
Meredith Stead

Meredith Stead

Meredith is a painter and artist. She is in love with James Mandarin.

Meredith Stead
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Magic


Meredith is a painter and lives with her boyfriend James Mandarin in an apartment in New York. While James works on his magic, Meredith paints grand scenes. Although she does not fully understand Magic and James attachment to it, she apparently has some magic powers of her own.


Meredith first appeared in Marvel Fanfare. She was created by Peter Gilis for his story The Light That Never Was.

Major Story Arc

The Light that Never Was

Meredith is in her apartment painting when James returns home with groceries and an old book on magic that he found in a used bookstore. Later when James is practicing magic and failing, Meredith checks on him. This is when the spell works and sucks James into a shadow realm.

Meredith runs to the only person she knows may help, Doctor Strange. The good Doctor understands Meredith's plight and agrees to help. Soon it is revealed that James had summoned the Night-Crawler, who planned on killing Strange and taking his power. Sadly the only way Night-Crawler could leave his realm was by using James as a puppet.

Mind controlled James attacks Meredith but when she pleads with her boyfriend, he is able to shake Night-Crawler's control, and attack the demon. James is no match, and it isn't until Strange steps in to help that the tide starts to turn in favor of heroes. Then when Meredith realizes she too has power, she creates a magic shield and sword for James that he uses to banish Night-Crawler.

Strange agrees that Meredith and James have true power and wishes them good luck in their future endeavors.


Meredith has the ability to give reality to things/objects she paints and creates.


May 1983


