
Jake Oh

Jake Oh

Former SHIELD Agent, current Eaglestar military contractor and new friend of James Rhodes. He helps with medical complications and has worn the War Machine armor to help Rhodey.

Jake Oh
Real name:
Jake Oh
  • War Machine Mark 3.0
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Marksmanship
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master

An ally for James Rhodes' war on anybody that needs taken care of. He was technically a member of Rhodey's medical "staff" who, along with the rest of the posse, aided Jim Rhodes on his never ending mission. While James fought a one man war against the forces in Santo Marco, Jake Oh was working with a corrupt arms dealing company known as Eaglestar. Jake and James's journey together began while War Machine was searching for an old friend of his, Glenda Sandoval, with the help of her husband and former War Machine wearer/thief; Parnell. Rhodey fought to save her while Jake and his fellow soldiers kept her detained and often brutalized her with no remorse, but Jake however was actually concerned for her well being. Eventually after War Machine assimilates a tank and fights Ares in a losing battle, only to assimilate with a jet sent in by Parnell while Jake tends to Glenda, inevitably meeting up with Rhodey himself alongside Glendas captor, Eaglestar CEO Davis Hamon. Davis leads them all down a corridor to a vault containing his most powerful weapon, a test bed for some of the most dangerous contraband that Eaglestar had been experimenting with. Glenda kills Davis and Ares ego leads him to unleashing Davis's secret weapon, a great many people infected with an Ultimo based T-O virus. War Machine, Ares, Jake and his squad kill those infected (even Glenda). War Machine angered about Ares killing Glenda attacks him but they are interrupted by Jake fleeing from the self healing Ultimo infected, which now include the remainder of his former squad. At risk of the infected reaching a large city all three engage the infected but it ends with War Machine damaged and Ares infected. War Machine and Jake had prepared prior to their assault on the infected, who are now led by Ares and have reached the city. Jake accompanies Rhodey on the attack and after curing those who are infected Rhodey, Jake, Parnell, Glenda, Bethany Cabe and Suzi Endo come together to help Rhodey/War Machine bring the fight to America. The teams first stop is Rhodeys mothers house on Navajo land which is protected by Jason Strongbow A.K.A American Eagle. While Rhodey is talking with his mother Jake and the team confront American Eagle which ends with Jake getting a broken nose. after five minutes inside War Machine (actually Jake) tries talking American Eagle down but after a quick bout Jake is revealed just as the real War Machine flies ovear head on his way to attack Mackelroy Army Base to destroy more Ultimo tech. As Jake and company follow Rhodey to the next target, Jake still in armor, starts contemplating his own alias his best attempt is War Machina.


October 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

April 2010

September 2016

November 2016

December 2016

January 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

November 2017

July 2019

February 2021

May 2023











