rips up his Spider-Man costume while screaming "NO-MORE!", thus starting the one year time skip into the next arc.

Spider-Man No More!

One year after the Venom War arc, Miles is now 14 years old and hasn't been Spider-Man during the time that has passed. Even though Ganke and Spider-Woman try to convince Miles of donning the costume again, Miles continues to reject the idea due to him feeling guilty for his mother's death. Miles also has a girlfriend named Katie Bishop, who Ganke says that she should also know about Miles' powers and that he used to be Spider-Man. While walking in New York with his father after leaving a restaurant, Cloak and Dagger appear fighting against Bombshell. Jessica Drew once again appears in Miles' room, she helps convince him to put on the suit again when she explains her origins about her being a clone of Peter Parker and being created by Roxxon. Miles finally dons his costume and heads out with Spider-Woman to take down the Roxxon Corporation once and for all.

Age of Ultron

During the last issue of the "Age of Ultron" event, Miles Morales is seen swinging through New York City and notices a large figure within the clouds, that large figure turns out to be Galactus and thus starting the "Hunger" story event.

Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man

With the entire world believing Spider-Man (Peter Parker) to be dead, Miles continues to take up the mantle and to play the hero's part. Two mystery men in variations of the iconic Spider Suit are marauding throughout the city, robbing and committing criminal acts. The press is beginning to associate them with the Spider-Man legacy, which could be bad for Miles. All the while, Miles is debating as to whether or not he should tell his girlfriend, Katie Bishop, about his superheroing activities as Spider-Man. He asks Mary Jane Watson for advice, and she reassures him that it would be best to tell her early on. Against Ganke's advice, Miles tells Katie, who, shocked, runs away. Miles wants to go after her, but is stopped by homicide detective Maria Hill for questioning. She knows who he is.

Aunt May had given Miles the webshooters previously used by the late Peter Parker. However, when Miles returned to his former residence, he found Peter rummaging through his drawers, searching for them. Stunned and speechless, Miles can't believe Peter is alive, and urges him to tell Aunt May and Gwen Stacy. Peter refuses to do so, saying it would only cause them more pain. Miles disagrees, and Peter tries to take back his webshooters by force. Miles stuns him with a bioelectric blast (on accident), but Peter eventually leaves with his webshooters.

The reemergence of the supposedly deceased Norman Osborn (aka the Green Goblin) also surprises Miles. Knowing that Osborn would return to Aunt May's house - the place where he killed Peter Parker - Miles headed there prepared for a fight. He took on Osborn, and put up a good fight, but the Goblin was gaining the upper hand. Just in time to save Miles, Peter came swinging onto the scene in his old suit. The two Spider-Men battled the Goblin's fiery fury, and came out on top when Osborn took off into the night. The two Spider-Men found themselves surrounded by police officers. Miles went into his camouflage mode and Peter used his webshooters to get away, but it was too late. Miles had been grazed by a bullet. Maria Hill pulled up in her car, and ordered him to get in. She offered to help him take care of the wound, while he told her everything about his story.

Satisfied, she returned Miles to Mary Jane's house, all patched up. Miles wanted to tell MJ that Peter was alive, only to find that she already knew, and that she had known for some time. Miles - still shocked - was filled in on the details and urged not to tell Aunt May, who appeared at that moment in the doorway, declaring that he couldn't keep it from her. She and Gwen had seen Peter on television with Miles. The Goblin soon returned, flames flying everywhere. Maria Hill opened fire on the Goblin. Just as Osborn was about to overwhelm her, Miles and Peter came to her aid. After yet another round with the Goblin, Miles and Peter won. Miles's biolectric "Venom Blasts" had destabilized Norman's already unstable molecules, causing him immense pain and forced him into unconsciousness. Maria Hill could hear the sirens wailing, and urged Miles and Peter to take Gwen, May, and MJ and leave. They did so, and as they left, Hill shot Osborn point blank in the head, and burned his body so that he could not return.

End of days
End of days

Katie watched these events unfold on the news, and felt conflicted because if her parents knew who Miles really was, they would kill him. Katie's sister also confirms this after Katie tells her of Miles' secret. Later on that night Katie's parents realize that she is distraught and comfort her before wishing her good night. In a twist, they say "Hail Hydra" before closing Katie's door.

Days later Miles visits Katie's house and her father invites him in for a drink. Miles is drugged and awakes in a secret Hydra lab, where it is revealed that Katie and her family are members of Hydra. Katie tries to reason with Miles but he is angry and shuns her.

After being tortured and experimented on under the watch of Doctor Doom Miles manages to escape his bonds and fight his captors. The Young Ultimates arrive to help Miles and before they escape the lab, Miles officially breaks up with Katie.

After going outside, Miles and the others see Earth-616 about to collide with their Earth during the final Universal Incursion.

Secret Wars

During the events of Secret Wars, Miles is one of the few people who escapes the destruction of the two Earths. He reunites with the Earth-616 Peter and the rest of the remaining Earth-616 heroes on Battleworld. Miles later stops a conflict between the other Ultimate and Earth-616 heroes, who have had their memories altered by Doctor Doom (who now has god-like powers). The two universes of heroes unite to take on Doom, with many apparently dying in the process.

After the Secret Wars end, Miles awakens on the newly formed Earth-616 to find that the planet has been restored and that his mother is alive once again. It is revealed that Miles' mother and friends were saved because he had shown kindness to Molecule Man by giving him a burger.

