


Impulse was given his powers by the Genetech corporation, along with 4 other individuals, to form the group Psionex. Impulse's endurance, reflexes and speed were enhanced.

Real name:
Dwight Hubbard
  • Dwight Hubbard
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Gadgets
  • Poisonous
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat


Dwight Hubbard grew up in New York and became a street gang member proned towards violent tendencies. He was chosen as a test subject for the Genetech research facility which was controlled by Harmon Furmintz. The Chief Executive Officer of Genetech had a dream of creating a race of super humans so he created his team of the future he called Psionex. Hubbard became the member known as Impulse due to his psychopathic tendencies in combination with his superhuman reflexes. Psionex would take down the New Warriors when they attempted to infiltrate the Genetech facility. Impulse would use his superhuman reflexes and speed along with his poison tipped wrist blades to take down Namorita. The New Warriors were held captive until  Speedball helped them escape. Psionex and the New Warriors engaged each other in battle but they were eventually defeated. Impulse's lack of discipline and training led to his beat down by the hands of Night Thrasher. 


Impulse was created by Fabian Nicieza and Mark Bagley in 1990 and first appeared in New Warriors # 4. 

Mayor Story Arcs

All five members of Psionex remained in the Genetech facility after their defeat by the New Warriors and their project continued. Most of the members would improve and enhance their superhuman potential but their psychiatric profiles diminished. However Impulse did not alter in any way  and still displayed his psychopathic tendencies which made him a dangerous individual. Psionex decided to escape and Impulse slashed Rosen with his blades. A priority signal was sent to the New Warriors informing them that Psionex broke free from Genetech. The Warriors would appear and battle Psionex. During the fight, Furmintz felt his hopes getting shattered and unleashed the storage equipment containing the irradiated soil remains of Terrax. Furmintz provided a human host to recorporate Terrax and the former herald of Galactus threatened to kill anyone who opposed him. Asylum, Pretty Persuasion and Coronary would leave but Mathemanic and Impulse decided to stay and help the Warriors avert the threat of Terrax. During the fight, Terrax struck Impulse with a powerful blow and broke his back. Terrax would eventually be defeated by the combine forces of the New Warriors, Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer. Mathemanic and Impulse were hospitalized but Impulse would go to jail after he was healed because he had three outstanding warrants out on him.   
Psionex would reunite when Asylum begins to recruit his old teammates one by one. Asylum comes to the Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachussetts to recruit Mathemanic who was furthering his studies and enhancing his arithmetic telepathy. The two members get Pretty Persuasion who was working as a dancer in the Cheetah Club and then Coronary at the Genetech research facility. They all come to Dwight Hubbard's home who was wheelchair bound and clean since his parole. Hubbard revealed to his teammates that he has fully recovered from his injuries and has been able to walk for several weeks. Asylum persuades Hubbard to become Impulse once again and Psionex sets out to clean up the streets of New York. Over the next several days, Psionex executes hit and run assaults on crime where they get the attention from the Mayor and the New Warriors. Psionex and the New Warriors would clash when Asylum nearly kills some gang members with his darkforce abilities. The mayor of New York called in Code: Blue to break up the fight and all five members of Psionex escapes through Asylum's darkforce dimension access.  
Psionex and the New Warriors would clash on numerous occassions but now they are currently employed as members of the New Initiative and are the official sanctioned team for the state of Maryland.       

Powers and Abilities:

Impulse possesses superhuman reflexes and a degree of superhuman speed. He wears razor sharp blades on each wrists which are laced with poison that can disable and disorient his enemies.


October 1990

September 1991

October 1991

June 1992

August 1993

November 1993

June 1994

October 1994

November 1994

June 1995

September 1995

October 1995

September 2009

March 2010

May 2010










Enemy teams