
Jemiah the Analyzer

Jemiah the Analyzer

Jemiah the Analyzer is a member of the race of cosmic beings known as Celestials. He has been a part of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of the Celestial hosts that have visited Earth and other planets that the Celestials have conducted their genetic experiments on.

Jemiah the Analyzer
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Astral Projection
  • Blast Power
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Divine Powers
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Energy Shield
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Genetic Manipulation
  • Healing
  • Illusion Casting
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Invisibility
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Longevity
  • Matter Absorption
  • Omni-lingual
  • Power Suit
  • Probability Manipulation
  • Psionic
  • Psychic
  • Reality Manpulation
  • Size Manipulation
  • Stamina
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Teleport


Little is known about Jemiah the Analyzer, he stands at 2000ft. tall, and appears like a green and blue armored celestial giant. The Analyzer's function as a Celestial is to analyze the progression and activities of the civilizations that the Celestials have conducted in their many genetic experiments, and report them to the leader of the Celestial hosts, Arishem the Judge. He also often directly analyzes samples obtained by his fellow Celestial Gammenon the Gatherer. Like his fellow Celestials, Jemiah possesses incalculable levels of power, capable of eradicating untold worlds with no more effort than it would take a human being to crush an ant. While observing a planet inhabited by the Skrulls, they feared his presence meant doom for their world, and when he refused to even acknowledge or respond to the pleas of the Skrulls supreme leader to communicate and offer an explanation as to why he was towering over their capital city, the Skrull leader ordered his troops to unleash a volley of doomsday missiles upon him, erupting in a devastating mushroom cloud explosion. Once the smoke had cleared, there the ever-silent Celestial stood, unmoved, unharmed, and quite possibly unaware of the insignificant attack set against him just moments before.  

It was later revealed that Jemiah the Analyzer was one of five co- conspirators, along with Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezarr the Calculator and Arishem the Judge to attack and remove Tiamut the Communicator (also known as the Dreaming Celestial) during the 2nd Celestial host on Earth, and implicate him as betraying the Celestials, when in fact, it was they who had betrayed him, finally overpowering as well as silencing Tiamut and sealing him in one of Earths mountains. 


The Celestial Jemiah the Analyzer is a Marvel comics book character created by Jack Kirby first appearing in The Eternals #7 released in 1977. The Celestials as a concept bare some resemblance to the real life author Erich von Däniken projections of giant space gods who have influenced and directed humanity, and whose influence and handiwork can be revealed in ancient carvings, symbols and monuments, particularly in South America. 

Powers and Abilities

Jemiah the Analyzer like many of the Celestials is an extremely powerful god like being, possessing incalculable levels of strength, durability, speed and energy projection. Enormous in stature, up to 2000 feet in height, he possesses the ability to manipulate reality control energy and rearrange matter. They can teleport themselves or vast objects across vast distances. Although near invulnerable, in the rare case of being injured or harmed, the Jemiah the Analyzer like all Celestials will regenerate near instantaneously. Capable of withstanding earth shattering blows, and easily dismiss nuclear bombs, the Analyzer also possesses the ability to generate energy blasts that are of an earth shattering level and higher. There is an unknown connection between the Celestials and Hyperspace. It is possible that Hyperspace is the origin of the Celestials vast powers. Jemiah the Analyzer task is to analyze samples that are collected by his fellow Celestial Gammenon the Gatherer.
Physical Characteristics 
Height: 2000' 0" 
Weight: Varies 
Hair: None 
Eyes: None 

Alternate Versions


Jemiah the Analyzer appears alongside fellow Celestial Gammenon the Gatherer, in this alternate reality that features in the Exiles series. The two Celestials battle Ego the Living planet and also assist Exiles leader Blink.  


Jemiah the Analyzer appears in this reality. Also known as Earth X, Celestials appear to have much more involvement with the Universe, with their origins in this alternate reality explored in greater depth. Galactus also has an altered role as a counter balance to the Celestials. 


January 1977

June 1979

October 1980

October 1987

November 1987

April 1988

January 1990

August 1990

September 1990

February 1992

January 2000

April 2000

June 2000

December 2004

April 2008

January 2009

July 2010

February 2012



















Friendly teams

Enemy teams