
Honey Lemon

Honey Lemon

Honey Lemon is a Japanese superhero and member of the Big Hero 6, who has a power purse in which she has access to another, unknown dimension from which she can pull out all kinds of items.

Honey Lemon
Real name:
Aiko Miyazaki
  • Honey
Birth date:
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Power Item
  • Stealth


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Aiko Miyazaki was enrolled in the graduate program at the Tokyo University of Science when she was recruited by Naikaku Joho Chosashitsu (Naicho), Japan's premiere intelligence agency. Miyazaki's stunning looks and sharp intellect made her a prime candidate for secret agent status, and she was promptly placed on a research and development team consisting of Naichos top physicists, chemists, and mechanical engineers and put to work creating new technology for the government. Although Miyazaki's team was responsible for several innovations in surveillance technology, by far their most significant invention was a cluster of artificial, miniature wormholes — tiny warps and distortions in the fabric of space-time. At Miyazaki's suggestion, the wormholes were contained within an innocuous woman's purse so they could be applied in the field without attracting undue attention. It was soon discovered that the wormholes, in conjunction with Pym Particles and cutting-edge nanotechnology, served as ideal storage devices in the field — virtually any object, no matter how large, could be stored in Miyazaki's aptly-named "Power Purse" for later use.


Honey Lemon was created by Scott Lobdell and Gus Vazquez in 1998 and first appeared in Sunfire & Big Hero 6 # 1.

Major Story Arcs

Big Hero 6

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Soon after, the top-secret consortium of Japanese politicians and business entities known as the Giri began recruiting candidates for Big Hero 6, which was to become Japan's premiere super-hero team. Inspired by the exploits of Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida), Japan's national superhero, Miyazaki persuasively lobbied her superiors in Naicho for a spot on the team. Graduating to full-fledged "secret agent' status, Miyazaki adopted the codename "Honey Lemon" (inspired by her favorite television program of the same name). As the most caring and compassionate member of the team, Honey Lemon quickly found herself at odds with teammate Go-Go Tomago (Leiko Tanaka), a tough-talking ex-convict who felt that Honey Lemon received special treatment because of her looks and intellect. However, after several heated squabbles, the two eventually learned to appreciate one another and became good friends.

Powers and Abilities

Honey Lemon's Power Purse (also known as the "Nano-Purse") contains a series of miniature, artificial, interuniverse wormholes, granting her limited access to an indeterminate number of worlds and dimensions. The unstable, fluctuating nature of the wormholes makes accurate long-term mapping of them difficult. Before deploying in the field, Honey Lemon typically gathers a large arsenal of supplies, shrinks them to microscopic size using a combination of Pym Particles and cutting-edge nanotechnology, and stores them in miniature pocket universes only accessible via the Power Purse's wormholes. As such, she is able to instantaneously retrieve these items from the Power Purse and restore them to their original size while in the field.

The Power Purse's wormholes also grant access to a number of full-sized, inhabited dimensions. For instance, the Microverse planet of Coronar (homeworld of former Big Hero 6 member Sunpyre) is accessible through the Power Purse. The total number of dimensions accessible via the Power Purse has yet to be determined. Although Honey Lemon can use the Power Purse's wormholes as a method of personal transportation, she only does so in rare instances when her life is in danger, as a trip through the Power Purse is often a very unpleasant experience for carbon-based lifeforms.

Honey Lemon is a brilliant scientist who often keeps her opponents off-guard by feigning ignorance. As a secret agent of the Naicho intelligence agency, she is extensively trained in various martial arts, including aikido, judo, jujutsu, karate, Shaolin kung fu and tae kwon do.


Height: 5'7''

Weight: 126 lbs.

Eyes: Blue (originally brown)

Hair: Blonde (originally black)

In other Media


Big Hero 6

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Honey Lemon appears as one of the main characters in the Big Hero 6 film In the movie.

Television Series

Big Hero 6: The Series
In 2017, Honey Lemon began to appear as one of the main characters in Big Hero 6 animated series, voiced by Genesis Rodriguez .


September 1998

October 1998

November 1998

December 1998

January 2005

April 2005

March 2007

February 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

June 2010

November 2010

July 2012

October 2017

September 2019

November 2019

May 2020

July 2020













