


Malpractice is a member of Hydra's D.O.A. and an enemy of the Midnight Sons.

Real name:
Josef Pohlmann
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Elasticity
  • Gadgets
  • Unarmed Combat


Malpractice was created by D.G. Chichester and Ron Garney in 1992 and first appeared in Nightstalkers # 2.


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Malpractice is a member of HYDRA's Department of Occult Armaments, assigned to research terrorist applications of magic and the arcane. He made a deal with powerful demonic entities, trading off parts of his body in exchange for 'dark knowledge of medical monstrosities.' His missing body parts were then replaced with cybernetics.

Malpractice served in the D.O.A's strike team under Gregory Belial, along with Innards, Pyre and Rotwrap. The team was sent on a mission and kidnaped the vampire Hannibal King as a test subject for one of thier experiments. Unfortunately, this attracted the attention of King's team, the Nightstalkers. King escaped, and the D.O.A fled back to HYDRA empty handed. Malpractice, like all the members of Belial's team, was punished for his failure, personally tortured by Baron Von Strucker using the Satan Claw.

Malpractice was later part of a team that robbed graves for one of Belial's experiments.

Fear Itself- The Fearless

Malpractice would surface again some time later, still as a member of the DOA. His augmentations and scarring seem to have grown vastly worse with time. Malpractice and the rest of DOA reappear to do a simple recon mission for Sin as she attempts to retrieve the mystical hammers when they are scattered throughout the world after the Worthy and the Serpent are defeated. The DOA manage to place a spider shaped tracking device on Valkyrie as she attempts to retrieve the mystic hammers before they fall into the wrong hands.

Powers and Abilities

Malpractice traded parts of his flesh for forbidden knowledge of 'performing medical atrocities on others.' It is unclear exactly how this knowledge relates to his other powers, which all seem cybernetic in origin. It is possible this forbidden knowledge allowed him to create and survive his extensive surgical augmentations.

Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing

Malpractice's missing body parts, sacrificed to demonic creatures, have been replaced by cybernetic replacements. These include, (but may not be limited to) his eyes, jaw, and arms. Many of these cybernetics can be removed and operate remotely, including sending his hands (and distubingly, his teeth) to attack others, and removing his eye to use it as a security camera. Additionally, his cybernetic limbs give him additional arms (varies with appearance, always at least three, somtimes as many as six), and each of these includes bladed weapons, including sharp claws, saws and scalpels.


December 1992

January 1993

February 1993

June 1993

July 1993

September 1993

December 2011

January 2012

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

June 2016






