
Goro Watanabe

Goro Watanabe

A Japanese scientist who's main focus is devices used for detecting.

Goro Watanabe
Real name:
Goro Watanabe
Birth date:

A Japanese scientist who approached Iron Man after a demonstration at Fujiyama Electronics of newly created tech that Stark Industries had been working on. He was accompanied with his assistant Toru Tarakoto and his daughter who acted as his secretary Fujiko Watanabe. He asked Iron Man if he and his employer Tony Stark would accompany them to a small island on the Sea of Japan that his team had recently been detecting electro-magnetic emissions from. Iron Man accepted but Tony Stark was tied up with other work.

The team along with Iron Man eventually made it to the island in question where they were attacked by a giant creature they called Zoga. After barely making it out of their safely Professor Watanabe and Tony Stark went to the Defense Council to tell them what had happened. The council didn't believe them.

Later Toru who Professor Watanabe and Fujiko believed to be dead returns and tells them of his escape and that Zoga was headed for Japan. Not far after this Zoga does attack and the Defense Council approves of Stark's and Watanabe's plan to stop him. Iron Man distracts Zoga while Professor Watanabe and his team build a device that can reflect Zoga's lasers back at it. The device is then setup and Iron Man narrowly manages to dodge a laser beam that then bounces off Watanabe's device and hits Zoga causing it to crash.

When the group inspect the crash they find the Monster Master who had been driving Zoga the entire time. Upon unmasking the Monster Master they discover that it was non other than Toru. Toru wanted to rule Japan and to remove Americans from his land at any cost.


October 1970


