
Lady Hellbender

Lady Hellbender

An alien warrior who captures monster of different planets.

Lady Hellbender
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Swordsmanship


Lady Hellbender is the Monster Queen of Seknaf Nine.


Lady Hellbender was created by Frank Cho and Greg Pak for their 2016 run on The Totally Awesome Hulk.

Major Story Arcs

Cho Time

For more information see: The Totally Awesome Hulk

Lady Hellbender makes her first appearance on Earth just after Cho, as the new Hulk defeats Gnasher and Gasher, two monsters terrorizing New Zealand. Lady Hellbender wastes no time attacking Cho, She Hulk and Spider-man.

She seems to be beating the heroes until Maddy Cho comes to the aid of her brother. This forces Lady Hellbender to turn her attention to the teenage genius. This course of actions earns Lady Hellbender the full rage of the new Hulk, and if not for She-Hulk stepping in Lady Hellbender may have been killed.

Once everyone calms down, Lady Hellbender calls on her ship, Command Ship Destromundo, and shows the heroes her collection of monsters. She then reveals her mission is to collect all the monsters and take them back to Seanad Nine where they can be free. She emits she came to Earth to catch the greatest monste, Fin Fang Foom.

Lady Hellbender sits back while Cho fights Fin Fang Foom, and once he proves he is much more the monster then Foom she captures him with help of a mind control devise. Back on her ship Lady Hellbender releases the other monster and plans on taking Cho back with her but he soon escape and fights the other monsters.

This time after Cho defeats the monsters Lady Hellbender leaves Earth, but not before kissing Cho goodbye and offering to return if he ever wants to truly let the monster inside him out.

Monsters Unleashed

Lady Hellbender is on an "unknown planet in a distant star system" fighting the guards of the Chitauri Circus, when she is hailed by Madday Cho, back on Earth. Maddy needs information about a monster that is preparing to attack Earth. Lady Hellbender agrees to tell Maddy all she knows if Maddy helps her on her mission.

After Maddy agrees, Lady Hellbender slays more guards and with Maddy's direction finds the main ring of the Chitauri Circus, and there frees the monsters the circus had been using in gladiator style combat. Lady Hellbender takes the monster in her ship and thanks Maddy, even liking her powers to the Hulk. Then when Maddy asks what to do about the Leviathons, Lady Hellbenderonly advise is to evacuate Earth, quickly.


February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

May 2017

July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

October 2017

September 2019






