
Hammer Harrison

Hammer Harrison

A former member of Satan Squad and a current member of the Enforcers.

Hammer Harrison
Real name:
Willard Harrison
Birth date:
  • Berserker Strength
  • Gadgets
  • Unarmed Combat

Hammer Harrison was a former world-class strong-man that wore gloves made out of diamond-hard steel. Harrison would be recruited by Baron Brimstone to become one of his lieutenants in his Satan Squad. An extreme contortionist named Snake Marston is also recruited into the group and the trio planned to hold dominion over the criminal underworld. Brimstone and his Satan Squad meet a man named Duke Dawson in a musty warehouse. Dawson and his men wanted the Satan Squad to prove their toughness before agreeing to work with them. Hammer Harrison easily knocks some fellows out with his powerful punches. Brimstone offers them a choice to join them and grow rich or refuse and suffer damnation eternal.

Brimstone's newly formed Satan Squad launches a number of highly specialized hijackings. Days later, Hammer Harrison and Snake Marston kidnap Pamela Quinn when Duke Dawson attempts to reveal information to her on Brimstone's next job. Machine Man finds out that Brimstone and his gang attempt to steal a solid gold bell from the Cathedral of St. Gabriella of the Highlands which would be used for shielding purposes from a powerful microwave transmitter they stole called the Sol-Mac. Machine Man quickly dispatches Snake Marston and engages with Hammer Harrison. Machine Man takes some punishment but immobilizes Hammer Harrison by pinning his arms with a section of chimney. Machine Man eventually defeats Baron Brimstone and the rest of the Satan Squad are placed into police custody.

The Arranger would form the new Enforcers which consisted of Hammer Harrison, Snake Marston, Fancy Dan, Ox and Montana to manage the Kingpin's Brooklyn extortion operation. The Enforcers would come into conflict with Spider Man and the Sandman after they shakedown his friend, Mr. Cassada because he refused to give them any money. The Enforcers would gang up on Spider Man and Hammer Harrison eventually delivers a knockout punch to the web-head. Sandman would find Harrison and the rest of the Enforcers inside an abandoned storage warehouse. Spider Man breaks free from his chains and kicks Hammer Harrison into some wooden crates. Harrison and the rest of the Enforcers are defeated by the combined might of Spider Man and the Sandman.


Hammer Harrison was created by Tom DeFalco and Steve Ditko in 1980 and first appeared in Machine Man # 16.

Abilities & Paraphernalia

Hammer Harrison is a talented boxer and formidable in hand-to-hand combat. He also wears massive gloves made out of diamond-hard steel.


August 1980

February 1984

October 1996

August 2008

August 2015