All-New, All-Different Marvel

Miles as a member of the Avengers
Miles as a member of the Avengers

In the new Marvel Universe, Miles becomes a member of the Avengers after helping take down Warbringer. During his time with the team, Miles develops close friendships with Ms. Marvel and Nova, the group's other teenage recruits.

During the events of Civil War II, Miles ends up on Iron Man's side. When Ulysses predicts that Miles will kill Captain America, Captain Marvel attempts to arrest him and take him into custody. This causes the conflict to escalate, with Iron Man and Captain Marvel now warring over Miles' fate.

Following the events of this crossover, Miles leaves the Avengers and becomes a founding member of the Champions alongside Nova and Ms. Marvel.

It was during this time that he was recruited by SHIELD to find his father, who had secretly become a member. They would become lost in another dimension, prompting Miles' mother, Rio, to investigate. She came across gadgets in both of their personal belongings that forced them to admit that Miles was Spider-Man and his father was a SHIELD agent.

As Champions, they would join the Underground when a Hydra loyal Cap doppelganger tried taking over the United States. Black Widow was so concerned that Miles would kill Cap like in the Ulysses vision, that she did her best to keep him away from the final battle. However, when Miles confronted Cap, Widow stepped between them and got killed instead.

Sinister Six Reborn

Miles' personal Sinister Six
Miles' personal Sinister Six

Miles was in a bad place. He broke a rib fighting Hammerhead, and his venom blasts were acting up. He lost his web-shooters in Japan and was starting to doubt his role as Spider-Man. Plus, things have been hard at home ever since his mom figured out he was masking up as a superhero.

His friend, Bombshell, needed his help as Spider-Man though. Because SHIELD was shut down, her mom, Lori (the original Bombshell), was let out of prison. Bombshell needed Miles’ backup confronting her mom, who was trying to get her back into a life of crime. Unfortunately, Bombshell’s mom had her own Spider-Backup, Miles’ Uncle Aaron in the Iron Spider armor.

Aaron started a new Sinister Six with Bombshell, and they were planning on stealing a decommissioned SHIELD helicarrier. Miles was determined to stop him, but he failed to stop them from leaving New York. So, he gathered his Champions team and tracked them to Latveria.

The Champions saved the day, but Miles got badly injured. They were ultimately brought home by the Avengers, with many different heroes including Tony Stark and Spider-Man (Parker) waiting by his bedside

Worlds Collide

Champions and Avengers on Counter-Earth
Champions and Avengers on Counter-Earth

While The Champions were monitoring a satellite that was scanning the area directly on the other side of the sun, they observed a meteor that was hurtling toward Kentucky. They rushed to the state, where they ran into Miles’ old team, The Avengers. They had observed the same meteor. Reluctantly working together, they are able to give the meteor a soft landing but are now picking up a strange vibrational pattern.

They split up and travel to various cities to stabilize tall buildings that were transformed into tuning forks by the vibrations, with Miles joining Vision and young Cyclops in Dubai, but two members (Falcon and Viv) are transported to Counter-Earth. By interrogating the Ani-Man who rode the meteor, the remaining Avengers and Champions learn that High Evolutionary has sped up the orbit of Counter-Earth so that it collides with Earth, destroying both and giving him a blank slate to start new species.

The two teams travel to Counter-Earth first to save their teammates and then head for the center of Counter-Earth to stop the machine causing it to move fast. While the teams fight off the guards, Viv takes it upon herself to turn off the controls, thus stopping the collision

Warriors of the Weird

Miles as the Shadow-Spider
Miles as the Shadow-Spider

When his Champion teammates, Nova and Wasp, are sucked into a portal to Weirdworld by Man-Thing, Miles and his remaining teammates give chase using an artifact called The Siege Parallel from Snowguard. It reads your heart and soul and shows you what you could be in alternate reality. On Weirdworld, Miles is a masked, knife-throwing bandit vigilante called the Shadow Spider, but he currently has no memories of his former life. Neither do any of his Champions teammates, except for Ironheart.

Most of them had fallen in with the revolution against The Master who had taken Nova and Wasp in as his knights. Ironheart convinced lone wolf Miles to join her in seeking the revolution so she could save their friends.

In the battle, Ironheart was almost overwhelmed by Nova until Viv merged with her. Using their new combined power, they were able to return all their friends, including Miles to normalcy, defeating the Master. With their deed done, Man-Thing opened a portal and returned them to their home world.


Miles as Captain Universe
Miles as Captain Universe

Miles was patrolling the city when a group of Web Warriors came through a portal to recruit Miles to stop Otto (as the Superior Octopus) from using Inheritor cloning tech for his own means. They believed this would give the Inheritors the opportunity to come back, which is exactly what happens.

With the Inheritors freed, the Web Warriors argued about the best course of action, especially Miles and Otto. Miles wanted to get Peter Parker and Jessica Drew, heroes with experience, but Otto blamed them for their particular situation as they were the reason they didn’t kill the Inheritors the first time they fought. So, the team splits up.

Peter gave Miles his blessing to lead while he fought Morlun on his own to give the Web Warriors a chance to strategize. He plans on blowing up New U Technologies to cut off their ability to create clones. Unfortunately, they failed, and Solus, the head of the Inheritors was reborn. With the teams back together, they strategically split up to follow multiple leads on how to take them down. Miles engaged with the Enigma Force, which considered them all unworthy of its power until Miles stood up to it.

