
Lightning Fist

Lightning Fist

Lightning Fist was a member of the Wicked Brigade, a group of Spider-Man villains.

Lightning Fist
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Electricity Control
  • Unarmed Combat

Not too much is known of Lightning Fist before he joins the Wicked Brigade and comes into conflict with Spider Man. Razor Wire calls Lightning Fist a silent associate of the Brigade because he rarely speaks. A bounty was placed on Spider Man and the Wicked Brigade wanted to collect. Spider Man easily disposed two Brigade members named the Squid and Ms. Fortune before he meets Lightning Fist, Razor Wire and Ogre. The remaining trio attack Spider Man but they are suddenly struck down by a villain named Master Monarch.

Lightning Fist, Razor Wire and Ogre reappear on the island nation of Taino as members of the highly trained super security force of Roxxon Blackridge. An airborne zombie virus was threatening the residents of Taino after the Zombie, Simon Garth and Z-Pool (zombie Deadpool) escaped quarantine from the ARMOR agency. The trio was responsible of protecting and defending the property of the Sandal Resorts Corporation from locals after evacuation. The trio encounter Simon Garth with Z-Pool's head and Ogre asked them if they need medical attention. They are suddenly bombarded by the infected rain caused by the necro-cloud and reduced to a pile of blood, guts and bones. The cloud took various parts of the super-humans and resurrected them as one super powered zombie. The zombie used Lightning Fist's electrical power to blow off one of the Man-Thing's arms. The zombie then used Ogre's strength to impale the Man-Thing with a streetlamp post and hoisted him above the ground. The Man-Thing was exposed to the deadly rain and he began to dissolve. The zombie came after the Midnight Sons but was killed by a resurrected Man-Thing and his burning touch.

Powers & Abilities:

Lightning Fist can surround his fists with electricity and shock his opponents when he strikes them. He can also fire electricity blasts from his hands for range attacks. It is unknown how he produces his electrical powers. Whether he is a mutant or gained his abilities through mechanical or artificial means are unknown.


April 2000

August 2009





