
Megan Kinney

Megan Kinney

Megan Kinney is X-23's cousin (and by extension Wolverine's niece).

Megan Kinney
Real name:
Megan Kinney
Birth date:


Megan Kinney was created by created by writers Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, and artist Billy Tan. She first appeared in 2005's X-23 #2.


Megan was born the daughter of Deborah Kinney. At a young age, she was kidnapped and taken from her parents by an escaped murderer who was known to rape under-age girls. After being contacted by Megan's mother Debbie, her estranged aunt Sarah Kinney took X-23 on an unauthorized personal mission, asking X-23 to track down and rescue Megan. X-23 successfully tracked Megan's abductor and posed as a girl scout as bait, freeing Megan and killed the man who took her. The ordeal left Megan traumatized however, she had nightmares about the man and X-23 for many years, convincing herself that it never happened until her teen years when she was introduced to her previously unknown cousin Laura (X-23), after the death of Laura's mother.

Major Story Arcs

Target X

Megan was initially hostile towards Laura before Laura revealed that Megan's kidnapping had actually happened, proving it by unsheathing her claws in front of her cousin, unaware that Megan had repressed those memories. Following this revelation, Megan formed a special bond with Laura and the two became best friends while attending school together, with Laura even adopting Megan's gothic dress sense. Laura eventually told Megan the whole truth about her past, abilities and the circumstances about her mother's death, including the effects of the Trigger Scent. Desmond (Facility agent and boyfriend of Megan's mother) put a dose of Trigger Scent in Debbie’s tea, because he wanted Laura to kill her aunt and Megan before returning her to the Facility. Unfortunately for Desmond, Megan accidentally spilled the tea over him and Debbie, causing Laura to go into a berserker rampage and kill him before turning her attention to Megan and Debbie. Megan quickly grabbed her mother and hid in the shower, washing all of the trigger scent off their bodies just as Laura was about to kill them, allowing Laura to regain her self control.

Laura sensed that Kimura was near and hid Megan and Debbie in the basement, hiding them from thermal sensors by showering them with freezing water from a burst pipe before killing all the soldiers of The Facility. However Laura was incapacitated by Kimura who broke her neck in the ensuing fight and took Laura into the basement to watch Megan and Debbie die. Kimura tortured the scared Megan but Laura managed to save her family by causing an explosion with Kimura still in the house and escaped with Megan and Debbie.

Laura gave her aunt and cousin a large amount of money and new identities to escape and create new lives for themselves, but told Megan that she couldn't go with them, not wishing to endanger them further and after a tearful separation, Megan and Debbie separated from Laura. Before leaving Megan gave her cousin Laura a necklace saying that she was going to give it to her when settling in.

Megan hasn't appeared since, though she has been mentioned by Laura and Kimura.


March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

November 2009

October 2010

November 2010

December 2016

March 2017

May 2017

January 2018

February 2018

May 2023