As Captain Universe, Miles led his squad into a fight with the Inheritors, already battling Ock’s squad and joined by squad after squad from other dimensions. Miles took on Solus head on, eventually, slaying him. With no more use for it, the Enigma Force leaves Miles, and the Web Warriors agree to allow the Inheritors one more clone resurrection into babies, hoping this time a childhood without abuse will stop them from becoming the monsters they were.

Beat the Devil

Miles makes a deal with Mephisto
Miles makes a deal with Mephisto

The Champions increased their roster and had multiple strike teams spread out across the world. Miles was assigned to a team to defend Dubai from Zzzax. The mission goes horribly astray when Viv and Ms. Marvel are killed in battle. Mephisto shows up and gives Miles a “free and clear” chance to reverse time and save his teammates. Miles takes it against protest from Amadeus.

Guilt-ridden and unsure of his decision, Miles pushed his teammates away, especially after finding out that a Dubai teen he saved before time was reset was not rescued after. It was then that Ms. Marvel demanded Miles talk about what he was going through. He confessed what he did to Kamala, and in his shame of trading the girl’s life for Kamala’s, he quit the team.

Mephisto’s offer was given freely because he knew how it would gnaw at Miles’ conscience. To continue terrorizing the Champions, he sicced his son, Blackheart on them, corrupting the Champions and turning them against one another, including Nova who went after Miles.

This brought Miles back into the fold to save his team. Having learned the lesson that the mistakes he makes as Spider-Man are something he’ll have to live with for the rest of his life, he is able to inspire that same acceptance in his friends and rally them against Blackheart’s manipulations, which required them to doubt themselves.

Afterward, Miles embraces his spot on the team.

Absolute Carnage

Miles bonded to a symbiote
Miles bonded to a symbiote

While defending an armored car from Scorpion, Miles and Scorpion were attacked by symbiotes under Carnage’s control. They were collecting “codexes,” microscopic genetic material that symbiotes leave behind in their hosts, which includes Scorpion. Venom shows up to save Scorpion, but while Miles tries to hold off the symbiotes so Venom can make a getaway, he is bonded to a symbiote and falls under Carnage’s control.

Carnage sent Miles after J. Jonah Jameson, bringing him into direct conflict with Silver Sable and her mercenaries. Miles was able to fight through the mind-control and venom blast his symbiote away. However, to stop it from bonding to another civilian and knowing he can connect to the hive-mind to learn intel, Miles voluntarily re-bonded to it.

He was saved again by an electro-shock from Eddie Brock. He filled Eddie in on everything he knew. Carnage was gaining power from every codex he absorbed, and now that he had Venom, he might be unstoppable. He also learned that The Maker lied about his machine. It didn’t destroy codexes. It collected them, and they were just waiting for the taking. Eddie decided to bond with all the codexes to be on an even playing field with Carnage, while Miles joined the heroes already fighting Carnage’s army.


Miles and his allies vs Ultimatum and his goblinoids
Miles and his allies vs Ultimatum and his goblinoids

After a run in with a villain known as the Assessor, Miles struggled to patrol as Spider-Man. He is being haunted by memories from his previous life in the Ultimate universe (Earth-1610). However, when Peter got some leads about science lab robberies in Brooklyn, he decided to pass them on to Miles as Brooklyn’s personal Spider-Man. Forced to suit up, Miles checked out a lab and was attacked by the Green Goblin of Earth-1610 and his new employer, Ultimatum, who is actually the original Miles Morales of Earth-616. This Miles is armed with gear from the Ultimates (Giant Man’s size-changing suit, Iron Man rocket boots, and a Captain America shield).

Tracking Ultimatum’s criminal network led him to his Uncle Aaron, who has been active as The Prowler since rescuing Miles from the Assessor. Miles botched the assassination Aaron agreed to do in exchange for his new armor, which put a bounty on Aaron’s head. Their only option was to survive the gauntlet of assassins and hired goons to get to Ceres, who was willing to work out a deal with Ultimatum.

Miles would end up with a pretty full plate. Goblin would attack him at his school, leading to the newly created C.R.A.D.L.E. coming to his school looking for Miles. They wouldn’t find him though, because Miles was attacked by a doppelganger in his own home, sent by Assessor, who was working for Ultimatum.

While being held hostage by the Assessor, Ultimatum revealed himself to Miles. Gave up his whole plan. The drug he was dosing people with was goblin serum. When he switches them all on, they’ll help him take out all the gang leaders in Brooklyn, allowing Ultimatum to fill the void. Meanwhile, he had Assessor create a portal to send all things from Earth-1602 back there, including Miles and his parents.

Aaron was able to break Miles out, and the two met up with Miles’ local allies Bombshell, Starling, and his dad, as well as Captain America, to fight back against the “goblinoids” that were popping up all over the neighborhood. Eventually, Ultimatum entered the fight and concentrated on Miles and his family. He was trying to push Miles into Assessor’s portal, only for Aaron to tackle Ultimatum into it, with both of them disappearing in an explosion.

Order of the Web

The Order of the Web
The Order of the Web

After Miles had a dream of Spider-Man's death at the hands of Norman Osborn, he teamed up with other spider-themed heroes who had similar dreams to save him. Madame Web believed that the Web of Life was trying to warn them of a great danger to Peter Parker.

The Order watched over Spider-Man during his fight with a supernaturally enhanced Sin-Eater under Ravencroft, however, they were concerned that he was teaming up with Green Goblin. With Sin-Eater bested and Spider-Man in peril, Obsorn took the opportunity to finish him off. Just then the Order swooped in to save Spidey, leaving Obsorn for Sin-Eater to find. As they made their escape through the Hudson River, demons possessed Miles and his teammates and forced them to fight Spider-Man on orders from Kindred, the demon controlling Sin-Eater.

