
Magnetic Man

Magnetic Man

Magnetic Man was a former criminal who was put into jail by Spider-Man. Six Years Later, Magnetic Man tried to rob another bank, but Peter Parker got him a job instead.

Magnetic Man
Real name:
  • Magnetic man
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Magnetism
First issue:
Spider-Man: Big Time (2010) #10 The Choice


Magnetic Man was a individual who, after a couple successful bank robberies using his enhanced technology, was caught by Spider-Man and put in jail for six years. After those years, he got out of jail somewhat early for good behaviour but found out how hard life was being away from your family for six years. He now didn't know much about the evolution of technology around him, or about his own daughter! No one would hire him either due to his major criminal record, so he decided to turn back to a life of crime for one last heist to pay the bills for his home.


Magnetic Man was created by Frank Tieri and Javier Rodriguez as a back up story to Amazing Spider-man #662.

Major Story Arcs

Amazing Spider-Man #662 - The Choice

During Magnetic Man's last heist at a bank, he was confronted by Peter Parker who overheard Magnetic Man state that he didn't want to rob the bank, but he had to to support his family. Parker stated that if he didn't want to he wouldn't have to. Parker then gave Magnetic Man a card to Horizon Labs and told him they might need some work there and due to his incredible engineering skills he would get the job, regardless of a criminal record. Magnetic Man then cried and called his wife, telling her that he finally got a job.

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Powers & Abilities

Magnetic Man is significantly intelligent when it comes to engineering, and was able to design gloves that could allow him to control anything that could be manipulated via magnetic forces. He is smart enough to get a job at Horizon Labs, a place where only some of the brightest minds work there (through Peter gave this invite out partly out of pity)

Weapons & Equipment

Magnetic Man created a pair of gloves that allow him to control or bend anything that is magnetic: this seemed to be to a far lesser extent than the likes of beings like Magneto, and the technology used for this power was quite outdated by modern standards.


July 2011




