
Iron Fist 1,000,000 BC

Iron Fist 1,000,000 BC

Born one million years ago in the sacred city of K'un-Lun, Fan Fei was the first person ever to defeat the dragon Shou-Lao and win the power of the Iron Fist.

Iron Fist 1,000,000 BC
Real name:
Fan Fei
  • Fan Fei
Birth date:
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Intellect
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:


Fan Fei slays Shou Lao
Fan Fei slays Shou Lao

Fan Fei was born and raised in the heavenly city, K'un-Lun. At the age of 15, she was caught teaching kung fu to the cavemen beyond K'un-Lun's borders. To punish Fei, her students were fed to Shou Lao. Angry, she jumped in the dragon's pit so she could punch Shou Lao once before dying, however, she managed to slay the dragon and win the power of the Iron Fist. For killing their sacred dragon, Fei was exiled from her home.


Fan Fei first appeared in Marvel Legacy #1 as a member of the Avengers 1,000,000 BC, a major player in Jason Aaron's Avengers plans with Marvel's oldest heroic mantles.

Major Story Arcs


Fan Fei vs The Alpha Gorilla
Fan Fei vs The Alpha Gorilla

As she traveled the outside world, she defended the weak humans from the Man-Apes, but vowed never to train them again. This got the attention of Mephisto, who visited her in the form of a snake. When she refused his partnership, Mephisto offered his help to the Alpha Gorgilla instead, gifting him the Power Gem to even the odds against Fei.

Fei was injured badly in her fight with the Alpha Gorgilla. So much so, she wandered back to K'un-Lun where she was welcomed back with open arms. Shou Lao was resurrected, and her actions had revealed his true nature to her people. She refused their newfound kindness and continued traveling the world defending the weak.

Avengers 1,000,000 BC

Fei was approached by Firehair for her team of champions to defend the mortals of Earth against a Celestial, named Zgreb, who was simply looking for a Celestial that landed on Earth before any of these Avengers were even born.

She would stay with the team for many battles including ones against: the first Moon Knight, a young Thanos, and an army combined of Frost Giants and Negative Zone insects. They would disband after Black Panther's death at the hands of the Frost Giants, only to reunite briefly when the son of Odin, Thor, was being born.


Injured Fei squares up against King Killmonger
Injured Fei squares up against King Killmonger

Fei kept fighting the good fight without her fellow Avengers, but she couldn't do it alone. She partnered with one-time rival of the Avengers, the first Moon Knight. Agamotto tracked the two down to a lush garden whose residents they were just protecting. He recruited both of them for an Avengers reunion after he had a nasty confrontation with Mephisto.

Agamotto cast a spell that teleported them to the present day Avengers, who were currently travelling through time tracking Mephisto's attempts to stop the mantles from reaching the present. Agamotto intended for them to become allies, but when he is attacked by an unseen force, his team blames The Avengers and start brawling. As the dust settles, Doom Supreme and his mutliversal Masters of Evil reveal themselves.

After Agamotto and Vnn are injured by Doom, the two Avengers teams finally band together to put a stop to these Masters. However, Doom used this fight as a distraction to sneak away and unite with an army of his own variants, which he planned to lead on The God Quarry. In defense, Avenger Prime, a sorcerer supreme variant of Loki, cast a spell bringing Fan and the other Avengers to The God Quarry as part of a multiversal army of Avengers to stand guard.

An army of Dooms wanted to take control of Loki's Avengers Tower, but Mephisto wanted to break through the barrier of the quarry to the raw energy leftover by the previous cosmos. After stopping both Doom and Mephisto, Fei, Moon Knight, and Agamotto returned to their proper time and vowed to recruit new superhumans to stand ready to protect their world.


Mutant Intellect: Fei seemingly had an intelligence that was relatively larger than most of her species. She was seemingly able to communicate with the nonverbal Starband on her team.

Chi Manipulation: Having dipped her hands into the heart of Shou-Lao, Fei is able to channel her chi into a single point on her body, usually her fists. This increases their strength and durability and causes them to glow with yellow energy. With focus, she should also be able to channel her chi to injuries, allowing them to heal faster than usual.


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