When the team was let loose on the Queensborough Bridge, Spidey was forced to make a deal with Kindred to release them. The now not-possessed team was rounded up by Black Cat and brought to the Sanctum Sanctorum to accompany Doctor Strange into Spidey's dreamscape to locate him. They find Spidey at Kindred's cemetery, where Madame Web shares her clairvoyance with Sin-Eater long enough to find out Kindred's true intentions. Knowing the truth, Sin-Eater commits suicide. It was too late, though. Kindred was able to capture them and force them to witness the reunion of Peter and Harry Osborn (possessed by Kindred), as well as Obsorn and Kingpin capturing Kindred in a darkforce prison.

The team decided to stick together considering the Ravencroft inmates that escaped during Sin-Eater's attack and the suspicion that Spider-Man would still need looking after.

Clone Saga

Miles and his clones
Miles and his clones

Miles was being framed for various crimes around Brooklyn. He concluded that it was probably another clone the Assessor had made like the one that attacked him during his rivalry with Ultimatum. While running down a lead with Peter that Ganke found, Miles ran into a trio of clones: Selim (a seemingly stable clone with a bad temper), Mindspinner (a psychic Man-Spider version of Miles), and Shift (an amorphous, stretchy version).

With their numbers and extra powers, Miles was no match for them, even with Peter’s help. They got away, but Ganke was able to track their cloned phone when they tried to pretend to be Miles, leading him to their lab. Because Miles believed they were trying to make more clones, he destroyed their equipment. The trio of clones walked in on the destruction and attacked Miles. It wasn’t for making more clones but for curing their cellular degradation. Selim and Mindspinner were singular in their view of making Miles’ life a living hell. When they targeted his mother, they left the undecided Shift behind to guard Miles.

Miles connected to Shift and broke free. He went to Rio's hospital, where he fought Mindspinner, but Selim wasn’t there. He went to the Morales home instead to kidnap Miles’ new baby sister, Billie. Using Billie, Selim baits Miles into meeting him on the Brooklyn Bridge. The two fight until Mindspinner and Shift show up, except Shift was fighting on Miles’ side. Shift saved Billie and kept her safe, causing Selim to lash out against him. When Mindspinner tried defending Shift, Selim and Mindspinner combined venom blasts causing a large explosion, leaving no trace of them.

Now that Shift was without brothers, Miles invites him to join his family.


Assessor's main terminal
Assessor's main terminal

Miles is served papers by the Beyond Corporation, for misuse of the Spider-Man trademark that Beyond owned. He continued using it anyway, and Ben Reilly, Beyond's in-house Spider-Man supported Miles' choice to defy the legal notice. After their team up together, Miles found evidence that Assessor might be working on new experiments with Beyond's help. So, Miles and Shift went to investigate.

They found the main hard drive where Assessor kept his A.I. The Assessor created a number of drones to take them on, so they needed help from Quantum, the Assessor's henchman. Quantum was sick of being torture as a Beyond test subject so he teleported Miles to the top of the large hard drive where Miles used a venom blast to overload it, wiping the Assessor.

Quantum left but told Miles to check the black doors. He found files on alternate universes including a report about Aaron being alive. Using a Beyond portal, he and Shift went looking for their Uncle Aaron. They ended up on a fascist dystopian Earth when Selim had survived and taken over. An older Ganke was part of a resistance that helped Miles and Shift take out Selim and rescue Aaron, who was Selim's prisoner, eventually making it back home through the portal.

End of the Spider-Verse

Drone Miles
Drone Miles

When the wasp goddess, Shathra, attempted to reshape Web of Life and Destiny into the Great Nest, she targeted the spider-heroes of the multiverse for her new army of drones. To protect 616 Spider-Man, who is believed to be the chosen one, Madame Web has brought together a new team of Web Warriors, including all the Spider-Heroes from Earth-616, who are immune to wasp stings. Unfortunately, Miles is not originally from Earth-616. He transformed into a drone while the new Web Warriors were hiding out in an unfinished world outside of the Web of Destiny, connecting him to the hivemind and allowing Shathra to finally see where they were.

Knowing the danger he posed, Miles volunteered to head to Loomworld, where Shathra was directing her drones, to try and take her down. Luckily, because he was of two worlds, he seemed to retain his independence despite physically becoming a drone. He was joined by Hunter-Spider, a spider-hero variant of Kraven the Hunter. When he finally caught up to Shathra, he overheard that they had killed Peter Parker. Miles lashed out in anger and was caught, while his partner, Kraven, slipped away to get reinforcements.

Miles was locked up with other random spider-heroes who proved immune to Shathra's sting, including the sentient Spider-Mobile that Miles partnered with during a previous Spider-Verse adventure. Once Kraven returned with the Web Warriors to free them, Madame Web gave Miles a dimensional watch to travel the multiverse and find other immune spider-heroes with Spider-Mobile, specifically the giant robot ones. They returned just in time for the final push against Shathra, defeating her and restoring the the Web of Life.

