
Magus (Technarchy)

Magus (Technarchy)

Father of the techno-organic alien hero, Warlock. Just like his son, who is often confused with the cosmic hero Adam Warlock, as this Magus shares the name of Adam Warlock's evil counterpart, Magus.

Magus (Technarchy)
Real name:
  • Warlock's Father
Birth date:
  • Elasticity
  • Electronic interaction
  • Flight
  • Immortal
  • Leadership
  • Omni-lingual
  • Shape Shifter
  • Siphon Lifeforce
  • Size Manipulation
  • Technopathy
  • Tracking


The Magus is the patriarch of the Technarchy, a race of hostile techno-organic, meta-morphic beings who scour the universe looking for things to feed on through the use of their "techno-organic virus." Their homeworld of Kvch is a largely desolate and seemingly barren place. The Magus himself is extraordinarily violent, brutal, and arrogant. His species, (save Warlock, who is considered a mutant) is incapable of love, compassion, or mercy. Entirely male, they reproduce by mechanical means, after which it is customary for father and son to fight to the death in order to evolve into their mature state. Warlock refused to fight his father, as he had no interest in ruling the Technarchy. This enraged the Magus, prompting Warlock to flee Kvch.


The Magus first appeared in 1984's New Mutants #18. He was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Bill Sienkiewicz.

Mayor Story Arcs

New Mutants


Warlock fled to planet Earth and became a member of the New Mutants, but before that he crash into Magneto's space base, something that he would later fight him for. However, upon encountering his son the Magus was disgusted as Warlock had mutated and no longer was considered worthy of assuming the throne of the Technarchy. Both of them fought until Warlock infected Magus with his own mutated-version of the virus, slowly succumbing to his own son mutant strand and fled in panic.


Some months after their initial encounter with the being, Magus once more resurfaced on earth and fought the X-men, he was however soon defeated without any casualties and the thread of Magus seemed to have been defeated. A few months later however, Magus once more made it's presence known when he attacked the New Mutants during a time/space adventure. Magus sought to destroy Warlock and his New Mutant teammates once and for all. This time however, Warlock finally had the guts to stand up against his father and protect his friends. Warlock seemingly defeated and destroyed the Magus. He was not seen again for a long time.


In Warlock's own series, it was revealed that although Warlock had defeated and seemingly killed his father many years ago, he was very much alive and looking for revenge. Warlock himself had however gone through a rough time period in which he was almost killed. He had regrouped himself and now had a more human-like appearance, looking a lot like his murdered New Mutants friend, Doug Ramsey. Magus attacked his son again and, though Magus was extremely powerful, Warlock had grown wiser over the years and was capable of defeating his father with the help of the Avengers. It seemed Magus was defeated for good.

X-Force: Necrosha

Although Magus was defeated by the Avengers and his own son Warlock, an offspring of his was found and reactivated by longtime New Mutants enemy Selene, whom used it to revive some of the X-Men's greatest advisories. The offspring was killed soon after, but Selene used Magus' technology-like corps to later resurrect every fallen mutant on Genosha.

Powers & Abilities

Magus is comparable in power with Galactus while fully charge with lifeglow. Magus is a metamorph, able to alter his shape into any form, height, or extension he desires. He can extend any portion of his body, including optical sensors, modify any part of his body to form plugs, supports, and vehicles - including spaceships. He can alter his entire body to form anything that is organic or mechanical. If portions of his body are destroyed, he can re-grow that part. Magus can project convincing holographic images of any object in his memory banks. He also has a cloak against all forms of electronic tracking, psionics, or physical tracking powers or talents. He may learn new languages almost instantaneously due to a type of telepathy. Magus can heal himself by touching his victims, which alters their DNA structure with the "techno-organic" virus, or “transmode virus,” converting it into an organism like himself. He may then drain the energy of these converted organisms for sustenance.

Alternate Realities


The Magus was never defeated by Warlock and instead became Magus 2099 and infected Doctor Doom's new Latveria population. However, it nearly killed them all until Doom figured out to use a young mutant with the ability to upgrade mechanisms and infected with the techno-organic virus in order to control the spread of the Phalanx. However the young mutant was succumbing to the hive-mind and instead of allowing another Phalanx invasion, Spider-Man 2099 give him his suit which was made out of unstable particles that prevented the spread of the infection in the boy. The Magus 2099 was later defeated by combination of Doom and Spider-Man 2099, but the young mutant curses Doom for using him in his plans.


August 1984

September 1984

November 1984

April 1985

December 1986

January 1987

April 1987

November 1996

January 1997

February 1997

March 1997

October 1999

January 2000

April 2000

May 2000

June 2000

May 2008

June 2008

October 2008

November 2008

May 2014

June 2014












Enemy teams