
Lindsay McCabe

Lindsay McCabe

Lindsay McCabe is an actress and is Spider-Woman's (Jessica Drew) best friend. She also spent time with Wolverine in Madripoor.

Lindsay McCabe
Real name:
Lindsay McCabe
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Intellect
  • Stamina
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat

Brief History

Meeting Spider-Woman

Lindsay McCabe is a close friend of Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew). She is an actress, having starred in a number of B-movies and a short-lived television series prior to meeting Jessica. She joined the Hatros Clinic, a "center for emotional studies", in attempt to improve her emotional stability and her acting skills. There she met Jessica who was trying to cope with her isolation from mainstream humanity. Drew's pheromones made women she met act instinctively hostile to her. Lindsay was the first not affected this way and the two soon became best friends and then roommates. They left the Clinic behind them.

Lindsay working in Madripoor
Lindsay working in Madripoor

Lindsay pursued further acting studies while Jessica a career as a private detective. Lindsay came to realize Jessica was leading a double-life as Spider-Woman but chose to stay silent about it. Until a person from said double-life came visiting and almost killed Lindsay. She was Viper and Jessica soon confided about her life to a bedridden Lindsay. Jessica eventually lost her powers but kept at her career as a detective. Lindsay was unable to work away from home due to the lingering effects of her injuries. She took to greeting Jessica's clients and keeping her schedule, effectively acting as her friend's secretary.

Upon full recovery, Lindsay became Jessica's new partner and a detective in her own right. The two spent some time in Madripoor, maintaining a friendly relationship with Wolverine. Jessica regained some of her powers during this period.

Back In Marvel Comics

After being absent in Marvel Comics for over a decade, Lindsay returned to assist Jessica with her son, Gerry Drew, and to provide overall support for her friend adventures. It is unknown why Jessica and Lindsay are only seeing each other again now, but Lindsay is still an actress. She babysat Gerry and even had to protect him when some bad guys came after them. Thankfully, Jessica arrived just in time to take over Lindsay's fight and Lindsay accompanied Jessica, her niece Rebecca Marchand, and her son to Rebecca's safe house.

Devil's Reign

Shortly after reappearing in Jessica's life, Lindsay was hired as a stuntwoman to be the stunt double of a lead actress in a movie. When Jessica visited her on set, she performed a dangerous stunt, before a gang from Madripoor burst in, sent for Lindsay. It was revealed that she had stolen something from someone from Madripoor and she and Jessica fought the gang. Afterwards, Jessica left to get snacks and Lindsay went to her trailer. When Jessica returned, intent on learning more about Lindsay's connection to Madripoor, she found the van damaged, Lindsay gone, and a cryptic message written on the mirror.

Later, Lindsay recovered from being kidnapped and was treated by a doctor. When Jessica came to visit her, Lindsay told her that she knew "it wasn't her". It would be later revealed that Veranke had kidnapped Lindsay, impersonating Jessica, and Lindsay had known that Veranke wasn't really Jessica.

Personal Data

  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Ginger, naturally blonde


  • Citizenship: American
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Occupations: Actress, Private Investigator, Bartender

Powers and Abilities

Lindsay has no powers, but has a good amount of abilities.

She used to be a bartender and is currently an actress, so she presumably has mixology, acting, memorization, and good people skills. Lindsay also used to be a Private Investigator so that would mean she has to have detective and spy-like skills and is good at stunts. Also, as evidenced in Spider-Woman #15 and Spider-Woman #17, Lindsay is an experienced and capable fighter.


May 1979

August 1979

October 1979

December 1979

January 1980

March 1980

April 1980

January 1981

February 1981

March 1981

April 1981

June 1981

August 1981

October 1981

December 1981

February 1982

April 1982

June 1982

August 1982

December 1982

February 1983

April 1983

June 1983

February 1984

September 1984

March 1986

June 1986

August 1988

November 1988

December 1988