Carnage Reigns

After a run in with Cletus Kasady, who was possessing Stark's Extrembiote, Miles was nearly arrested by Agent Gao and her Anti-Vigilante Task Force, The Cape Killers. However, a deputized Scorpion suggests Miles would be useful against Kasady. Soon, he and The Cape Killers are joined by the new Red Goblin (Normie Osborn), whose symbiote can absorb other symbiotes. Unfortunately, their combined might was still not enough to take on Carnage, and Miles was impaled by Cletus.

Iron Man showed up and injected nanites into Miles' fatal wound, cocooning him in a new Iron Spider armor, so he could keep fighting while he healed. Miles kept Cletus busy while the Cape Killers dealt with Carnage's zombies until Iron Man could rig his suit to emit an EMP disabling the Extrembiote for good.

Gang War

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When Hammerhead ignites a gang war in New York City, Miles is recruited by Spider-Man to protect the city. After shutting down a fight between Ringmaster's hypnotees and Crime-Master's AIM goons, the group decides to split up, with Miles heading to his home turf of Brooklyn which the Hobgoblin was reportedly terrorizing.

When he made it to Brooklyn, he found The Bumbler and his Buzz Boys fighting Frost Pharaoh and his Ankh-Colytes. They had new upgraded weapons, and Miles needed last minute help from the Daughters of the Dragon and The Cape Killers. With those two gangs under control, Miles was recruited once again to the Cape Killers, since they couldn't arrest him. He had been deputized by Mayor Luke Cage for Spider-Man's team. Together, they take on Prowler and the Enforcers, who have been mysteriously upgraded.

The Prowler had led the Enforcers into a trap, hoping that Miles and his allies would be able to stop them. He then recruited them all to help him take down Hobgoblin, who was trafficking Beyond Corporation tech to the street gangs of Brooklyn with help from Rabble. With his friends and a sensitive truce with the Cape Killers, Miles was able to put Hobgoblin on the ropes and run Rabble off. Unfortunately, she was called in by Madame Masque to upgrade her new Maggia for a Central Park showdown with The Syndicate and their new Harlem troops.

Miles reunited with Spider-Man's team to stop this showdown, now that they are the last two gangs standing in the war. Their fellow ally, Tombstone, saw an opportunity to usurp his own daughter as the head of the territories north of Central Park. He ordered his new gangs to retreat. With just Masque's gang to contend with, Miles and the other heroes were able to overwhelm them.


Shift meets the Morales Family
Shift meets the Morales Family

Following a productive conversation with his therapist, Miles decides to keep his gang war team, including Shift, together so they could track down Rabble and try to rehabilitate her. Unfortunately, Rabble had already equipped Agent Gao and the Cape-Killers with new armor. It was to give them an edge against Miles Morales before the team is shutdown for good, but Rabble was actually using it to remote control the villains as a trap for Miles. A team of Miles' allies, recruited by Prowler, kept the enslaved rogues busy until Miles could track down Rabble and shut down her technopathy over them.

Rabble upped the ante even more by orchestrating a potentially fatal blow against Shift and forcing Cape Killer Gust to use her aerokinesis to pull the breathable air from both teams. Although her drones were somewhat susceptible to Miles' venom strikes, Rabble was so enraged that Miles was easily overwhelmed. He eventually found a power dampening collar amongst her tech. He locked it on her, and Rabble lost her connection to her devices, including the Cape Killer armors. Miles was unhappy that he couldn't help her the way he wanted, but Misty Knight and Mayor Cage promised to get her the help she needed.

With the fight over, Miles introduces Shift to his family.

Blood Hunt

Vampire Miles
Vampire Miles

When the vampire cult, The Structure, covers the world in darkness as a part of their plan for world domination, Miles protects the streets as he always does. He is sought after by Blade, who Miles had recently worked with. Blade claimed to need his help, but this was a ruse. Unfortunately, Blade has been swayed by The Structure and turns Miles, instructing him to find his daughter, Bloodline. After members of the Avengers and the Midnight Mission regroup at the Sanctum Sanctorum with Bloodline, Miles reveals his vampiric nature.

Doctor Strange is able to use the Eye of Agamotto to clear Miles' head and allow his better judgment to seep through. When Bloodline runs away from the heroes after its revealed she's the key to stopping Blade, Miles and Dracula chase after. However, Miles gets sidetracked when his rival, Hightail, comes to him for help having sensed the return of R'ym'r.

Personal Data

  • Height: 5’8”
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Citizenship: American
  • Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, NY; Earth-1610
  • Occupation: Student
  • Known Relatives: Jefferson Davis (father), Rio Morales (mother), Aaron Davis/Prowler (uncle), Billie Morales (sister), Shift (clone/adopted brother)
  • Description: Miles is just now starting to fill out his frame and grow taller. He dresses primarily in jeans and t-shirts or hoodies, a size or two too large for him.

Powers & Abilities

Miles being bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider.
Miles being bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider.

Mutation: After being bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider, Miles discovered he received super-human abilities like camouflage, increased agility, and some sort of stunning blast.

Superhuman Strength: Miles can lift and press several tons, and can cause harm to super powered individuals with a single punch. However, Miles has to pull his punches and kicks, otherwise his blows would prove fatal to a normal human. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to jump several stories in a single bound. The upper limits of his strength are still unknown.

Superhuman Durability: Miles' body is physically tougher, and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans. He can withstand great impacts, such as being thrown through a plate-glass window, something that would severely injure or kill a normal human.

Superhuman Stamina: Miles possess an advanced musculature, that produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him.

