
Fat Cobra

Fat Cobra

Fat Cobra is the Immortal Weapon of Peng Lai Island one of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven. His size and strength are only outclassed by his speed.

Fat Cobra
Real name:
  • Immortal Weapon
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Blast Power
  • Electricity Control
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Invulnerability
  • Magic
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Vibration Wave


The man who would become Fat Cobra was born 111 years ago on Peng Lai Island and had a very hard life despite being born in one of the seven capital cities of Heaven. His mother died during childbirth and his father, a pig farmer, couldn't possibly take care of such an immense baby, he needed eight women to nurse him every day. When he was only three months old he was left at the orphanage and his father disappeared but the orphanage also had trouble meeting the child's needs. When he was 2 years old it was decided that the child would be banished from Peng Lai Island and he was placed in a basket and set adrift from the Island.

As a boy he was taken in by a Peking Opera school where he received training in singing, dance, acrobatics and his first exposure to martial arts. As the most promising young opera singer in all of China he saw the world, slept with many beautiful women, drank beer halls dry and in 1924 first killed a man during a drunken argument. His career as an opera singer was finished but his hunger for violence had just begun. Under different assumed names he fought for both sides in during the Chinese Civil War with a natural skill in tactics and warfare both sides wishing to make him a general. Instead he bought his way back into Peng Lai and Iron-Crutch Khan's school of Kung Fu.

Fat Cobra Food Skill
Fat Cobra Food Skill

Iron-Crutch Khan was harder on him than the other students and refused to believe that the so called 'Fat Cobra' could possibly beat the serpent Xiang Yao and become the Cobra warrior. He did face the serpent but lost terribly washing up on the Chinese mainland beaten to a pulp, partially eaten, barely alive and exiled from Peng Lai Island again. In the 1930's Fat Cobra became the sidekick of renowned monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone and then worked with Union Jack to battle Nazi's. Though he was invited to join the Kid Commandos alongside Bucky and Toro he chose to sit out the rest of the war. Finding his way to Hollywood he appeared in several films, played defensive end for the Giants before joining an underground fighting circuit.

After this his life became even weirder, he beat Volstagg and Hercules in an eating contest in Olympus, introduced Elvis to Kung Fu and fighting alongside Nick Fury against Russian werewolves on the moon. After all this combat experience he attempted to defeat Xiang Yao again but was ripped in half by the serpent and slowly recovered in a SHIELD medical facility where his legs and vertebrae slowly regenerated. Over the years the children he had produced from his numerous sexual conquests began searching him out to kill him for abandoning their mothers but he managed to kill them all. Every single child who came for him whether alone of in groups he defeated and in killing them became warrior enough to defeat Xiang Yao and become the Immortal Weapon of Peng Lai.

Most of these events are buried deep in his mind with little or no recollection of them, partially because of guilt, partially his many years fighting and partially because of the vast amounts of intoxicants he's consumed.


Fat Cobra was created by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and David Aja in 2007 and first appeared in The Immortal Iron Fist # 8.

Major Story Arcs

Wolverine: Goodbye Chinatown

The oracles of Peng Lai warned of great trouble deep in the Earth, so Fat Cobra went to investigate. Perhaps he should have asked for more explicit directions, for he soon became lost in a maze of tunnels. He wandered the maze looking for way out, subsisting on cave moss, warm puddles of cave water, and at one time an entire dragon. Three days after eating the dragon he came across another, this one was dragging Wolverine and Gorilla-Man.

After knocking the dragon out with, with one punch, Fat Cobra learns that Wolverine and Gorilla-Man are in the tunnels tracking down Jade Claw, and Fat Cobra offers his assistance. The three heroes then are purposely eaten by a trio of dragons and sneak into Jade Claw's compound inside the dragons stomachs. Once inside the compound they force the dragons to vomit them up, and the three fight Jade Claw's security and her hired assassins. Fat Cobra personally fights Rock of the Buddha, and defeats him easily.

After the battle Fat Cobra joins Wolverine topside at Harry's Hideaway, in Salem Center. There he is approached by Master Po and Yuen Yee, about becoming the new Black Dragon. The Black Dragon, was the title that Wolverine had before leaving San Francisco, and is the title given to the head of the Chinatown Underground. It is unclear if Fat Cobra accepted the offer due to the uncertainty of the number of wenches he would receive.


While in Las Vegas fighting Mephisto, Iron Fist is woken by Fat Cobra who has found the hero passed out in the street. The pair fight demons until Fat Cobra informs Iron Fist that he heard Iron Fist is fighting 24 warriors in 24 hours at the casino nearby. The two warriors go to investigate and learn it's Iron Fist Mentor fighting for his soul.

Fat Cobra hangs around to watch the fight and learns his mother, who died in child birth is in hell. He agrees to help Iron Fist save his mothers soul by fighting along side Iron Fist and his mentor. The heroes defeat the demons and Fat Cobra's mother returns to the land of the living.

Signature Techniques

Sumo Thunder Stomp

Cudgel or Misfortune

Whirlwind of Impending Doom

Exquisite Speed Release

Stomping Giant Slap

Heaven's Haymaker

Thunder Devil Stomp


October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

February 2008

May 2008

June 2008

August 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

June 2010

November 2010

December 2010

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

October 2011

December 2011

January 2012

June 2012

July 2012




















Friendly teams

Enemy teams