
Jimmy Crawley

Jimmy Crawley

Jimmy Crawley was the son of Bertrand Crawley. He took up the name The Slasher in the hopes of finding and killing his father.

Jimmy Crawley
Real name:
Jimmy Crawley
  • The Slasher
Birth date:

"Then you're not the one! You're just like all the others! Another liar! Another harvest of lies reaped by the blade of truth! Stinkin' lousy liar... even their blood's dirty. Thanks for the light, friend. Find it. I'll find it. Somewhere. Somehow. Some way..." -- Jimmy Crawley. The Slasher.

All Jimmy could remember of his father was that he was a drunk and always argued with his mother. Shortly after the separation of his parents, his mother passed away with reasons unknown. After that, he forever blamed his father.

Having found out his father was a homeless man, he figured by killing enough bums he would eventually find and kill Bertrand Crawley. And so he pulled on a mask, called himself The Slasher and carried a sickle. Newspapers called him "The Skid-Row Slasher".

The Slasher killed a homeless man by the name of Reno Eddie, whom happened to be a close friend of Bertrand Crawley's.

The following night, Jimmy had come across his father without even realising it. Bertrand tried escaping but The Slasher had managed to cut across his forearms.

A trap was set by Moon Knight and Jimmy was arrested for his murders. During the court hearing, Bertrand had realised The Slasher (Jimmy), was his own son and so denied having seen anything. Jimmy was mad that he had let his father escape him and tried to attack Bertrand. He managed to escape the courtroom after shooting a bailiff.

Moon Knight confronted Jimmy on a rooftop and Jimmy continued to back away. He slipped and fell over the edge, plummeting to his death.


December 1980



Died in issues