Superhuman Agility, Flexibility, and Reflexes: Miles' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of a regular human athlete. He's also extraordinarily flexible. Miles can easily perform the most complicated acrobatic moves as his body is extremely flexible, giving him agility, balance and bodily coordination that surpass those of the finest human athletes; He possesses excellent equilibrium allowing him to balance himself on any object. His reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Superhuman Speed: Miles can move at a speeds that surpasses that of the finest human athletes.

Regenerative Healing Factor/Immunity: Miles possess a healing factor, the limits of which is unknow, and allows him to recover and regenerate from severe injuries. Due to his accelerated metabolism, he can recover from the effects of poisons, bacteria, diseases. etc rapidly.

Spider-Sense: When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of warning system, allowing him to react accordingly-much like the Peter Parker; His Spider-Sense offers him near complete awareness of his surroundings, and in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. His Spider-Sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of Peter Parker. One example occurs the night that Peter is killed; Miles dreamed that he, himself, was being attacked by Electro, when, at the same time, the real Electro was preparing to hunt and murder Peter Parker many miles away. This suggests that Miles' ability may be borderline precognitive, as opposed to only warning of immediate danger. Unfortunately as of yet, he's not completely aware of the nature of this power. Miles is starting to figure out that "the buzzing" may be attempting to inform him of incoming danger, but again, he is unable as of yet to use it to his advantage like Peter could.

Miles using his Venom Sting.
Miles using his Venom Sting.

Electrokinesis: Miles has the ability to manipulate his bio-electric field and generate currents through specialized structures in his cells.

  • Venom Sting: Miles can temporarily paralyze his enemies by simply touching them with his hands. It seems that there are varying degrees to this ability, as some opponents have been simply dazed where others have been completely incapacitate, and the Venom Strike is powerful enough to render a person who has grown to giant size unconscious. Miles can use this power against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which both he and his opponent are in contact with. This power also provides a great advantage, allowing Miles to end a confrontation quickly with little collateral damage.
  • Energy Blast: When under extreme stress, Miles is capable of releasing a powerful burst of energy from his body but he can only use it once before needing to recharge it.
Miles using his Spider-Camouflage.
Miles using his Spider-Camouflage.

Spider-Camouflage: Not unlike a chameleon, Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

Wall-Crawling: Miles can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to is unknown, except that he can handle lifting his own weight. He can stick to surfaces even through layers of clothing and footwear.

Equipment & Skills

Miles Spider Man Suit, given to him by S.H.I.L.D.
Miles Spider Man Suit, given to him by S.H.I.L.D.

Spider Suit: Miles wears a costume given to him by S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a skin-tight black and red ensemble with a mask that covers every square inch of his face. The suit is thin and lightweight which offers Miles superb maneuverability, but the suit is also incredibly tough and resistant to damage, including gunshots, so Miles is well protected.

Web Shooters: Miles initially uses Peter Parker's Web Shooters, which were given to him by May Parker. He is eventually given a new set of Web Shooters by S.H.I.E.L.D. discharge a stream of a specialized fluid that solidifies upon exposure to air. The polymer is extremely strong and durable, with a tensile strength of 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section. The polymer degrades after about one hour.

Intellect: Miles was always a fast learner and gifted student. He could speak simple sentences at just over 1 year old, and was reading and writing by age 3 ½.

Bilingual: Miles speaks both English and Spanish.

Alternate Versions

Original 616 Version

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Because the version of Miles that is currently active on Earth-616 as Spider-Man was originally from Earth-1610 (the Ultimate Marvel Universe), he had a counterpart that was originally from Earth-616

The original Miles was a street criminal who worked for the Rigoletto crime family. While doing time in Ryker's, Miles befriended a young Wilson Fisk. He even saved Fisk's life when a prisoner tried to stab him. Miles ended up with a scarred face but Fisk's undying gratitude.

Once they were freed, Fisk took over the Rigoletto crime family, but Miles went on the straight and narrow. He settled down with a woman named Barbara and moved to Michigan. After the untimely death of Barbara, Miles started looking into alternate timelines, getting the attention of the two Spider-Men (when Miles was still on Earth-1610). 616-Miles ultimately stayed on Earth-1610 with a new version of Barbara.

He would eventually return from 1610 with gear he took from the Ultimates (Giant Man's size-changing suit, Captain America's shield, and Iron Man rocket boots)calling himself Ultimatum. He was working with 1610's version of Green Goblin to become Brooklyn's own kingpin. At this points, 1610-Miles was officially living in 616, so 616-Miles wanted to kick out him and his family. When 1610-Miles' Uncle Aaron got involved, both Aaron and Ultimatum ended up going through the portal to 1610 before it exploded.

For more information, see here

The Falcon

When the world was remade with the Squadron Supreme replacing the Avengers, Miles was inspired by Nighthawk. When Nighthawk's original sidekick, Falcon, was killed in action, Miles fashioned his own suit. He patrolled the city finding Nighthawk in action. He would join the fight as an audition and earn his spot as his new sidekick.


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In one possible future, Miles was killed taking out the Annihilation Wave by overloading Annihilus' cosmic rod. Miles is then reanimated as a Deathlok soldier. He was sent on a mission to return time criminal, Conan the Barbarian, to his original time period from Earth-616's present. Miles caught up with Conan as he was confronting a cult that was using a madbomb. That madbomb got the attention of the most "savage" heroes in the immediate vicinity, who came to Conan's defense. Miles' time circuits were damaged in the fight sending all of them to the Hyborian Age.

In an attempt to enslave the corpse being used by Deathlok, Elektra used Hand resurrection magic on the body, awakening Miles Morales who voluntarily joined the Savage Avengers.

