
Mickey Fondozzi

Mickey Fondozzi

Mickey Fondozzi is a loyal soldier of the Carbone family. He was recruited on the pretense of being Italian-American. Actually he is Albanian.

Mickey Fondozzi
Real name:
Mickey Fondozzi
Birth date:
  • Marksmanship


Mickey Fondozzi is a loyal soldier of the Carbone family. He was recruited on the pretense of being Italian-American. Actually he is Albanian.

Mayor Story Arcs

Meeting the Punisher

One day, Mickey was leading four enforcers against a triad bank when Punisher confronted them. Punisher killed Mickey's men but had plans for their leader. Castle wanted Mickey's help in creating the identity of "Johnny Tower" and infiltrating the Carbone family. The duo , posing as cousins, would regularly perform missions for Julian Carbone while quietly eliminating other family soldiers. When their cover was blown, they were barely able to escape with their lives. They needed the assistance of Shotgun, a mercenary working for the American government, to do so.

Julian Carbone met his demise at the hands of the Punisher. His daughter Rosalie took over the family. Rosalie had been romantically involved with Johnny Tower and felt betrayed. Both Rosalie and uncle Sal used Mickey for information on the Punisher's location. Their schemes actually backfired. Now working for himself, Mickey opened a used car sale's lot. Most of the cars in his stock were stolen. Mickey continued acting as Punisher's informant on more serious criminal activities.

At one point, Mickey and Microchip assist the Punisher in investigating the Secret Empire, a worldwide criminal group with the front as a men's social club. Mickey and Micro are mistaken for two visiting bosses and must improvise their way through the incident.

Marvel Knights

His criminal career ended when Mickey got hold of the wrong stolen car. It belonged to the Black Widow who came asking questions along with Dagger. Mickey tried keeping his mouth shut. Dagger performed a soul cleansing technique on him. Not only did he tell the two ladies everything they wanted to know, he decided to quit crime and follow the straight and narrow road. Punisher soon realized his best informer had become useless to him. Castle severed all contact with Mickey.


March 1992

April 1992

May 1992

June 1992

July 1992

August 1992

September 1992

October 1992

November 1992

December 1992

August 1993

November 1993

December 1993

January 1994

March 1994

July 1994

September 1994

December 1994

January 1995

February 1995

March 1995

May 1995

June 1995

April 2001

May 2001

March 2004









