
Iric Brorson

Iric Brorson

The first born of an Asgardian palace guard and the powerful sorceress Enchantress, Iric is an Asgardian enrolled in Strange Academy.

Iric Brorson
Real name:
Iric Brorson
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Magic
First issue:
Strange Academy #1 Director’s Cut Edition (2020) #1


Iric Brorson is the first born of an Asgardin palace guard and the villainous, Enchantress. He and his twin brother, Alvi, were kidnapped as infants due to their mother making multiple Faustian deals for her first born child, which she had intended never to have. Enchantress requested hep from Doctor Strange,w ho vowed to protect Iric as long as he lived. As teens, they decided to enroll at Doctor Strange's new school, The Strange Academy.


Iric debuted in the first issue of Strange Academy by Skottie Young and Humberto Ramos

Major Story Arcs

Asgard Field Trip

When the Strange Academy went on a field trip to Asgard, Iric peeled off from the group to speak to Enchantress, currently imprisoned. Doyle Dormammu followed him to get dirt on him. The two had been feuding, especially over their shared feelings for Emily Bright. When Doyle overheard them and learned Enchantress was his mother, he briefly became spiteful as Iric often bullied him for being the son of The Dread Dormammu. That spite very quickly became empathy. Doyle understood what it was like to be the child of a villain and promised Iric he would keep his secret.

The Death of Doctor Strange

Map of Weirdworld
Map of Weirdworld

After Doctor Strange was murdered, the sorcerer Pulsari was freed from his petrified stone form and came after Iric. Alvi went to his mother for answers. She told Alvi everything, and he reluctantly mounted a rescue mission with her.

They head into Weirdworld thanks to directions from The Mapmakers, who pointed them toward Toth’s home. He had apparently been evicted by Pulsari, who was now feeding off Iric’s energy to keep him fit. They also recruited a wizard-slayer by the name of Goleta. She retrieved Pulsari’s magical amulet and gave it to Alvi to destroy it, freeing Iric’s magical energy from Pulsari.

Weakened, Pulsar’s curses failed. Iric returned to full strength and Queen Blythir and her Man-Thing husband were able to move back in.


To lift Calvin Morse’s spirits after his magic jacket turned out to be Mister Misery, the gang decide to take him on a haunted walking tour of a graveyard in New Orleans. There, Zoe Laveau explains her origins and her family lineage, including a pusher of dark magic, named Gaslamp, that she once used to try and enhance her own magic. Calvin, who is now without magic, reaches out to Gaslamp so that he could be magical once again. Unfortunately, Calvin had no way of paying for Gaslamp's magic so Gaslamp turned Calvin into a dealer at the Strange Academy instead. Doctor Voodoo found him out almost immediately and expelled him.

Iric's memorial statue
Iric's memorial statue

Once Emily Bright heard this, it was the last straw. She led a student walkout, which Iric joined in. Emily eventually led them to the Dark Dimension, where she thought they could make their new headquarters. As she behaved more and more erratically, some of the other students started regretting their decision to follow her, including eventually Iric. Iric stayed on more than most, eventually leaving when Emily made a deal with Dormammu for the power to raid the academy. He warned the students of what was coming, but none of the student body was willing to abandon their new home away from home.

They successfully stood against Emily's forces, forcing her to retreat, but Iric was the only one to die in battle. He took a magic bolt meant for Doyle to stop a prophecy from occurring. In memorial, the academy commissioned a statue in his honor.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian: As an Asgardian it is assumed that he has increased strength, speed, and endurance than he appears.

Magic: Iric is a magical apprentice and is currently being trained in multiple crafts of magic.

  • Energy Blasts: His go-to offensive move is concussive energy blasts.


Doyle's Time Hop

When Doyle travels to an alternate future, he sees a showdown of adult Strange Academy students over a prophecy where either himself of Emily Bright would destroy the world while the other opposes them. Iric sided with Emily on the heroic side, clad in Asgardian armor. He and Emily were in love in this future.


March 2020

May 2020

September 2020

November 2020

December 2020

January 2021

February 2021

April 2021

May 2021

July 2021

August 2021

October 2021

January 2022

February 2022

March 2022

April 2022

May 2022

July 2022

September 2022

November 2022

December 2022

February 2023

April 2023

May 2023

June 2023

March 2024







Died in issues