What If ...? Versions

Captain America (Miles Morales)

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On Earth-TRN946, Miles grew up in a military base where his father and uncle Aaron were stationed. He came across a Super Soldier Serum that Aaron kept stashed and accidentally exposed himself to it. Miles' physique grew to perfection and he became the first successful super soldier since Steve Rogers. He was trained by the military to become the new Captain America. He was also in a romantic relationship with his partner Falcon (Tiana Toomes).

Wolverine (Miles Morales)

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On Earth-TRN948, Miles was born a mutant with the ability to grow four bone claws from his knuckles. In Atlanta, Georgia 1981, Miles was kidnapped and experimented on by the Weapon X program and his skeleton was coated with Adamantium. Eventually, he escaped the facility and spent years on the run. In 2022, after the confrontation with his father Agent J (Jefferson Davis) and uncle Sabretoon (Aaron Davis), Miles was approached by Professor X (Ganke Lee) and the X-Men with a proposition.

Hulk (Miles Morales)

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On Earth-TRN949, Miles accidentally knocked over his Uncle Aaron's briefcase and stepped on a nuclear cartridge exposing himself to gamma radiation, after noticing and attempting to kill a spider on the briefcase. After witnessing the death of his uncle the Prowler, Miles turned into the Hulk and battled Abomination (Emil Blonsky).

Thor Odinson

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On Earth-TRN951, in a reality where Yggdrasil the world tree grew in Midgard, Thor grew up in a Brooklyn-styled Asgard. Manipulated and betrayed, Thor fought his uncle Loki and defeated him.

Other Media


Ultimate Spider-Man

Miles in the animated series
Miles in the animated series

Miles appears in Season 3 of the show, Web Warriors, voiced by rapper and Community star Donald Glover. This version of the character comes from an alternate universe where Peter Parker was killed during a battle against the Green Goblin, and teams up with the mainline version of Peter during the "Spider-Verse" storyline.

During Season 4, Miles (now voiced by Ogie Banks) joins the main cast after a battle with the Goblin and Baron Mordo strands him on the mainline Earth. He takes on the name Kid Arachnid to more easily distinguish himself from Peter Parker.

Marvel's Spider-Man

Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man
Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man

Miles appears as a main character in the series, voiced by Nadji Jeter. This version of the character is slightly older and more intelligent, being a teenager who attends the Horizon STEM school. He is classmates and close friends with Anya Corazon and Gwen Stacy, and works with them to prepare a science project for the Stark Expo.

In the episode "Ultimate Spider-Man," Miles is bitten by a genetically-engineered spider that was being stolen by Spencer Smythe. The bite grants Miles a variation of Spider-Man's powers, and he eventually dons a costume to become the wall-crawler's partner.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Into the Spider-Verse
Into the Spider-Verse

Miles Morales was the star of the animated 2018 film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, voiced by The Get Down star Shameik Moore. The film retells Miles' origin from the original Ultimate Spider-Man comics, while also drawing in elements of the Spider-Verse crossover and the Spider-Men limited series.

After being bitten by a radioactive spider, young graffiti artist Miles Morales accidentally stumbles upon a particle accelerator built by Wilson Fisk, a.k.a the Kingpin. When Spider-Man dies after getting Miles to safety, Miles strives to honor Peter Parker's legacy by becoming the city's new protector. However, Miles soon encounters an alternate universe version of Peter (dubbed "Peter B. Parker") and several other spider-heroes from across the multiverse. Together, the heroes must find a way to stop the Kingpin before he can reactivate the accelerator and destroy New York.

In addition to Moore, the film starred Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker, Hailee Steinfeld as Spider-Gwen, Liev Schreiber as the Kingpin, Mahershala Ali as the Prowler, Brian Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis, Luna Lauren Velez as Rio Morales, John Mulaney as Spider-Ham, Kimiko Glenn as SP//dr, Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir, Zoe Kravitz as Mary Jane Watson, Lily Tomlin as Aunt May, Kathryn Hahn as Doctor Octopus, Chris Pine as the Peter Parker of Miles' universe, and Oscar Isaac as Spider-Man 2099. The movie was heavily acclaimed by critics, and won an Academy Award.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Shameik Moore reprises the role of Miles Morale sin the 2023 release Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Miles' place in the Spider-Verse is called into question by the Spider Society, a group of spider-hero variants that work together under the leadership of Miguel O'Hara to keep the spider-specific multiverse, the Web of Life and Destiny, from falling apart. The events of Inside the Spider-Verse played a major role in the current weakness, with Miles referred to as an anomaly, as the spider that bit him was from another universe, leaving that universe without a Spider-Man.

His old friends, Gwen and Peter B., agreed to not contact Miles and leave him to his own life while the rest of the destined spider-people try to clean up the multiverse. However, when Gwen reached out in a moment of loneliness, Miles followed her into the multiverse where his actions continued to degrade the multiverse, turning everyone but Gwen and Peter B. against him.

Video Games

In Marvel Super Hero Squad Online

Miles Morales appears as a playable character, voiced by Alimi Ballard.

Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) can wear the suit Miles wears as an alternate costume.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Miles Morales appears as a playable character.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Miles' Spider-Man costume is an alternate outfit in the video game adaptation of Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man Unlimited

Miles is a playable character in the Spider-Man Unlimited mobile app game.

Marvel Contest of Champions

Miles Morales appears as a playable character in this mobile app fighting game.

Marvel Avengers Alliance

Miles Morales appears in this Facebook game.

Lego Marvel Avengers

Miles is a playable character in the Spider-Man DLC pack.

Marvel Heroes

Miles Morales appears as a Team-Up character in the Marvel Heroes 2016 expansion. Ogie Banks provides his voice.

Marvel Avengers Academy

Miles Morales appears in the game as a playable character, voiced by Brandon Winckler. He is available to recruit in Act 2 of the "Spider-Man" event.

Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider-Man (PS4)
Spider-Man (PS4)

Miles Morales appears as a playable character in the 2018 Spider-Man game from Insomniac Games, with Nadji Jeter reprising his role from the animated series. This version of the character is the son of a New York cop who ends up killed during one of Mister Negative's terrorist attacks. Following Jefferson's death, Peter Parker takes Miles under his wing in order to help the youth work through his grief. Miles begins working at the F.E.A.S.T. shelter alongside Aunt May, and eventually ends up being bitten by a genetically engineered spider that Mary Jane unknowingly brings with her from Oscorp. In the game's post-credits sequence, Miles reveals his new spider powers to Peter, seemingly setting him up to play a more active role in the sequel.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Ultimate Alliance 3
Ultimate Alliance 3

Miles Morales appears as a playable character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, a Nintendo Switch exclusive. To differentiate Miles' gameplay from that of Peter Parker, the developers increased the focus on Miles' stealth and electrical abilities. Nadji Jeter reprises his role.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Miles in his solo game
Miles in his solo game

In 2020, it was announced that Insomniac was working on a spin-off of their 2018 Spider-Man game, starring Miles as the main character. Peter leaves New York City to cover a developing news story in Symkaria, leaving Miles as the one and only Spider-Man that New York has at the moment. Still grieving the loss of his father, especially during the holidays, Miles gets pulled into a conspiracy involving Roxxon's new power station in Harlem and Roxxon's grudge match with anarchist group, The Underground, and their leader, the Tinkerer, that turns out to be an old friend.

Spider-Man 2 (2023)

Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2

Miles Morales will appear as a playable character in Spider-Man 2, which will star both Peter and Miles as they face off against Venom. Nadji Jeter again reprises his role.


Miles Morales: Spider-Man

The YA novel
The YA novel

In 2017, a YA novel starring Miles Morales was published by Marvel Press. Written by award-winning author Kevin Reynolds, the book entered the New York Times Bestsellers List.

Everyone gets mad at hustlers, especially if you're on the victim side of the hustle. And Miles knew hustling was in his veins."

Miles Morales is just your average teenager. Dinner every Sunday with his parents, chilling out playing old-school video games with his best friend, Ganke, crushing on brainy, beautiful poet Alicia. He's even got a scholarship spot at the prestigious Brooklyn Visions Academy. Oh yeah, and he's Spider Man.

But lately, Miles's spidey-sense has been on the fritz. When a misunderstanding leads to his suspension from school, Miles begins to question his abilities. After all, his dad and uncle were Brooklyn jack-boys with criminal records. Maybe kids like Miles aren't meant to be superheroes. Maybe Miles should take his dad's advice and focus on saving himself.

As Miles tries to get his school life back on track, he can't shake the vivid nightmares that continue to haunt him. Nor can he avoid the relentless buzz of his spidey-sense every day in history class, amidst his teacher's lectures on the historical "benefits" of slavery and the importance of the modern-day prison system. But after his scholarship is threatened, Miles uncovers a chilling plot, one that puts his friends, his neighborhood, and himself at risk.

It's time for Miles to suit up.


Action Figures

Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends
  • A Miles Morales Spider-Man figure appears in the Marvel Universe line. This is a repaint of a Peter Parker figure.
  • A Miles Morales Spider-Man figure appears in the 12-inch Titan Hero line.
  • A Miles Morales figure is part of the Marvel Mashers line as "Ultimate Spider-Man."
  • A Miles Morales figure appears in the Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors line. Additionally, a roleplay set consisting of Miles' mask and web-shooter was also created.
  • A Miles Morales figure was made for the Marvel Legends Space Venom Build-a-Figure wave.
  • Hot Toys produced a figure of the Into the Spider-Verse version of Miles and several figures from his solo video game.
  • A Venomized version of Miles was featured in Hasbro's Marvel Legends line as part of the Venompool Build-a-Figure wave.
  • Miles Morales was featured in the Nendoroid line from Goodsmile.
  • The Into the Spider-Verse version of Miles was featured in Hasbro's Marvel Legends line as part of the Stilt-Man Build-a-Figure wave.
  • The video game version of Miles Morales was featured in Hasbro's Marvel Legends line as part of the Armadillo Build-a-Figure wave. An invisible variant was also released as a Gamestop exclusive.


Lego Miles
Lego Miles
  • A Miles Morales Lego figure is included in the "Carnage's S.H.I.E.L.D. Sky Attack" kit.
  • Kotobukiya released a Miles Morales statue as part of the ARTFX+ line.
  • Miles has been featured in the HeroClix figure game.
  • Lego later released a Miles Morales Mecha Armor kit.
  • Diamond Select has produced several Miles Morales statues and busts.
  • Miles Morales was featured in the Marvel Fact Files line of lead figurines from Eaglemoss Publications.
  • PCS produced a Miles statue.
  • Sideshow Collectibles produced a Miles statue.


October 2011

November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

June 2012

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

November 2012

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013











Friendly teams

Enemy teams